Well, that is something you decide i guess.
I just figured it may be useful to keep an eye on Kagura's upcoming section.

And who knows, perhaps you'll be as good as Kagura one day, all this translating is also practice after all.
If one is to view it like this then the effort you've put into your translations is never a waste.
Fair enough. And yeah, I check out Kagura's upcoming section from time to time. It's a bit difficult to manage figuring out exactly WHO is working on translations though - F95 has a board, ULMF has a board, and official translations/teams like Kagura are also translating, and that's not even including folks who don't post what they're translating until they're done (such as myself), or folks who begin a translation and just abandon it. So even if I finally pick out a game I'd like to translate, it gets so muddy regarding logistics and jurisdiction, in a sense, that I don't bother.
As for practice, not to toot my own horn, but I feel I'm established enough - given I've translated over a dozen games - that while practice is always good, I think I know what I'm doing. I'm also not a native Japanese speaker, I'm not part of a team like Kagura, and I'm also not for profit. Thus, my translations will likely never be as good as actual localizations. And speaking of practice, I'm probably going to be "retiring" soon in a sense, so I may not need it, haha.
Anyway, I digress. I'm happy this game is officially translated and I hope others enjoy the game regardless of whether they use my translation or Kagura's.