
Engaged Member
Mar 31, 2022
then why is it in the tagline?
Below, I have quoted the dev's "tags" from the OP under the Genre: Spoiler section.
3dcg, male protagonist, female protagonist, sci-fi, big ass, big tits, adventure, fantasy
What you see above the title are assigned by the F95zone site and cannot be changed by the author!
Again, those tags are assigned by the site and cannot be changed by the developer! There IS one transgendered character in this title. She was born a male and transitioned fully as a female, not a girl with a cock and balls or a futa aka futanari fantasy characterization (total fantasy, does NOT exist in reality.) ALL of the characters in this story are based on real humans with real humanity. One of them was born a man and transitioned fully as a woman so the site tagged this title with the "futa/trans" tag as a result. As long as that character continues to exist in this game and the current site definitions of "futa/trans" remain the same, that tag WILL REMAIN atop this title!

You have two choices... you can grasp that reality and enjoy this game or go find something else you may enjoy more. That is as plainly and politely as I can explain this, my friend.

Adventure ever on, Phat:cool:(y)

PS: The red letters above are copied directly from the OP above title tags. They are hyperlinks to the F95zone definitions of those tags. You can click the links above or on the top of any title's OP for F95zone specific details on how they determine what tag goes on which title. I hope this helps you. Peace out;)
Last edited:
Jul 19, 2020
The question of it being "worth it" is much harder to answer. If it were one LI, it would most likely be a male MC and a female LI. I suspect that Avaron (for instance) would have enjoyed it, but not as much as she is enjoying the FF content in this.
If that were the case for Toro 7 I'd have had to pass over it, I just cannot play male mc porn/ero games so I'm really glad that there's the option for a female protagonist here (and also extremely pleased with the lesbian options too ♥ )


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2019
Absolutely, I would have enjoyed it either way, the story and characters are still great. I do love the fact it has content for my tastes though, can't deny that.

It's not just the sex either, certain things hit differently. Take Aisha for instance. Following her story from the start she goes into some details of what she's been through while transitioning and what people have put her through. Her first sex scene is great following that narrative. To see her finally find a bit of happiness after how terrible her life has been adds to the scene. I loved her story more because I could put myself in the MC's place, I can't do that from a male MC's perspective so it did hit me more.

Same with Mali. I played through her route and thought she was a really good character and her scenes were hot. It did make me appreciate the MC choice for that.

I know the majority of the audience is male so I certainly don't expect an MC choice in every game but it does make me appreaciate it more when I do.

I've enjoyed the occasional lesbian scene when i've got them in previous games like RfJ and transitions, but loved being able to play a FF route in Life Changes. It wasn't just being able to choose, it was such a good route too, I really enjoyed it.

I know the "main" games like the Elsaverse stuff is going to be male lead and those are still some of my fave stories but I am grateful you guys took a couple of chances and gave us stuff like this and Life Changes.

She had top and bottom surgery. Fully transitioned from male to female, her backstory is well worth reading through.
That's when Devs put so much love in the world building and narrative.
Below, I have quoted the dev's "tags" from the OP under the Genre: Spoiler section.

What you see above the title are assigned by the F95zone site and cannot be changed by the author!

Again, those tags are assigned by the site and cannot be changed by the developer! There IS one transgendered character in this title. She was born a male and transitioned fully as a female, not a girl with a cock and balls or a futa aka futanari fantasy characterization (total fantasy, does NOT exist in reality.) ALL of the characters in this story are based on real humans with real humanity. One of them was born a man and transitioned fully as a woman so the site tagged this title with the "futa/trans" tag as a result. As long as that character continues to exist in this game and the current site definitions of "futa/trans" remain the same, that tag WILL REMAIN atop this title!

You have two choices... you can grasp that reality and enjoy this game or go find something else you may enjoy more. That is as plainly and politely as I can explain this, my friend.

Adventure ever on, Phat:cool:(y)

PS: The red letters above are copied directly from the OP above title tags. They are hyperlinks to the F95zone definitions of those tags. You can click the links above or on the top of any title's OP for F95zone specific details on how they determine what tag goes on which title. I hope this helps you. Peace out;)
The best explanation possible
Dec 7, 2020
I'm definitively very happy that there's a lesbian MC. In my case, it's possible that I would not have paid attention to the game if that option didn't exist... or perhaps I would have played it anyway, since there are games like for example Exiles, with a male MC, that I decided to try and have enjoyed a lot. But in any case it would be less likely that I would have tried this great game. So I really appreciate that there was the option. I actually think they should have gone all-in and have a gay male MC option too.

The game is very well written, beyond the sex and relationships. There's the setting, the intrigue, etc. In fact, I don't discard trying the male MC and straight woman routes too to know more about the main cast and the setting.

