Wolf RPG [Translation Request] 空蝉コミュニクション [MF Future]


Jun 26, 2018
Im close to being finished with most of the girls and teachers. And all I need is the nurse, the principal, and the police woman. but can anyone decipher what this hint meants? I don't get what the Ec means if Im supposed to jus fail the convos.


Jun 26, 2018
how to finish miyako the homeroom teacher i'm at the final task :/
Same, but the translation cut off at the final task name, I dunno if she wants everyone in the shcool to be friends or whutever the fuck. We need a legit translator just for that line


Jun 26, 2018
Same, but the translation cut off at the final task name, I dunno if she wants everyone in the shcool to be friends or whutever the fuck. We need a legit translator just for that line
I also can't finish the green haired girl's quest because of the same reason


Jul 28, 2017
I also can't finish the green haired girl's quest because of the same reason
Same i used the mtool with the ms Pgothic for the front and its cut at the end of dialogue so idk what to do for finish these girl just wait for someone who found out the answer


Oct 19, 2018
is it a bug?the last subject isnt rising at all?or do i have to trigger some events to make it move?im stuck at E since forever even with the stars maxed


Jul 4, 2017
is it a bug?the last subject isnt rising at all?or do i have to trigger some events to make it move?im stuck at E since forever even with the stars maxed

Its the hardest one to lvl, you got to lvl up your smarts and just keep studing it....... use cheat engine to increase your smarts to 999 and lock your stamina, then just study, study, study. It helps to partner with one of the girls esp the red head cause of her quest.

Same, but the translation cut off at the final task name, I dunno if she wants everyone in the shcool to be friends or whutever the fuck. We need a legit translator just for that line
Same, I thought I had to make firends (pairs) with someone and did that 3 times... took forever.... I think it might... I hope its not make a "new" friend cause I maxed everyone but the cop already.
Feb 10, 2022
anyone knows the 7 clue to the hotel?
You are only missing that one? You need to input the cheat code that shows when you check the arcade at the door of the general shop into the vending machine next to that same shop. If at the end of the code you buy one coca cola, you did it right. After that a weird guy appears and gives you the 7 hint.

If you are just missing that one, maybe you are the first to get to that shitty alley. How did you get the other ones?

And i just remembered another thing. Anyone knows if the weird sound you can sometimes hear when entering any room of the school at night means something? or it's just there to fuck with us?


New Member
May 29, 2017
guys I have figured it out

the seven clues are :
night at the jinja-get key 1-take the drink at locker-drink it at 參道-talk to the a man at the area where you can earn money at weekend-back to the locker-talk to a women at the park-back to locker- get clue one

read book at the library until you get the clue after talking with あゆむ

use the game machine cheat at the vending machine beside it after talking with otaku

get in and get out the cafe twice and then order the first item

check the lockers in front of all three classrooms after talking with teacher

talk with the boards beside the jinja after talking with 美海

get all the keys from the red hair guy beside the vending machine
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