Let me prefix this post by saying if it can be taken as opinion, please do so, I have posted it in that spirit with the aim of being constructive. I have posted bearing in mind the final panel starting with "This is where the test-demo stops... this is NOT a release version." So I take it as very much a 1st look for us at the 2nd draft of this. And TBH with everything that
@NoesisAndNoema has been saying and a >60Mb D/L I didn't expect too much.
Excuse the long arsed post, but people that have read me may have noticed that the more I like a game, the more I write. I do have a TL;DR at the bottom starting “Overall”.
If 2sleep in the master bed, 1 girl in spare1 and 1 in spare 2.... and 1person in the guest bed.
There is 1person without a bed. ( ' - ')
Looking through the characters you can see the influence behind this story, if you had not already seen the 1st draft of TA. In that the aunt sleeps on the sofa and around the house as the story progresses.
With the known entities it works. Mum and dad in master, Becka in spare 1, Lana in spare 2 and MC in guest room. But hey, it’s fiction, Noesis could add a 2nd floor or basement….get the builders in for this and a whole new update…
It will be in the LEWD PATCHER section...
You cannot know that as you cannot have anything to do with the mod…but I expect if the demand is there a mod will appear.
Is it just me or were there 0 choices in this version?
You could argue you have a few choices..."play" or not

there were 0 choices within this.
The story honestly lost me before I got to the other characters, there was a lot of exposition at the start and the eye rolling got a bit excessive for me. I'm in the camp where if something can't be explained, don't bring it up or dwell on it.
Agree with this the intro part did seem overly involved and convoluted.
"So here I am, by order of a military court, on the plane on the way back to my begrudging foster parents, Mira and Dave.
I fucked up again, I thought turning 18* and joining the army would get me out of the foster loop, see the world blah blah. I didn't think a prank would hurt...the CO and army thought otherwise. Now I'm under house arrest**."
The sislil and sisbig and mom and dad (I've looked at the file names)*** can be introduced as they are introduced.
* It's all a bit vague about if he is 18 yet or not with the mention of being 17. This rolls onto Lana too as MC graduated a year ago, making her 17 maybe even 16?
** Sorry but the set up is horrid. A military crime would end up with a military punishment including extra work, military prison and/or dishonourable discharge. But I doubt they would have any say on a civilian punishment. Also house arrest is often a pre-trial bail condition rather than a specific punishment…grounded until he can find work and can’t find a job because of his record I can get. But then this conflicts with the MC being 18 and fostered, the state don’t deal with adult foster kids and the foster parents have no obligation. Sorry, it’s a bit like a woollen jumper, pull on a loose thread and…
*** Reading what I have about Patreon, file names showing relationships would be enough to suspend your account. Better to change it now before it becomes too much work.
The multiple panels expressing different things (speech, thoughts, action) are appreciated but personally would like a more unified appearance to them (panel size, font style & size).
I agree with this too. The change to a different panel and font for narrator parts weren’t so easy on my old eyes. Once I understood it, the clouds for thoughts were a nice idea, but distracting to start with and not really needed as the italics told me it was a thought. Another nice touch was the colour flash behind the avatars, but again, the name and avatar told me what I needed to know.
Also the ‘H’ key was not working for me, is it a glitch at my end or done on purpose?
Overall I think this shows a lot of promise but
@NoesisAndNoema needs to be careful not to overstretch.
Renders are looking good, having a unique house is good and it has come together nicely and I think it’s great to be pushing boundaries.
But they need to be careful not to start doing daft or illogical stuff to keep pushing…in TV I believe it’s called jumping the shark, does the same phrase get used for games?
There is some stuff that doesn’t sit right and feels forced, especially in the set up.
I look forward to the next stage.