One thing I just don't fully get is our transgendered LI... She WAS a man who prefers women and had a full transition to become a woman so she could be a lesbian... That just doesn't compute in my heterosexual man's brain!
It's actually very simple, there's gender identity, male or female (well, there's non-binary people too, but let's keep things simple) and there's a SEPARATE thing: sexual preferences: heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual.

So combine gender identity with sexual preferences and you can understand Aisha identifying as a woman and being homosexual.

There are gay trans men too, by the way.
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New Member
Dec 10, 2018
It's unquestionably the case that doing a game with multiple LIs takes more development time than doing a game with one LI. Needing to do 9 sex scenes for this episode certainly impacted us.

The question of it being "worth it" is much harder to answer. If it were one LI, it would most likely be a male MC and a female LI. I suspect that Avaron (for instance) would have enjoyed it, but not as much as she is enjoying the FF content in this.

I'm pretty sure I won't do another 9 LI game after this, but it's important to me that I find ways to have content that appeals to my whole audience. I'm always up for suggestions and clever mechanisms for how I can go about that.

It's not the first time someone tried to implement multiple genders or multiple paths in one game. Most times it's done poorly and eventually ends up with those games never being finished due to unmanagable complexity. That's why I pointed out that it's done very well in this game. It's obviously a very hard thing to do.

The "problem" (if you want to call it that) with this game might be, that you're doing both in one game. So you add complexity by allowing multiple genders but on top of that you add even more complexity with multiple relationship options for each gender selection.

As a player I don't mind playing a game multiple times with different choices to see different content, like it was done in "Saving Cloe" (I think). It bothers me a little bit in this case though because the content is basically the same, just with a different gender/npc combination. That leads to a lot of "skipping". It feels like the game is meant to be played once with your preferred gender and preferred npc - But then it's really short.

What could be done better imo?

Well first of all, as I said, it's really hard to implement either of those two things. So there might not be a perfect solution. And also this is obiously only my opinion so nothing to take too serious.

To tackle the gender issue I think a better option would be to just have multiple main characters and play the game from different point of views. So have an episode for example that drives the story forward, but have the episode itself be cut into parts, each part being played from a different main characters point of view. Yes, a whole new set of challenges for the writer - I know.

In terms of different paths / different partners I think either don't do it at all or do it the "saving cloe" way. Having a main path and multiple sub paths that eventually lead to a "game over" situation that however is still satisfying.


Message Maestro
Nov 14, 2017
nicer update as usual, mainplot didn't advance much but at least a bit, also mc is really dumb for doing that stunt but also brave, if that who rescued mc is merman then tora productions better watch that disney or warner bros doesn't file copyright sue.

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Engaged Member
Mar 31, 2022
I'm definitively very happy that there's a lesbian MC. In my case, it's possible that I would not have paid attention to the game if that option didn't exist... or perhaps I would have played it anyway, since there are games like for example Exiles, with a male MC, that I decided to try and have enjoyed a lot. But in any case it would be less likely that I would have tried this great game. So I really appreciate that there was the option. I actually think they should have gone all-in and have a gay male MC option too.

The game is very well written, beyond the sex and relationships. There's the setting, the intrigue, etc. In fact, I don't discard trying the male MC and straight woman routes too to know more about the main cast and the setting.

It's actually very simple, there's gender identity, male or female (well, there's non-binary people too, but let's keep things simple) and there's a SEPARATE thing: sexual preferences: heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual.

So combine gender indentity with sexual preferences and you can understand Aisha identifying as a woman and being homosexual.

There are gay trans men too, by the way.
What a totally over blown yet utterly inadequate explanation. You fully explained ALL of the obvious and rather superficial things about the subject that I already know and fully understand. And... You completely missed my point. And... I STILL don't get it. I honestly do not need or even want to get it. My point is that I will NEVER fully understand the motivation yet I fully accept folks as they are for who they are! I totally get that folks are different and the physicality of those differences. What I do not understand and NO amount of explanation will ever be an adequate answer to WHY??? Frankly, it's none of my business! But, you completely missed my point!

The point I thought I had thoroughly made was that I DO NOT need to fully "get it" to empathize with a person or to respect and accept them for who they really are! Members of the LGBTQ+ community feel different, outcast, ostracized and alone. I get that. That much is clear to me and something to which I fully relate. That gives us common ground and connects us on a human level far beyond any sexuality. I do not need to understand the why in order to accept a person for who they are. I do not need to know all the specifics of what goes through a person's mind to be able to empathize with the emotions they are feeling. I sincerely hope that you are still reading along because I wish you no ill will. There is zero animosity or malice coming from me here. It is just that by taking that one line from my conversation with Ava and concentrating on only that, you missed my point. The point is simple... I care about people regardless of our differences. We need not agree on everything to be friends. We just need to find common ground. That is what I am seeking with you here today, Elizabeth.

