Others None [Translation Request COMPLETED by ungobungo17536] Imp's Grand Plan to Take Over the Country [RJ402762] [Doskoinpo (Atelier Maso)]

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Apr 21, 2021
how is the translation going
Admittedly not great. Had some family stuff I forgot about and then got covid from that, which made me miserable for a week or so and thus I didn't get any work done. College is starting up again, so progress will slow because of that.

I'm currently around 1/4 of the way through by my complete guess, and it'll probably be done before the end of October if it goes well. If not then, the end of November. Sorry its been taking so long, but hopefully it won't take that much longer.
Apr 21, 2021
Current progress, because I know people probably want that shit: 737/1851 lines, approx 40%
So far I've finished scenes 1-3 out of 8, but it's also scenes 1-5 out of 13 depending on how you want to count.
If you want to count by dudes downed it's around 4 out of 13 or so.

Now some questions on preferences for people:
Honorifics: Y/N? Stuff like onii-san and imp-sama, currently they exist but there's not many of them if the majority want a truly all-english translation.
Onomatopoeia: These are phonetic translations, so they may look weird to you. If this is the case, sorry but they're going to stay phonetic. This isn't actually a question I fucked up.
Finally, I have an opportunity to translate a character's name as 'Quilt' instead of 'Kiruto' and I want to know people's preference on that.

EDIT 1: I'll probably do updates like this around every 10% progress by lines. Also Kiruto/Quilt is an edgelord Walmart value brand Guts impersonator if that influences your decision on the name thing.

EDIT 2: Ok some onomatopoeia are going to be non-phonetic, and instead will be english equivalents or completely changed because there isn't an accompanying sound file and they make no goddamn sense without looking up what the hell it's supposed to be. I should be close to 50% done by tonight, but don't expect an update. I'll probably give updates around every 20% or so, I lied. I don't want to spam the thread or anything.
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Feb 11, 2019
Current progress, because I know people probably want that shit: 737/1851 lines, approx 40%
So far I've finished scenes 1-3 out of 8, but it's also scenes 1-5 out of 13 depending on how you want to count.
If you want to count by dudes downed it's around 4 out of 13 or so.
Dude, you're a beast. Can't wait for the finished TL, but tbh take your time. Any person who translates Doskoinpo's work is a legend to me so no worries about feeling obligated to put out updates or disappointing people because it's taking quite some time.
I hope you'll do well in college and in other things in your life.
Honorifics: Y/N? Stuff like onii-san and imp-sama, currently they exist but there's not many of them if the majority want a truly all-english translation.
I think keeping honorifics is fine. I'd prefer "onii-san" over "mister" (don't arrest me).
Onomatopoeia: These are phonetic translations, so they may look weird to you. If this is the case, sorry but they're going to stay phonetic. This isn't actually a question I fucked up.
JP Onomatopoeias are great tbh.
Finally, I have an opportunity to translate a character's name as 'Quilt' instead of 'Kiruto' and I want to know people's preference on that.
Both sound odd as names. I suppose I'd choose Kiruto since Quilt sounds weirder as a name.
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Apr 21, 2021
Alright it's time for another progress update, this is going faster than I thought. Probably because I don't have much to do on the weekends.
Current progress by lines is 1142/1852, or approx 61% completion.
Progress by numbered scenes is 4.75/8.
Progress by actual scenes is 8.75/13.
Progress by dudes is 5.5/13. But idk if there's actually 13 dudes, I'm just counting unique character names.

Some actually kinda important stuff: The main character has no actual name, she is simply known as 'Imp' in every scene. Personally, I'm getting a bit tired of typing 'the imp' 100 times in every scene, but that's mostly because it feels weird to only refer to a character in a single way instead of anything else. If people don't mind it then that's fine, but if people do actually want things changed, then I can do that.

Also, about honorifics: I kinda lied, they currently don't actually exist as part of names, mostly because there's a ton of names and I don't want to bother finding the honorifics for every single one of them, especially when it's just something like '-san.'

Also there's a ton of play with phonetics that I'm not translating, that's a ton of work that, frankly, is already conveyed fine by the VA. Just know that it exists.

Also, 100% completion by lines DOES NOT MEAN I am actually done, I need to fix some stuff that Doskoinpo fucked up in the original release, such as names not being displayed or being displayed when they shouldn't be. Probably won't take more than an extra day, but don't get up in arms when I take a bit of extra time so you can actually read pop-up text boxes that are actually just images. After that I have more proofreading and such to do, but that shouldn't add any more time.

Finally, if anybody can translate this singular sentence into something that makes any amount of sense, that would be great:
Currently I have it as 'Loose-headed lines fade emptily into the night.' but that sounds shit.

EDIT: Shit, I almost forgot. I decided to do a mini character preview on each of the Four Heavenly Kings for these. Gareus is arrogant anime sword guy, except instead of a katana he has a rapier. He collects scented candles and enjoys working out. Swipe right to learn more about him.
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Apr 21, 2021
Guess who had a ton of free time the last couple days and bashed out 300 lines. Anyway, progress update.
Current progress by lines is 1527/1851 or around 82%.
Progress by numbered scenes is 6/8.
Progress by actual scenes is 11/13.
Progress by dudes is 7/11, because 'Soldier' was a purely background name, and I doubt 'Man' is going to appear.

