Others RPGM None [Translation Request] Goblin Burrow


Jun 27, 2017
well first you need Translator++ Ver 2.6.20B
you can find that here :

and you need this to extract the files from the game krkrextract:


take your game files put the krkrextract files in to the folder

take ゴブリンの巣穴.eXe (goblin burrow.exe) and drag it on krkrextract.exe then krkrextract should open whit the game then drag data.xp3 from the game into the software that just opened wait until its done and a new folder should be ther forgot whats it called ;P anyway that should be the data folder now go into that folder data-system2 and delete マップ.ks copy the folders others and system2 to a safe place like desktop for later dont cut it COPY the files should stay in ther for translater++ and now open translator++ start a new project scrol a bit down pick kirikiri adventure game then select executable file from your game go and then pick the exe file for goblin burrow (ゴブリンの巣穴.eXe) that should take a few min to procces once that is done klick top left open and pick the translaion file i used GB Tagless.zip had some problems whit the other file later in the game now click on the syringe on the top (inject/ apply transltaion) on the top on click on the right side on select a folder and go to your game folder and the bottem on make a path for your game files like on your desktop make a new folder and name it like translated or somthing and click select folder once you did that click apply translation leave it be until its done then copy the the files from system 2 that you backed up at the start into the translated system 2 and the 3 files ( サポメ.ks / 登録.ks / ループ音コントローラ.ks )
from other folders into the translated others folder and you are done i think ^^

hope it helps ^^ GL
and sorry if i forgot somthin :p
would you mind sharing your copy of the translated version? I don't think I did mine right
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New Member
Feb 4, 2019
well first you need Translator++ Ver 2.6.20B
you can find that here :

and you need this to extract the files from the game krkrextract:


take your game files put the krkrextract files in to the folder

take ゴブリンの巣穴.eXe (goblin burrow.exe) and drag it on krkrextract.exe then krkrextract should open whit the game then drag data.xp3 from the game into the software that just opened wait until its done and a new folder should be ther forgot whats it called ;P anyway that should be the data folder now go into that folder data-system2 and delete マップ.ks copy the folders others and system2 to a safe place like desktop for later dont cut it COPY the files should stay in ther for translater++ and now open translator++ start a new project scrol a bit down pick kirikiri adventure game then select executable file from your game go and then pick the exe file for goblin burrow (ゴブリンの巣穴.eXe) that should take a few min to procces once that is done klick top left open and pick the translaion file i used GB Tagless.zip had some problems whit the other file later in the game now click on the syringe on the top (inject/ apply transltaion) on the top on click on the right side on select a folder and go to your game folder and the bottem on make a path for your game files like on your desktop make a new folder and name it like translated or somthing and click select folder once you did that click apply translation leave it be until its done then copy the the files from system 2 that you backed up at the start into the translated system 2 and the 3 files ( サポメ.ks / 登録.ks / ループ音コントローラ.ks )
from other folders into the translated others folder and you are done i think ^^

hope it helps ^^ GL
and sorry if i forgot somthin :p
i got this message i dont know what it means



Mar 4, 2018
Yeah the dlc translation is done I have send it to the owner of the post I linked you he will post it in a few days if evrything is alright ^^
Lol guess I really should have checked here myself before working some more on the translation... Had to have my pc in the dining room due to painting the house for the past few weeks and finally got back into my office and pretty much translated the entire base menus just to see someone else has already done it!
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Dec 19, 2017
Translator++ Ver 2.6.20B ...

simple variant to convert english?
maybe someone has the files that I just have to add?

is also translated to dlc? thx