- Dec 29, 2017
- 3,233
- 5,691
Here's a DeepL/Google hybrid MTL for ObscuriteMagie~淫欲冒険者と王家の血_製品版 v1.62 including scripts/plugins.
Known Issues:
A lot of this game is picture based and I only translated the text based Japanese.
While I could edit these pictures, that would make this a major project, and honestly looking at the files I'm very unconvinced this game is worth that.
To extract and play the game you might need to set your system locale to Japanese(Japan) or use another locale method.
If your game is just a single executable you need to unpack it first. You can do this by using the "EnigmaVBUnpacker" I will add a version as an attachment.
Just start the "EnigmaVBUnpacker.exe" choose the location of the game executable and click on "unpack". Please verify that this step worked correctly by launching the unpacked game once using the "Game.exe" inside the newly created folder "%DEFAULTFOLDER%" before merging my MTL into it.
Should you just get a white screen on startup rename the "%DEFAULTFOLDER%" to "DEFAULTFOLDER" and try again.
If you experience a crash, game-breaking bug, or seriously broken text please post me a screenshot and a short description when it happened. Providing a save just before the problem occurs would drastically increase the speed of the fixing process.
Known Issues:
A lot of this game is picture based and I only translated the text based Japanese.
While I could edit these pictures, that would make this a major project, and honestly looking at the files I'm very unconvinced this game is worth that.
To extract and play the game you might need to set your system locale to Japanese(Japan) or use another locale method.
If your game is just a single executable you need to unpack it first. You can do this by using the "EnigmaVBUnpacker" I will add a version as an attachment.
Just start the "EnigmaVBUnpacker.exe" choose the location of the game executable and click on "unpack". Please verify that this step worked correctly by launching the unpacked game once using the "Game.exe" inside the newly created folder "%DEFAULTFOLDER%" before merging my MTL into it.
Should you just get a white screen on startup rename the "%DEFAULTFOLDER%" to "DEFAULTFOLDER" and try again.
If you experience a crash, game-breaking bug, or seriously broken text please post me a screenshot and a short description when it happened. Providing a save just before the problem occurs would drastically increase the speed of the fixing process.
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