Toxic Attraction DonSilver #Cuckold 8muses forum

Nov 26, 2024
Let me play devil’s advocate as well. So Dan accepts Cronos‘s offer of 50K for some videos with Lester and Sarah? Dan thinks he’s finally outsmarted and outmaneuvered Lester, but this decision only proves he is an idiot. Dan doesn’t know the identity of Cronos, but what if it’s a character we already met. What if Cronos was Richard Thornhill or Byron? Both are executives with deep financial pockets and an axe to grind with either Dan or Sarah. Once they view the tape and see Sarah on screen, they will have leverage over Dan and Sarah. Sarah would be blackmailed and forced to become a slut or watch her career and family life get ruined by the scandal. In this scenario, Sarah would never forgive or trust Dan for putting himself over her and kids for financial gain. His transgression may cause Sarah and the girls to run to Lester for protection and comfort. Lester will be the hero.

I don’t see a scenario where Dan wins against Lester or anybody with a superior mindset. He has never planned or made an effort to work through a problem from start to finish. He puts in little effort when he does work or just enough when searching Facebook and Insta for Lizzie to Google for Ned’s store. However when he arrives, Dan has no game plan on getting the necessary information. He just lucks in with the Discord invite. Whether that was by design by Lester or was Ned truly clueless like Dan.
What little respect I have for Dan's character, I'd lose all of it if he sold the videos of her. Though I guess it's a trajectory he's already started by pimping her out for rent money. Not that he could since he doesn't have them, but who knows what can occur in the future.
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Nov 26, 2024
There has been significant psychological changes to the three main characters since the first chapter. Monogamy and marital vows I don’t see I questioned the strength and resolve of their marriage prior to Dan being let go and Dan and Sarah exploring apartments in Chicago. This was Dan’s sexual fantasy and Sarah was used as a vessel to fulfill his fantasy. They never went in with a plan and opened Pandora’s box inviting Lester into the fantasy. Lester uses the same techniques as the past once the couple is in his lair. Starts with the voyeuristic videos of the wife which in turns leads to separation and isolation of the wife while actively humiliating and manipulating the husband. Have her reluctantly have sex with Lester and husband watches. Do this several times until Lester gets bored or they escape. Lester profits from the video sales. Rinse and repeat as it’s clinical for Lester. Unlike his last known conquest Lizzie, Lester began to develop feelings for Sarah in his twisted way, but Don has yet to explore those feeling. As much as its interesting to see Sarah’s slow transformation it would be more noteworthy to see the affect Sarah has on him internally. We yet to see any changes physically, but in Ch.25 Lester has shown small changes. Lester is less interested in video games, lends an understanding ear and comforting when Sarah was demoted, he has given her space and not exploited as she thought, complimented and flirted with her, included her in tactics and valued her thoughts and opinions, and shown his ability to provide for her while spoiling her with expensive jewelry.

Sarah has seen the biggest jump. She has the beauty, charm and sexuality to pick up any man she wants like Jesse who comes from money and worshipped her, but I don’t think she cares about being financially secure. During sex with Jesse she sought Lester out in the darkness not to cuck him but to show off for him. She didn’t let Byron or Jesse cum inside her once she had Lester in her thoughts. Lester gives her what she needs and desires. Sarah wants to please Lester and fulfill his desires as he has opened a whole new world sexually. Dan was unable or never willing to fulfill those desires. By Ch.25 she sees Dan as weak and pathetic and openly questions her desire for him. The feckless and stupid way he pinches his nose when confronted with his fantasy. Sarah can see Lester as a viable mate who is strong and sure. She desire his cum not Dan’s inside her and made it a point to lick every drop after the blowjob in front of Lester. Sarah was at first repulsed by Lester’s features and appearance, but gradually we seen a change were she was overlooking those issues. Now we see her being attracted and turned on by Lester’s body, his breath, his quirks and features that repulsed her earlier. she wasn’t made at Lester after he revealed his plot. She openly cheated and had sex with Lester on the very futon she had sex the first time with Dan. She wasn’t mad Lester fell asleep on the futon. Sarah calmly requested him to leave. If Lester pushed I’m sure she would have relented on breakfast with the girls. She didn’t care if the girls heard her moan and cum on Lester’s cock so its naturally going to transgress to Lester and her having sex full time in her bedroom. We see the changes only in the bedroom and yet to see those changes publicly. Symbolically it was interesting for Lester to point out Sarah was not wearing her rings. Lester slipping on that ring and her accepting it with admiration is was more than just sex talk. Will Sarah wear Lester’s engagement ring publicly where everyone she knows will see it’s not Dan’s engagement ring and wedding bands. Does her body leans towards Lester in public when he talks as it does privately so she can be near him to feel his heat and smell him.
Fans want to see Sarah fall completely for Lester and anything less would be a disappointment.
I wouldn't say all fans. I would agree that there are a lot of fans who would feel let down or that the two don't become some type of couple - the promise not being worth the reading investment. I personally don't have an agenda for how the story ends, I just like reading what happens and considering what could happen.

