Yeah my bet would be on the mud spell as well, even though so far Celica hasn't got the Faylen exclusive spells, but since an enemy also used it, there is a fair chance she gets it too.
Well for gast few builds only chatacters have been giving us new clothes, so this time too thats most likely. I'm certain its not a Violet from as it specifies "new Violet form added". I'd assume its either from the Demoness or Elith since they got some progression. But if we get some progress with the pirates it could be Elize maybe.
So far we have encountered 1 general every build, so I hope next is the same. If not then I'd like some progess with the new familiar we got.
Also, i'd like to mention ,that Faylen as a seer have a priviledge to buy advanced spells for small price .Mud spell one of those...
BUT ,when Celica wanted to buy books about such arts elf store girl wanted some unique items o exchange for the book.
We already have a useless (for now) jar of honey. Maybe -its one of that items for exchange? Who knows...
Sorry if my guessings are silly or annoying
Also, i'd like to mention ,that faylen besides mud spell have a spell of electic water or ow it called? Sorry badly remember...
Also,all early spells specified for Faylen ,latel becoming Celica's Spells too -why this time is not the same? Im talking about electic wind spell and advanced light spell (more powerfull and damaging multiple enemies)
ABout Violet: yeah, you right.
About demoness :why would she do such thing? I'd think it's small chance.
But elith : why not?
Hey ,guys, i'd want to ask You and others : i'm the one ,who drop some tears ,reading a dramatic, cute ,loving Elith story with good music at background? Or i'm just very sentimental?
About ELize : why not? I'd repeat,sorry,but, Elize in Clica's body is a top waifu ^_^ What do ya think?
Again, i say: we will see, apparently in march of this year?