Hello guys!
don't you mind a question about spirit mechanic?
I in the changelogs see ,that author adding new hairstyles and when i upgraded Nel to 5 spiritual level and i came to my house ,when i lend her my body - she changed my hairstyle to her original one, when she been a human warrior.
Also, when i let Elize (ghost pirate muscular lady) dominate me,sleeping in Penelope cabin, i upgrraded to 5 Elize spiritual level and ,when i got back my body with hlp from Clara, i see, that Elize gave us her twin tials hairstyle.
That's all...
SO,about my question:
do we haveanymore hairstyles?
I mean for galce ,violet ,penelope e t c?
And could Faylen or Lian got your hairstyles ,if Celica get dominant level of her spirit in their body?
Ir it's not implemented yet and not be?
ALos, by the way, guys can we upgrade all our 6 equipment items ,which up our atributes?
I mean , i got 4 solarite and upgraded arcane ring ,dice (luck), hourglass (cooldown) and will bracelet (willpower)
How i can upgrade alure necklace and clock (speed) to next level?
Or i'm a dumbass ,which fucked up ,when chosing the items to upgrade and another 2 solatite to remaining item do not exist and it's a joke from developer?
Thank you for your time guys!
Best wishes and good luck to you!
See ya! ^^