Pure speculation on my part at this stage - but I think it's far more likely that Lester develops an emotional connection to Sarah, before Sarah admits out loud, she has an emotional connection to Lester. What would be a wild reveal is that we get to the end and Lester has fallen in love with her and decides to let her go.


Nov 26, 2024
It's a story about sex in all its variations, from deceitful to immoral and unethical.
That makes sense to me...

99 per cent of the comments are about sex, more sex, more about superman Lester, his tampering operations and
sordid intrigues.
... And some have huge satisfactions every time, because they see Lester as a kind of Robin Hood who saves and
relieve their manhood and honour.
That makes sense to me, too...

Let's put the sex aside for a moment and take a sober look at things !
"We simply let our imagination and our thoughts run wild".

Who of us readers this story would let a man dance around on our noses?
How many of us would stand idly by and watch someone destroy our lives?
Who of us would simply look the other way with a smile as he bullies us, sabotages our work and our career aspirations
with false and manipulated information?

If the majority of us here are okay with that, then have fun with this dog's life!

I would not hesitate for a second to put a stop to this ‘human rubbish’ with all the means at my disposal.
I would even cut off his tongue and fingers and let him eat them the ANAL way!!!

This is about the literal destruction and theft of someone's future, namely DAN's, by Lester.
But Dan, because he does not have such a big cock - which stays hard 24 hours a day - simply has to keep still and
accept his fate...
Great prospects. Wow...

... And when I write here that I wish and want DAN to take revenge on Lester
(for his criminal acts of sabotage and destructiveness against his person)
by all means - including physical - I do not mean that he does this for Sarah and her love.
Do it for his own sake first, as a decent, civic-minded, loyal family man, faithful husband and member of society.

So, I do not give a shit about Sarah because she has become a lowly bitch who only thinks and acts with her vagina.
As far as I am concerned, she can even - like Mata Hari, who once went from tent to tent and delighted hundreds of
people with her "cunt and arse" - fuck the whole of Chicago on behalf of the son of a bitch Lester, collect jewellery
and get rich like Josefine Mutzenbacher once did.
Because with Lester's last gifts, she has cleared the first hurdle on her way to becoming a top hooker...

I was just expressing my thoughts with this comment.
If I have hurt or unintentionally offended anyone, I would like to apologise.
It is not meant personally!


New Member
Jul 8, 2024
Come on...not THAT dark, at least not yet. I believe there is one called "Ascending Lauren" or something, read one chapter of the advanced ones and noped out. That day I found the limit of my degeneration.

I find "cucked by an incel" a little more messed up than TA, tbh.
What's so messed up about the sweet, romantic story I'm writing?? :LOL:


May 22, 2024
Pure speculation on my part at this stage - but I think it's far more likely that Lester develops an emotional connection to Sarah, before Sarah admits out loud, she has an emotional connection to Lester. What would be a wild reveal is that we get to the end and Lester has fallen in love with her and decides to let her go.
I thought about it ever since Dan kicked him out of his house and Lester tearing up in his car- what would make Lester feel for real?! He is described as manipulative destructive sociopath so far.All his interactions with people around has been very engineered.Is it possible for him to be genuinely moved by something?

