completely agree. for me, all the excitement in this story comes from sarah cheating, and at this point lester "owns" her more than dan, so the most exciting dynamic would be for sarah to cuck lester with an even bigger loser/asshole.
but a lot of people seem obsessed with lester "winning" every exchange, which is incredibly boring to me
When someone writes a story, they make a promise to the reader: if you invest time in reading, you'll receive a payoff that aligns with what has been foreshadowed.
Ch1 1st promise - Lester will make Sarah his woman
Ch2-5: DS shows you how Lester is making progress to take her from Dan
Ch6 2nd promise - Lester will try to knock up Sarah
Ch7-12: DS shows you how Lester is putting his plan in place to get her pregnant
CH13 Lester finally fucks her bareback - but there's a setback - Lester didn't know she was taking BC
...and so on.
TA has already set certain expectations—it's not about personal desires but about fulfilling what has been established. Whether DS will honor these promises in the long run remains to be seen, but so far, he has.
A simpler analogy: if a writer spends 3/4 of the story building up Johnny the peasant's rise to kingship, only to have an obscure character kill him and take the throne in the final chapter, they've broken their promise to the audience.
My opinions are based solely on the story as written. I enjoy treating the story like a mystery and seeing how it plays out. And of course, discussing whether it remains consistent with its own plot.