Ren'Py - Completed - TP: The Class Next Door [v0.12.1] [9thCrux]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    If you like to just click your mouse button endlessly for no reason this is the game for you. It was a good game, if it ever goes back to being a VN it might be good again. My advise skip it til then. Literally clicking 70-80 times through the identical routine for 7- 8 days at a time, 3 times zones in each day, for maybe one tiny scene a week. It's become mind numbing.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Review on 0.8.1

    This could easy be a 4 or 5 star game based on the girls and the general setup.
    Unfortunately this is a hell of a grind like i barely seen before.
    Other games got grindy as you need to repeat the same stuff to get additional scenes - but this "game" is on top of that all. You repeat the same day over and over again - mostly nothing happens at all. But then suddenly a new scene starts (few renders), and that's it. Again you waste your time to play several days over and over again until the next scene happens - and so on.
    If that isn't enough, the controls are EXTREMELY non-intuitive and very small area to hit - instead of just hit the door (as usual) you need to hit small cogs. In school endless clicking through the same corridor over and over again. Few locations open, but you can't do anything there, but time will skip even if you don't do anything. Only having 4 timezones per day doesn't help at all (night you can't do anything though) - so effectively 3 left, whereas the morning is "school".
    I could agree with slow burn - but this is NOT slow burn, it's more like long doing nothing at all.
    I wasted 4 hours - in hope things will get better over time - but nope - didn't happen.

    In short:
    THIS is exactly the reason why people hate sandbox games. I wonder when devs gonna learn the difference between "slow burn" and "senseless grind" just for the sake of it.

  3. 1.00 star(s)


    I am trapped in a maze of poorly labeled sandboxes and the dev just doubles down on it, apparently having the player figure out how to freaking walk around is what the dev considers "slow burn", it is just a terrible choice or poorly implemented one. No communication from the dev doesn't help.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Review is for the previous version. There's so many elements that could make this a decent game but... the wooden dialogue really takes me out of the game. Plus there's slow burn; and then there's just banging two rocks together for the briefest spark. I don't think making it a sandbox will do much but if future versions address those major issues... we'll see.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is no fun. Moving Day to Day as it is now, is a real pain. To tell the communitiy "it´s a slow burner...go away for fapping is ok, i will even go away before, because there is nothing in the empty maps , the emty houses , the empty schools that builds the mood to play along. Bye forever empty game.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    This game was already a slow burn as a VN, but at least it was decent overall. Then the dev decides its a smart idea to scrap it and restart the exact game as a horrible, tiresome, shitty sandbox. Ill never understand some of these developers...
  7. 1.00 star(s)

    Calvin Kloin

    Oh my god, this game is torture. How can someone making bad decision after the other bad decision consecutively. Now you can't really skip sh**, not even time cycle. Pointless monotonous dialogues and unnecessary sandbox grind. Also couple of arrows pointing to nothingness for absolutely no reason for their existence in one room with nothing in it whatsoever is infuriating. And guess what? There's a hole in each of them stupid fricking arrows making it hard to click and require you to focus to click them. Unplayable.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    TP: The Class Next Door version 0.3.1 is a total disaster.
    Poorly designed sandbox system. In the linear evolution of the action, such a clicking is a pointless waste of time and ruins the whole magic of the game.
    Unfortunately, I have to remove this game from my watchlist.
    Good luck to the author in the future.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    I haven't actually tried this out since the Demo of the original release and somehow this seems to have less content and made much more tedious.

    3 Stars lost off the bat
    -1st for the pointless sandbox (no progressive events or mini events can be found)
    -2nd for Sandbox again being so tedious to move around, (Took me 10 minutes to find the bedroom to sleep in - even then when i found you can navigate with the map, this was messy enough as you can't change floors with it)
    -3rd for not advising when you reached end of content... along with other minor issues, like some writing parts and no skipping time. (actually had to extract all the images to see what i missed... which was nothing ,other than what I'm guess is cut content or dream events.)

    Its a bit sad to see it in this state, as the models are beautiful, although a bit on the soulless side though. The writing isn't that bad either just some parts were a bit unusual.

    Like everyone else said to the Dev, I'd recommend to remove the sandbox until you have events put in there and a better navigation system. When i see a sandbox id expect some events in-between or to have it to skip some unwanted cockolding events or dodgy scat events.