Imagine if Sarah meets someone from his past and learn about what a loser he was at high-school struck out with everyone in cheerleading squad. She feels sorry for him, decides to make him feel better (on her own, either as a gift for saving her job or to manipulate as payback for what he did to Dan) research his past, walks into his room adorned in his high-school cheerleader costume and rides him slowly and sensually, all the while softly kissing him and whispering how great that he is so successful now and how happy and proud she is for him. An experience so overwhelming that he is speechless and sheds a single tear. What would be his reaction afterwards: smile to himself, yearn more for that feel and try to be more nicer to her OR be uncomfortable by his momentary loss of control and gets even more guarded and vindictive?!
  • Thinking Face
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Nov 19, 2024
It's a story about sex in all its variations, from deceitful to immoral and unethical.
That makes sense to me...

99 per cent of the comments are about sex, more sex, more about superman Lester, his tampering operations and
sordid intrigues.
... And some have huge satisfactions every time, because they see Lester as a kind of Robin Hood who saves and
relieve their manhood and honour.
That makes sense to me, too...

Let's put the sex aside for a moment and take a sober look at things !
"We simply let our imagination and our thoughts run wild".

Who of us readers this story would let a man dance around on our noses?
How many of us would stand idly by and watch someone destroy our lives?
Who of us would simply look the other way with a smile as he bullies us, sabotages our work and our career aspirations
with false and manipulated information?

If the majority of us here are okay with that, then have fun with this dog's life!

I would not hesitate for a second to put a stop to this ‘human rubbish’ with all the means at my disposal.
I would even cut off his tongue and fingers and let him eat them the ANAL way!!!

This is about the literal destruction and theft of someone's future, namely DAN's, by Lester.
But Dan, because he does not have such a big cock - which stays hard 24 hours a day - simply has to keep still and
accept his fate...
Great prospects. Wow...

... And when I write here that I wish and want DAN to take revenge on Lester
(for his criminal acts of sabotage and destructiveness against his person)
by all means - including physical - I do not mean that he does this for Sarah and her love.
Do it for his own sake first, as a decent, civic-minded, loyal family man, faithful husband and member of society.

So, I do not give a shit about Sarah because she has become a lowly bitch who only thinks and acts with her vagina.
As far as I am concerned, she can even - like Mata Hari, who once went from tent to tent and delighted hundreds of
people with her "cunt and arse" - fuck the whole of Chicago on behalf of the son of a bitch Lester, collect jewellery
and get rich like Josefine Mutzenbacher once did.
Because with Lester's last gifts, she has cleared the first hurdle on her way to becoming a top hooker...

I was just expressing my thoughts with this comment.
If I have hurt or unintentionally offended anyone, I would like to apologise.
It is not meant personally!
Agree with much of this....Lester's relationships all revolve on his manipulating people. I am wondering all what Dan doesn't know (eg that Sarah now works for Lester and Otis watching them)? I can't believe he wouldn't be in Middleton this weekend if he knows Sarah is under Lester now. Also with Dans side contracts/income and them not paying rent to Lester I have to believe the money has to be less of an issue.

Lester is a conniving a-hole with a big dick - Sarah has generally tried to be truthful but seems to be changing some. If she hides their Friday night fling it completely changes dynamic/relationship......Also have to believe Lester will notice the cameras once Dan installs them.
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Nov 19, 2024
Also why is Dan so intent on spending the weekend in Chicago? Did he find Lizzie, is he meeting up with Ned? From what we have read Sarah's getting plenty of dick while Dan has nothing. I would think he would want to "reclaim" his wife and see his girls.

Will that change when he realizes Lester didn't come home to the apartment/wonders why is he spending the the weekend in Middleton?

Lester is only supporting/helping Sarah to further manipulate her. He wants to control her fully, becomes easier when he is in Middleton, helping her with the job, letting her feel important at work and Dan is off in Chicago playing DnD.....I find it odd that it hasn't been mentioned that Sarah called Dan to let him know she was reporting to Lester. He instead got some bs call from Sentinel.
  • Thinking Face
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Nov 19, 2024
One last thing, what is Lester talking about when telling Sarah she lied to him:

Not when I get you alone. Besides, you have some making up to do after lying to me.” Lester said.
“Lying? What are you talking about,” Sarah asked.
“About....” Lester trailed off as Dan appeared in the hallway


Jan 9, 2022
It's a story about sex in all its variations, from deceitful to immoral and unethical.
That makes sense to me...