I have a rather simple philosophy... We are each our own unique brand of weird so be different, be strange, be kind, show compassion, be kinky, be unique, be weird but above all else, be you. You are the only you there is or ever will be. So, it is up to you to be you. Be the best you that you can be.

I hope this better illustrates my point, my friend. I do not need to understand everything to identify with you on an emotional and spiritual level. I fully understand what it is like to feel different, outcast, ostracized and alone. That much I fully understand which is the basis for my empathy. When I empathize with a person, I put myself in their situation to understand it as well as I possibly can. That is what I am attempting to do with you right now, empathize. Please know that I fully support your right to be exactly who you are without any judgements from me or anyone else. I appreciate that folks are different and have always stood up for my friends who felt that way. I have yet to meet any transgendered people but I have known many gay and lesbian folks, including my own family, most of whom ended up being dear friends because I can empathize with feeling different. I'm different too, my own unique brand of weird. I wish you joy in your day, my friend. I have typed this message with tears streaming my face because I felt frustrated and misunderstood when I started, then my inner compassion took over so I do hope all of that came through clearly and that you read the entirety of this message in the spirit of friendship in which it was intended. :)

There's an old Irish blessing I'd like to share with you here... I hope it helps and blesses you today...
"May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand."

Adventure ever on my friend, Phat;)(y)
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GFX Designer
Aug 16, 2020
I've just created a fan signature GIF for "TORO 7" to share with you & all who like to support:

Toro 7 Fan Signature
300 x 124 px - 1 MB [Gorse]


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Feel free to share and/or dive deep down to use this sig in your personal signature if you like this one!

Tlaero & Mortze: Really hope, your VN will get much more positive attention & the support it deserves eventually!
Looking forward to the next updates as well as crossing my fingers for you...
wishing you all the best for the further development!


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2019
I have a rather simple philosophy... We are each our own unique brand of weird so be different, be strange, be kind, show compassion, be kinky, be unique, be weird but above all else, be you. You are the only you there is or ever will be. So, it is up to you to be you. Be the best you that you can be.

I hope this better illustrates my point, my friend. I do not need to understand everything to identify with you on an emotional and spiritual level. I fully understand what it is like to feel different, outcast, ostracized and alone. That much I fully understand which is the basis for my empathy. When I empathize with a person, I put myself in their situation to understand it as well as I possibly can. That is what I am attempting to do with you right now, empathize. Please know that I fully support your right to be exactly who you are without any judgements from me or anyone else. I appreciate that folks are different and have always stood up for my friends who felt that way. I have yet to meet any transgendered people but I have known many gay and lesbian folks, including my own family, most of whom ended up being dear friends because I can empathize with feeling different. I'm different too, my own unique brand of weird. I wish you joy in your day, my friend. I have typed this message with tears streaming my face because I felt frustrated and misunderstood when I started, then my inner compassion took over so I do hope all of that came through clearly and that you read the entirety of this message in the spirit of friendship in which it was intended. :)

There's an old Irish blessing I'd like to share with you here... I hope it helps and blesses you today...
"May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand."

Adventure ever on my friend, Phat;)(y)
That's what empathy means to me.

I've just created a fan signature GIF for "TORO 7" to share with you & all who like to support:

Toro 7 Fan Signature
300 x 124 px - 1 MB [Gorse]

You don't have permission to view the spoiler content. Log in or register now.

Feel free to share and/or dive deep down to use this sig in your personal signature if you like this one!

Tlaero & Mortze: Really hope, your VN will get much more positive attention & the support it deserves eventually!
Looking forward to the next updates as well as crossing my fingers for you...
wishing you all the best for the further development!
Thanks so much
  • Heart
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Apr 25, 2017
Toro 7 [Ep. 4] Compressed PC

Orginal Size: 700Mb
Compressed Size: 385Mb

Download -

You can also join my discord server for more and support me.

If you like my works please support me.

Could you please provide a mirror ? mixdrop servers are blocked in Europ i think


Engaged Member
Mar 31, 2022
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Dec 7, 2020
What a totally over blown yet utterly inadequate explanation. You fully explained ALL of the obvious and rather superficial things about the subject that I already know and fully understand. And... You completely missed my point. And... I STILL don't get it. I honestly do not need or even want to get it. My point is that I will NEVER fully understand the motivation yet I fully accept folks as they are for who they are! I totally get that folks are different and the physicality of those differences. What I do not understand and NO amount of explanation will ever be an adequate answer to WHY??? Frankly, it's none of my business! But, you completely missed my point!

