Translator ++ doesn't work with the more recent Wolf RPG editor releases, sadly

I've personally been enjoying the game, despite not being able to understand words beyond "times, attack, recover" etc. Stuck after the fourth dungeon, where an adventurer is saying something about some gate, and I have *no* clue what to do to get through it xD. If anybody knows of a way to translate recent Wolf RPG releases, this game would be pretty good to have translated

It's not super dialogue-heavy either. Most NPCs have between one and six lines (depending on the character's appearance). And there's only so many unique NPCs out there, from what I've seen.
One thing you might not notice, is that once you get access to your transformation ability, you can go back to the starting area, just below the second dungeon, and use it to jump across the bit of water in the way. Head down further, past a couple encounters, and you'll be rewarded with a shield that enables you to dash 3 tiles in front of you (over gaps and water too).