This is the home stretch, so I could probably finish before the end of the month, but I won't push myself for that. Expect it next week at this pace. Any later than that and it's being delayed by college shit, but shouldn't be long.

I don't really have anything special to note here, other than that I removed Goku from the translation.

Now onto the character preview: Reiji is a magic-wielding manlet with a severe case of baby-face, often causing him to be mistaken for a child even though he's been in the military for 10 years. Like any well-adjusted mini-man, he makes up for his short height with his short temper, and is quick to use his magical abilities to commit war crimes against anybody who he feels insulted by. He's good friends with Kiruto, whose edginess is useful to help manage Reiji's ego. Enjoys watching shitty plays and imagining himself in the lead role.

Also, before nobody asks, no character's age is mentioned anywhere in the original text, merely appearance. I don't think this will be a problem, but if necessary I can figure something out.

EDIT: Okay there's a part where, as best as I can tell, it says 'The door to the room opens silently' but it's accompanied by a super creaky door effect for the door and I needed to share this with somebody.
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May 25, 2021
Guess who had a ton of free time the last couple days and bashed out 300 lines. Anyway, progress update.
Current progress by lines is 1527/1851 or around 82%.
Progress by numbered scenes is 6/8.
Progress by actual scenes is 11/13.
Progress by dudes is 7/11, because 'Soldier' was a purely background name, and I doubt 'Man' is going to appear.

This is the home stretch, so I could probably finish before the end of the month, but I won't push myself for that. Expect it next week at this pace. Any later than that and it's being delayed by college shit, but shouldn't be long.

I don't really have anything special to note here, other than that I removed Goku from the translation.

Now onto the character preview: Reiji is a magic-wielding manlet with a severe case of baby-face, often causing him to be mistaken for a child even though he's been in the military for 10 years. Like any well-adjusted mini-man, he makes up for his short height with his short temper, and is quick to use his magical abilities to commit war crimes against anybody who he feels insulted by. He's good friends with Kiruto, whose edginess is useful to help manage Reiji's ego. Enjoys watching shitty plays and imagining himself in the lead role.

Also, before nobody asks, no character's age is mentioned anywhere in the original text, merely appearance. I don't think this will be a problem, but if necessary I can figure something out.

Thank you for your work on this!
Apr 21, 2021
It's done. Almost, but the translating is done.
All 1872 lines (I forgor the credits in previous counts, which are semi-translated).
All 8 numbered scenes. All 13 actual scenes. And all 11 dudes.

Now I move onto the surprising number of fuckups and corrections I need to make that I can't fix without editing text files manually. There's a lot of these, sometimes it's just a name header not displaying when it should, and sometimes audio is just completely missing. Should be done tomorrow unless I fuck up somewhere.

Character time: Dulles is the strongest warrior in the nation's entire history. He's more than a match for all three other members of the Four Heavenly Kings combined. No demon has ever survived his attacks, and every soldier wants to fight by his side. Women want him. Men want to be him. A true engine of destruction and power. But Dulles also appreciates the finer things in life. He enjoys working with his hands, carving small figurines of himself and his comrades. He is fiercely loyal to the king, and as such has made more figures of him than anyone else.

Anyway, expect the finished translation sometime in the next few days. Although a disclaimer: THIS IS AN EDITED MACHINE TRANSLATION. I DO NOT SPEAK JAPANESE. While I have edited every single line manually, there are still going to be places that either sound wrong, or aren't in the same tense. I tried to keep everything in third person, but I may have made a mistake somewhere. I won't be fixing these mistakes once I truly finish, so if they're breaking your immersion or something, fix them yourself. Just open the scene files in notepad, it's not hard just tedious.

That's all for now, but it shouldn't be long.
Apr 21, 2021
Damn he's good. Here's the finished translation, complete with fixing various fuckups in the original:

Now to summon a moderator...

O great and glorious moderators, I beseech you, heed my call! Please create a thread for this translation I have labored for, as I am unworthy to do so. While I bear no offerings, I pray that you shall show mercy upon this meager follower. Please deliver me from strife and save my soul. Amen.


Jan 15, 2019
Damn he's good. Here's the finished translation, complete with fixing various fuckups in the original:

Now to summon a moderator...

O great and glorious moderators, I beseech you, heed my call! Please create a thread for this translation I have labored for, as I am unworthy to do so. While I bear no offerings, I pray that you shall show mercy upon this meager follower. Please deliver me from strife and save my soul. Amen.
Thanks for you hard work!
Whenever I try to open it, I get 2 japanese alerts and the game is just black screen. Do you happen to know why?
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Post Pro
Respected User
Aug 5, 2018
Thanks for you hard work!
Whenever I try to open it, I get 2 japanese alerts and the game is just black screen. Do you happen to know why?
Game run fine for me (did you run this in Japanese Local?)
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