RPGM [Translation Request] [Fallen Noble ~ Daughter Lithia's Struggle ~] [RJ286276] [Iron Chain Council]


Mar 5, 2021
I might try and pick this up, but not the entire game.

I'll try and make improvements on the menus (So things like "Item Items" are no longer mistranslated) items, armors, stat descriptions and so on.

Basically I'll see if I can release a patch that improves all the little things, since the main game is absolutely massive and I just don't see myself doing it.

I'll make another post once I have something ready.


EDIT: Just a quick update, In the end I'll also be giving all the Map files (There's 325 of them) a full Sugoi Translation.
(I won't be giving them an editing pass however other than shortening things like "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! -> aaaaa!" and so on)

I still won't be touching the CommonEvents file, since I couldn't even scroll all the way down, there's easily over 10k Boxes of dialogue at a glance.

But at the very least, individual maps will hopefully sound more coherent than Google MTL.
Will be making a new post once everything is done.


EDIT 2: Alright, so in the end I will be doing CommonEvents, via Sugoi Offline Translator using the latest Levi 3.3 model. Which has extremely positive results compared to DeepL and any online translator (Thread with info here)

I've already tested a bit of the intro, and it's far, far better than what the current MTL version has.

The good news is, it's less batches than all the Map files put together (91 vs 161)
It'll still take some time, and I wont be giving it an editing pass other than correcting names and simple things.

Will be posting the update hopefully by tomorrow.
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Mar 5, 2021
Alright, time for a second post since my last one is already too long.

I finally finished editing, and very slowly combing through everything that I could without directly touching the story dialogue.
This game, without exaggeration, was hell to edit, even for the most basic details.

Mostly because of the way certain parts of the game are scripted, things without certain letters or capitalization would break other things, so it was a very slow process of constantly editing, exporting, testing, fixing and more editing.

Fallen Noble - Improvement Patch
  • Retranslated the entire game using Sugoi Offline Translator Levi model 3.3
  • All skills given proper names (Ex: Kiai -> Fighting Spirit, Kyokuhiyoubashira -> Extreme Cold Pillar of Ice, etc)
  • Corrected FmC name to be "Ricia" (Had way to many variations, Rythia, Rycia, Risia, Rixia....)
  • Corrected 2nd FmC name to be Rosetta
  • Corrected all item names (Ex: Healmotion (higher) -> Heal Potion (Advanced), Dento hiyakusou -> Traditional Secret Herbs)
  • Corrected many enemy names (Way to many to list...)
  • Correct all weapon names
  • Added proper System \ UI Settings (No more "Item Items" or "I'll fight" -> Items \ Fight)
  • Added translated UI
    ("Adventure logbook" and all other text UI translated)
    (The actual Adventure logbook with the quest's isnt translated, due to technical difficulties)

  • Added translated Status screen
    (This was hell to make work, even now it's not perfect, but at least it's understandable)

  • Miscellaneous edits (Shop names, NPC names, map names, some NPC dialogue)
  • +More that I forgot.​
Overall, there's many improvements made, but the game is still a MTL, so expect a lot of gibberish, even using Sugoi the game has many problems (Such as not having proper capitalization for "i" -> "I" and so on) that and the usual MTL problems like pronouns, odd sentence wrapping and so on.

The experience will still be shit, but hopefully less shit than a simple Google TL.

On that note, I hope that you can still appreciate it, and if you do decide to play this, it'll be a little better than before.


Dec 16, 2019
im having trouble with the Bandit quest. Aside from the fact they are way too difficult, I managed to beat them after lowering the difficulty but i cant find where to report the quest. She says go to the guildhouse but no one there responds, The Request lady just says i can cancel this permanent request for you.

Also I tried to report about the bandits without fighting them but same as above.

Edit: Nevermind i think i figured out the issue, I needed to make it past the first time you pay Rent?
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Feb 28, 2022
Alright, time for a second post since my last one is already too long.

I finally finished editing, and very slowly combing through everything that I could without directly touching the story dialogue.
This game, without exaggeration, was hell to edit, even for the most basic details.

Mostly because of the way certain parts of the game are scripted, things without certain letters or capitalization would break other things, so it was a very slow process of constantly editing, exporting, testing, fixing and more editing.

Fallen Noble - Improvement Patch
  • Retranslated the entire game using Sugoi Offline Translator Levi model 3.3
  • All skills given proper names (Ex: Kiai -> Fighting Spirit, Kyokuhiyoubashira -> Extreme Cold Pillar of Ice, etc)
  • Corrected FmC name to be "Ricia" (Had way to many variations, Rythia, Rycia, Risia, Rixia....)
  • Corrected 2nd FmC name to be Rosetta
  • Corrected all item names (Ex: Healmotion (higher) -> Heal Potion (Advanced), Dento hiyakusou -> Traditional Secret Herbs)
  • Corrected many enemy names (Way to many to list...)
  • Correct all weapon names
  • Added proper System \ UI Settings (No more "Item Items" or "I'll fight" -> Items \ Fight)
  • Added translated UI
    View attachment 2074283
    ("Adventure logbook" and all other text UI translated)
    (The actual Adventure logbook with the quest's isnt translated, due to technical difficulties)

  • Added translated Status screen
    View attachment 2074286
    (This was hell to make work, even now it's not perfect, but at least it's understandable)

  • Miscellaneous edits (Shop names, NPC names, map names, some NPC dialogue)
  • +More that I forgot.​
Overall, there's many improvements made, but the game is still a MTL, so expect a lot of gibberish, even using Sugoi the game has many problems (Such as not having proper capitalization for "i" -> "I" and so on) that and the usual MTL problems like pronouns, odd sentence wrapping and so on.

The experience will still be shit, but hopefully less shit than a simple Google TL.

On that note, I hope that you can still appreciate it, and if you do decide to play this, it'll be a little better than before.
Does anyone else has another translated patch on the quest log, the translated patch above does not translate the questlog so I can not play the game especially my memory is very short term?