    TL DR - Hard pass on this, particularly at this version anyway as its in a bad state.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Congratulations. Rarely do I see such a brilliantly ruined game without using tough fetishes on it. I don't understand what the miracle idea was to turn VN -> into a sandbox. Make it still so bad that you can’t use it when functions like navigation are perhaps the worst thing I’ve seen in games. If VN was slowburn, then what the heck is this? A term for this has not yet been invented. The nails are now nailed to the coffin so maybe it’s best to bury this and move on.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    The autoplay automatically bounces back to the desktop, the archive can't be loaded, and there is no prompt for what to do next. Every time I go home, I don't know what to order, I can only click out and come back, the others are red
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    I will start with the good thing about the game it has good graphics.
    Now the bad thing boring story that at first seems interesting but nothing advances and does not progress besides being very silly all the sexual scenes are in the dreams of the protagonist that sucks finally the most terrible mind almost 4 years of development and has shitty content sexual that is only in dreams and the story is boring and nothing advances.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    Others said it better than me, except render, nothing good come from this game. Slow game, only dream sex scene, awfull writing and the cherry on top the dev caught the arrogant virus, which seems to touch many uninspired dev here. Don't waste your time skip it
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Beautiful renders earn this an easy excellent rating. Yes, it is a very slow burn, and some of the erotic scenes are in dreams. Yes, using a mod might help you find some of the scenes because there are more scenes in here than it might seem at first. Bottom line: there's enough here to make me return repeatedly to see what develops . . . slowly but surely.

    Note that this review refers to the VN, not to the new sandbox version.
  15. 1.00 star(s)

    Candy Suxx

    The game started as a slow burn but has turned into a money milking shit show the same way "Wicked Paradise" turned out. The only good thing in these games are renders , otherwise the writing is lame and boring. There are other slow burn game too but have very interesting stories that you don't care even if there are no proper sex scenes in them , the best example is 'The Deluca Family" and then there is this game .The best way would be to ignore it for a year and then come and play , maybe you will get some good content with some improved storyline.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    No redeeming characteristics...

    I'm a firm believer in "not saying anything if you can't say something good", but I feel I have to write this to spare fellow members a lot of grief.

    Don't bother trying to "play" this if you:
    • expect the characters to 'talk' to each other like normal people
    • don't want to cope with terrible, cringe-inducing dialog
    • can't stand reading things written with a total disregard for the most basic rules of English
    • total lack of a story
    I believe that developers can, and should, tell the story that they want to tell but this isn't a story...I don't know what it is. A lot of people have tried to point out these fundamental, game-breaking problems to the developer and he seems unwilling or unable to accept any input into these issues.

    TL;DR - don't waste your time, brothers and sisters!
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    No doubt the visuals are top notch, but the story is terrible, writing is terrible, per dev's Subscribestar he's just winging it without planning more than a month ahead, he's doubling development time to accommodate other games, he doesn't listen to majority feedback from paying supporters, and in my experience he will censor any friendly opinion other than his own without discussion. I paid to support the game for over a year, then banned for one opinion contrary to the dev's when I suggested why the writing might get worse if he followed the route he ended up deciding on. My speculation on the future of this game is more unrealistic & sterile incel fap dreams with nothing to do but skip story/writing for the rare satisfying visual, which in context are only MC wet dreams. Not worth downloading. Also wtf with political stuff? Looking back at dev's subscribestar while my subscription runs out... dude definitely makes fake accounts to support his own opinions ;-D I'll check in on game after a year to skip to visuals.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    This is not how houses work. This is not how school works. This is not how basic human conversation works. Game spends 3/4ths of it's time on dream sequences and the other 1/4th telling us who is going to be driving. It's also peppered with fascism and racism. Good models. Bad game.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    This game has great graphics, hot girls, and a fun premise. The problem is the layout of banging the girls in your dreams. No relationships built, no actual sex in the real world, no choices to change the story, just dreams of the girls, one by one. I like others probably rate this lower due to that. It's not a bad game, it's just not particularly fun either.
    Likes: Myrn
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Rating so low, why?! Game hase really good graphic. nice characters and not bad story at all. So, whats problem? There is many games with much better rating and much worse qualitty, imho

    This game is good, guys you need try it. There is not too much sex scenes yet, but anyway, story is woth.