There are several remarks to that...
originally the world was populated equally with humans and monsters, yet in recent Events a war between both factions started, many monster clans got wiped out and others turned to hostiles that previously had been neutral or benevolent.
Humanity was majorly reduced to a single settlement known as Valencia, which was created after the true kingdom of humanity was destroyed in the war.
In that "New Valencia" survivors were gathered and the only Male one was the MC which was born after these events.
Among the Monster Clans Males are either nonexistent (since they are female-only races) or those that existed died in the war.
The actual story starts after the Player got of age, so if he was conceived on the day before the war destroyed the original human kingdom 18,75 - 19 years had past
I was pretty sure that the war was Hundreds of years ago.
After reading some of the flavor lore and some of what the characters have said, the MC is essentially Jesus, complete with the Virgin Mother Mary, and that MC was planted into Mary's womb by the goddess. When the MC was conceived there were no men at all in the village.
However, We're just talking about the village and it seems that everyone knows how to enter and leave at will as long as they have the proper materials for the boundary gates.
Mary can leave the village and go looking for a little manly loving whenever she wants but is too scared fo the wilds and monsters to go very far. But if it means she would get laid, I pretty sure if desperate enough many could have run to the next village and found a BONE to pick, or some distance away until she finds one.
Honestly, however, I don't think she would, so back to the lore and we're back to the Jesus Analogy. Sigh...
There has also been hints dropped left and right that the time being a Goddess is Finite and at some point, the Goddess would have to choose a new Avatar to house her and that woman would become the next incarnation of the goddess...
This figure is often refused to as THE MOTHER in the lore. At one point it directly said this mother is the mother of the BOY. The boy that must be protected at all cost. YOU...
The Mother of lore is Mary/Mother/Mom/Maid. Rose is a perfect example of Lust, Directly the sister of Mary/Mom and the perfect Avatar for Nix.
Seem to me that we may be missing a major story twist that won't be in this game. When the ladies start becoming gods like the MC seems to become.
Maybe in the Town of Passion 2 story, we'll see what comes of that.
Gods I need to stop nerding out so deep into the porn game plots and world lore.