- Jun 30, 2024
- 234
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Since we don’t know why Mary smirked at Sarah, let’s make up a scenario until the facts are revealed. This is just my thought.See, this is why I think the Hospital is going to be the new frontier in the battle between Lester and Sarah. There are so many combinations that could come in play: Lester,Sarah,Richard, Mary, Otis. You could go any different ways like Sarah trying to snoop on Lester or trying to help him take down his competition or trying to make him take out her competition, all the possibilities invariably leading to Lester's dick deep inside her.As I've said before Sarah tricking Lester to take down Mary the HR ghoul is the most interesting one to me as the idea of finally getting a win might send Sarah overdrive and might want more of that high, forgetting operation no more lester on the way.
Also, If I recollect they also have an entire floor to themself. The mentioning of Lester wanting to talk to odious Otis makes me think he might find a secret room between his and Sarah's room or somewhere in the floor that could be their love shack. They have done it in her place, his place, other spots, so the next step would be to have their own space, just for themself, to build more intimacy and memories.
I wonder what Lester proposed during his meeting with Richard and possibly HR. I wonder if Lester laid out a low cost concept for the hospital’s digital infrastructure and security requiring only minimal staff and supplemented by AI. Lester outlined he could have the system running and implemented by this predetermined timeframe. Naturally the discussions shifted to personnel he would layoff and retain. Lester brings up keeping Sarah as a personal assistant. This raises eyebrows as the executive committee want to release Sarah as she was the remaining holdout of the past regime. At the time they didn’t bother to look into her personnel files since they goal was to remove her. They hoped a demotion to the cubicle farm and removing her from the executive committee would give her reasons to quit. When the move failed, they were looking at options to fire her when Lester offered Sarah a lifeline and requested her addition to his team. I’m sure there was a discussion about his personal relationship with Sarah. Lester reveals Sarah is his girlfriend and they were getting engaged soon. There reason Lester wanted the implementation completed by this date is it coincides with them getting married and going on their honeymoon. Their services at the hospital will not longer be needed as they want to concentrate on starting a large family. The reveal left Richard and Mary speechless and had to pick up their respective jaws off the floor. They question internally and privately how a man like Lester could get a woman like Sarah to love him.
Could be a reason Mary smirked was she knew Sarah’s secret when she saw the ring less finger. Mary viewed Sarah’s personnel file after the job transition was approved. She uncovers Sarah is married with kids unbeknownst to poor ole Lester. She is upset a good man like Lester was being lied too by the conniving harlot. Since Mary didn’t want to be part of this toxic mess, she became indifferent when Sarah bursted into her office.