Just to say, I am highly educated and specialize in critical thinking, so I seldomly allow a writer to manipulate me. I am for Lester and Sarah because I have a thing for fictional corruption, fictional betrayal, etc. I like the psychology of a story and yes, I like my stories dark. I have said this before but the Star War movie I always liked the best was the Empire Strikes Back, not because of the appearance of it all or the acting or anything else but one thing and one thing only: The attempted corruption of Luke Skywalker, followed by the breaking of his heart to now know Darth Vader is his Daddy. The last thirty minutes of that movie were incredibly dark and they could not have been made better, imho. Han is frozen, sky city has been taken over by the Empire, Luke loses his hand, and everything is in complete disarray. Perfect ending to an almost perfect movie. I like Lester because he is Darth Vader. When I was a kid Vader was the only action figure I ever owned was the Lord of the Sith.
Personally, I get tired of hot wife stories in which the wife realizes her fault, the husband and wife talk things out and end up back together as if the antagonist ever existed. Its just like NC stories that end with the the "rapist" takes the lonely wife at home and at first she hates it but eventually he overcomes her body's defenses and she ends up really liking being forced. Then the twist: the attacker was her husband all along. Once or twice as a twist, that's cool and interesting. Half the stories out there doing it???
Anyhoo, that's all, really just want to state the case for those of us who actually enjoy a "real" fictional dark story, where the bad guy does win. Let the other 2 million stories out there be ones with happy endings and a hot-wife satisfied with her husband.