The point I thought I had thoroughly made was that I DO NOT need to fully "get it" to empathize with a person or to respect and accept them for who they really are! Members of the LGBTQ+ community feel different, outcast, ostracized and alone. I get that. That much is clear to me and something to which I fully relate. That gives us common ground and connects us on a human level far beyond any sexuality. I do not need to understand the why in order to accept a person for who they are. I do not need to know all the specifics of what goes through a person's mind to be able to empathize with the emotions they are feeling. I sincerely hope that you are still reading along because I wish you no ill will. There is zero animosity or malice coming from me here. It is just that by taking that one line from my conversation with Ava and concentrating on only that, you missed my point. The point is simple... I care about people regardless of our differences. We need not agree on everything to be friends. We just need to find common ground. That is what I am seeking with you here today, Elizabeth.

I have a rather simple philosophy... We are each our own unique brand of weird so be different, be strange, be kind, show compassion, be kinky, be unique, be weird but above all else, be you. You are the only you there is or ever will be. So, it is up to you to be you. Be the best you that you can be.

I hope this better illustrates my point, my friend. I do not need to understand everything to identify with you on an emotional and spiritual level. I fully understand what it is like to feel different, outcast, ostracized and alone. That much I fully understand which is the basis for my empathy. When I empathize with a person, I put myself in their situation to understand it as well as I possibly can. That is what I am attempting to do with you right now, empathize. Please know that I fully support your right to be exactly who you are without any judgements from me or anyone else. I appreciate that folks are different and have always stood up for my friends who felt that way. I have yet to meet any transgendered people but I have known many gay and lesbian folks, including my own family, most of whom ended up being dear friends because I can empathize with feeling different. I'm different too, my own unique brand of weird. I wish you joy in your day, my friend. I have typed this message with tears streaming my face because I felt frustrated and misunderstood when I started, then my inner compassion took over so I do hope all of that came through clearly and that you read the entirety of this message in the spirit of friendship in which it was intended. :)

There's an old Irish blessing I'd like to share with you here... I hope it helps and blesses you today...
"May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand."

Adventure ever on my friend, Phat;)(y)
Ok, I think there's a big misunderstanding here: I've quoted that particular part of your message simply because confusing gender identity with sexual preferences happens to a lot of people. Separating these two things is a simple idea, but many people seem to have never thought of it. I've seen it more than once on this forum. From your answer I thought maybe that was what was confusing you.

If this was not your case and I had not correctly interpreted what you wanted to say, well, I don't think it was something to react with tears, in my previous message I was not suggesting any negative connotation to what you were saying, on the contrary, your answer was nice. I just explained something I thought was confusing you.


If what you consider yourself incapable of understanding is "why" that happens, well, the human mind and emotions are extremely complex. I doubt anyone really understands that "why" you mention, not just you.

Think of it this way: have you ever wondered WHY you were born a man, identify as a man, and are attracted to women? Those circumstances aren't something that had to do with anything in particular... they just happen, right? Could you give them an explanation that does not stick strictly to biology? They're not things that are determined by external factors, they're things that you have always had, and that you later discover. Well, it's the same for everyone. For example, I don't know "why" I'm a lesbian, I just am. That is to say, we have the common ground without even leaving sexuality. I think no one really understands the "why" apart from "chemical reactions in the brain".

In the same way, we don't understand the "why" of hundreds of other emotions that human beings have. Sometimes there's a context or external factors for why we feel a certain way, other times... no, not even if we try to rationalize it.

It's not worth thinking about it too much.
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Engaged Member
Mar 31, 2022
not in whole europe just in some countries like not that great britain.
You failed to address the parade of elephants in the room with Mixdrop... I avoid using that service ONLY as a last resort if no other link is available for something I really want due to the high level of porn pop ups involved in any DL from there. It takes four to five attempts with a porn pop up EVERY single time just to get a DL to start. Combine that with the fact that Mixdrop is one of the slowest DL services available and... no thanks... Phat will pass...

Adventure ever on my friend, Phat:cool:(y)


Forum Fanatic
Apr 25, 2020
You failed to address the parade of elephants in the room with Mixdrop... I avoid using that service ONLY as a last resort if no other link is available for something I really want due to the high level of porn pop ups involved in any DL from there. It takes four to five attempts with a porn pop up EVERY single time just to get a DL to start. Combine that with the fact that Mixdrop is one of the slowest DL services available and... no thanks... Phat will pass...

Adventure ever on my friend, Phat:cool:(y)
Use an ad blocker and a VPN, you'll rejoice surfing on the net ;)
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4.40 star(s) 51 Votes