Tool Translator++

5.00 star(s) 1 Vote


Jul 2, 2018
Opening a .trans file using the "Open" menu doesn't seem to be working since version 2.5.30.
Opening it through recent files seems to still work though.


Active Member
Aug 12, 2017
Translator++ eliminates the line breaks and changes the encoding to UTF-16 when exports the RPGMaker MV .json files.
This is making it very difficult to compare the original files with the translated ones and finding errors or translate additional untranslated text.
Creative recode will restore the non ASCII characters in multiple files

Kreative Recode.PNG
and textcrawler pro with the batch file attached "restore MV" will restore the line brakes.
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Restore MV json.PNG
In case you want to perform diff comparison of the files with a program like meld
e.g. identifing the cause of errors when playing.

Xu San Shi

New Member
Nov 6, 2018
Veo que muchos traducen todas las carpetas de "Data" al 100%, error brutal, haciendo eso, solo haran que el juego tire muchisimos errores, hay carpetas, que no deben ser traducidas, o solo parcialmente, y que son lineas de texto criticos que se relacion con el codigo fuente o la accion de ejecutar en orden otros archivos o textos, carpetas tan simples como "Actors" (protagonistas, actores o personajes) no en todo los casos se puede traducir, y que si hay lineas de comando que vinculen esos textos de esa carpeta y la hora de ejecutar y requerir un archivo de la carpeta "Graphics" entra en error, otra carpeta que no se debe traducir con el programa en el modo auto es la carpeta "Scripts", esta es esencial para que el juego corra sin problemas, es recomendable no traducirla pero tambien es posible traducirla a mano, linea por linea, evitando los textos importantes o que tengan nombres de archivos que esten en la carpeta del juego "Graphics", esto es si quieren traducir del ingles a otro idioma, si es del japones al ingles o del japones a otro idioma, es mejor si primero prueban carpeta por carpeta, en el buscador de internet, y traducen alli el nombre de las carpetas para saber si es recomendable traducir si no esta en romani, y en general, por si tradujeron la mayoria del juego por el autotraslate, si esta tanto en japones como en ingles, aquellos textos que estan en la linea "Original Text" presentan los siguientes caracteres:
" ,/ , /n, //, \\V[valor x], "texto x", \C[valor x], \C[valor x]texto x\C[valor x], \\C[valor x]\\V[valor x]\\C[valor x], son algunos ejemplos.
Deben mantener intactos cuando esten traducidos en "Initial" o produciran errores y el cierre forzado del juego. los traductores no pueden leer los caracteres con esas combinaciones por lo que por defecto, los ignoran o en la mayoria de los casos, los separan en espacios, que es lo que produce la mayoria de errores a medida que se prueban los juegos, una recomendacion antes de que empiecen a traducir juegos, es que copien el juego original y trabajen en la copia, esto es para probar los archivos de guardado y que no tiren errores.
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May 29, 2017
can anyone help, Patching game reaches 3% and gives an error: File list not found in init file at.
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I had this problem a while ago, I think it's a bug with the loading of data with some RPG maker games of some versions.
I got around it by transplanting the data folder and game.ini files onto a know to work game (by deleting the original data folder and game.ini from the know good and copying the ones from the not working one) and then loading from the known good one and it should load fine then.
and you should be able to export it normally after the import (just remember the export the data to the original game)


Sep 13, 2018
1.- Does not leave spaces or numbers in the game folder OK
2.- run the translator in administrator mode OK
3.- use an older version :) OK

It was not 111.png 2222.png


Dec 26, 2018
Does parsing the data actually takes forever to do or is it just me? Or is this a thing with Wolf RPG in general?


Active Member
Sep 12, 2018
Does parsing the data actually takes forever to do or is it just me? Or is this a thing with Wolf RPG in general?
Same here, I'm really surprised that author writes in every post how he fixed problems with Wolf RPG and that all now will be fine, but it doesn't. Nor in the new version nor in the old one.


Oct 1, 2017
Same here, I'm really surprised that author writes in every post how he fixed problems with Wolf RPG and that all now will be fine, but it doesn't. Nor in the new version nor in the old one.
I'm honestly surprised Wolf RPG has support at all, considering its event scripting is essentially a mishmash of RPG Maker engines' Event Scripting and custom Ruby/JavaScript scripting in terms of complexity, depending on how ambitious a game developer chooses to get when using it.

To see what I mean, try opening up this game or this game in either language version of Wolf RPG Editor and navigating to their Common Event database to see what a mess the devs can make in the engine. I never fully understood the logic behind the former's fishing mini-game as a result of it's spaghetti coding.


May 16, 2018
Can someone please help me? When I open Translator++ I get the following error.
I tried to reinstall Visual C++ and updated it and even installed now Visual Community.

Initialization Error!
Unable to run PHP Interpreter!
Translator++ need PHP CLI to run some mandatory procedure.
This error usually occurred because your computer is not installed with the correct version of Microsoft Visual C++ redistributable.
Please check the documentation for more information about this symptom.
View attachment 699603

When I try to translate a game after I click it away it says:

View attachment 699608

Can anyone please help or give suggestions? I reinstalled Translator++. Before formatting my laptop a month ago it worked smoothly, so I don't know what the problem is now.
pk2000 Thanks for the links.
I installed all of them. However the problem remains:

View attachment 700813

I can't figure out why the error still occurs :/
Open for any suggestions :)
I had this problem too.
I have all the Redistributables installed (even more than recommended, I think I pretty much have all the Redistributables (from game installs and such)), but nonetheless the problem persisted.
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Now here is what actually helped me fix the problem and I don't know why this program doesn't accept or can't read the directory:


This directory is where I have my desktop, and in many years of using Windows 10 and the OneDrive cloud based desktop, I have never encountered this problem before.
The fix is simple, if you want to use this program and translate a game BOTH the game and the Translator++ CAN NOT be in this directory.

Insert the folder in C:\ example:
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I hope this helped, I am running Windows 10 latest build (64-bit).
5.00 star(s) 1 Vote