99 per cent of the comments are about sex, more sex, more about superman Lester, his tampering operations and
sordid intrigues.
... And some have huge satisfactions every time, because they see Lester as a kind of Robin Hood who saves and
relieve their manhood and honour.
That makes sense to me, too...

Let's put the sex aside for a moment and take a sober look at things !
"We simply let our imagination and our thoughts run wild".

Who of us readers this story would let a man dance around on our noses?
How many of us would stand idly by and watch someone destroy our lives?
Who of us would simply look the other way with a smile as he bullies us, sabotages our work and our career aspirations
with false and manipulated information?

If the majority of us here are okay with that, then have fun with this dog's life!

I would not hesitate for a second to put a stop to this ‘human rubbish’ with all the means at my disposal.
I would even cut off his tongue and fingers and let him eat them the ANAL way!!!

This is about the literal destruction and theft of someone's future, namely DAN's, by Lester.
But Dan, because he does not have such a big cock - which stays hard 24 hours a day - simply has to keep still and
accept his fate...
Great prospects. Wow...

... And when I write here that I wish and want DAN to take revenge on Lester
(for his criminal acts of sabotage and destructiveness against his person)
by all means - including physical - I do not mean that he does this for Sarah and her love.
Do it for his own sake first, as a decent, civic-minded, loyal family man, faithful husband and member of society.

So, I do not give a shit about Sarah because she has become a lowly bitch who only thinks and acts with her vagina.
As far as I am concerned, she can even - like Mata Hari, who once went from tent to tent and delighted hundreds of
people with her "cunt and arse" - fuck the whole of Chicago on behalf of the son of a bitch Lester, collect jewellery
and get rich like Josefine Mutzenbacher once did.
Because with Lester's last gifts, she has cleared the first hurdle on her way to becoming a top hooker...

I was just expressing my thoughts with this comment.
If I have hurt or unintentionally offended anyone, I would like to apologise.
It is not meant personally!
I read your text with great pleasure and I really liked it but there is one small but, Dan himself started this game and Sarah was not in agreement with it at first, as a result he has to suffer the punishment for his stupid act and the loss of his family will still be a light punishment for him Ideally, it is better for him to commit suicide and not interfere with the lives of others.
Jul 8, 2024
One last thing, what is Lester talking about when telling Sarah she lied to him:

Not when I get you alone. Besides, you have some making up to do after lying to me.” Lester said.
“Lying? What are you talking about,” Sarah asked.
“About....” Lester trailed off as Dan appeared in the hallway
Being on birth control. He will say he took all that making her pregnant talk seriously, because she seemed to mean iy. She will say it was sex talk and Lester will argue How can anyone tell??? You say you never lie Sarah but you do and it hurt. He would like her to go off the birth control, herself, showing how under Lester's control she is. He is planning to replace them as his back-up.
  • Thinking Face
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Jul 27, 2024
“All sex and no romance lately. Way to make a guy feel wanted,”

What's the purpose of this line? DS recognizes the lack of romance in their relationship but doesn't want to develop it.
  • Thinking Face
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May 22, 2024
“All sex and no romance lately. Way to make a guy feel wanted,”

What's the purpose of this line? DS recognizes the lack of romance in their relationship but doesn't want to develop it.
May be he listened to all the suggestions and hints he might include them in future OR heard the complaints and thumbing his nose... could be either one.

This goes with my conspiracy theory that Don is atleast aware of us and this thread. Either he is reading it or someone is posting our conversations in his patron. Remember we talked about Dan not doing a bg check on Lester and how he can't afford a private detective? Lo and behold, it's included in the latest chapter. No judgements though. I'm happy he is listening to us.

DON, if you are reading this: Hi, love your stories, keep up the good work!!

Wife is Hot

Nov 9, 2024
Besides "neighbor chronicles", I've seen Don mentioning j267's works as his inspiration. Maybe take a look at his works.
J267 is one of the best authors from Lit. I have been following him for years. Something happened to him and he’s no longer posting stories. I heard it was due to medical reasons. I truly hope he’s ok. His stories are shorter 1-3 chapters but it’s well written and consistent with the wife sharing storyline.