What possible scenario may happen first?
1. Lizzie making her return appearance.
2. Byron and The Lincoln Group make their return after a brief hiatus
3. Another possible lowlife suitor getting a chance to rail Sarah
cannot say how against the last two I am...really harshly against that. Its time for Lester to go along with what he says to her...you are mine, I don't share. Make that the policy for a bit, making Sarah feel important to Lester, since she apparently is not that important to her husband. Also, Don has made a point in having every man (I believe this is the case) she interacts with have a larger cock than Dan, if even by a little. Lester should point this out when she struggles with calling Dan pathetic, or at least his penis size. Sarah should come, at some point, with the assistance of Lester that Dan hides her away from others because his insecurity about his small dick makes him covet and hide her. This has eventually begun his need to have those more worthy than him to fuck her with their cocks, like when Sarah first saw Lester nude and said that Dan had a dick, Lester had a COCK. She may love Dan, but should associate good sexual experiences with Lester, like she was when she said he did that more in such short period of time, as opposed to Dan who did nothing to broaden her horizons the entire time she has been with him.
And, btw, I looooved when she said that Dan pinching his nose was stupid and because he couldn't deal with things like Lester. Didn't she start out the story saying she though it was endearing when he did that?