RPGM Partial [Translation Requset] [RPG] 魔法少女コノハ-LOLIQUE2GAIDEN-(MEGA DOWNLOAD)

3.70 star(s) 3 Votes


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2020
Glad I spotted this thread in the recents, didn't think it would be allowed and so started my own MTL just to play it for myself.

Nevermind, this partial is much more partial than I anticipated, I'll continue making the full MTL. It should be easy with how I've set up to integrate the partial from Brokendivision and CommonEvents translation by Rrezz.
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Mar 14, 2019
anyone help me to test these archives (MTL) (remember backup your data folder)Edit (Add map 005 - 010, 373)
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Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2020
Note for translators of RPGM games, don't change the names of events in CommonEvents. These are things that are never shown to the player, and the only thing translating them can do is break the game. The only things that need to be translated for player experience are JSON entries with codes 401, 408, 355/356 (and then only certain ones), 102, and 402. Everything else is internal.

I'm also not sure what happened with the Items.json file, but it is misencoded so I can't read it with Python.

And unfortunately, I can't salvage Rrezz's partial for my MTL. I go through line by line and since there were lines added when Rrezz translated so I can't iterate and match translated segments to the original JPN for replacement. Real bummer, that looked like a lot of work.

The MTL itself is done, but I'll need to go through the system files to debug some things.

There is so much JPN text untranslated and I have absolutely no idea where it is hiding. Persistence, creativity, and insomnia prevail.

So many bugs.
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Nov 4, 2019
Note for translators of RPGM games, don't change the names of events in CommonEvents. These are things that are never shown to the player, and the only thing translating them can do is break the game. The only things that need to be translated for player experience are JSON entries with codes 401, 408, 355 (and then only certain ones), 102, and 402. Everything else is internal.

I'm also not sure what happened with the Items.json file, but it is misencoded so I can't read it with Python.

And unfortunately, I can't salvage Rrezz's partial for my MTL. I go through line by line and since there were lines added when Rrezz translated so I can't iterate and match translated segments to the original JPN for replacement. Real bummer, that looked like a lot of work.

The MTL itself is done, but I'll need to go through the system files to debug some things.

There is so much JPN text untranslated and I have absolutely no idea where it is hiding.

So many bugs.
So if you go to Page 1, you'll see that there's already an MTL for this game.
My Partial covers a lot of what was not covered in the original MTL. H-Stats Menu, Bad Stats Menu, Quest Logs and few other hidden Menu Items.
The only thing I touched in the CommonEvents was a single Common Event that sets the Control Variable for Konoha's class and Virginity status. And that's the only part of my Partial that crosses over with the Original MTL, hench the Patch. I have also expanded on it to also include the Control Variables for whoever takes Konoha's Virginity.
I've attached an Image that includes the Control Variables for the H-Stats menu that I translated from the Common Events.
My recommendation for your MTL is to only do the Map Files for now. My next update for my Partial will include All the Quest logs, All Database entries, and the above CommonEvents.
Once it's released, you can apply your MTL over the CommonEvents so you don't have to worry about the Control Variables ruining anything.
I've also attached what My translated Quest Logs looks like, compared to someone else's MTL quest log.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2020
So if you go to Page 1, you'll see that there's already an MTL for this game.
My Partial covers a lot of what was not covered in the original MTL. H-Stats Menu, Bad Stats Menu, Quest Logs and few other hidden Menu Items.
The only thing I touched in the CommonEvents was a single Common Event that sets the Control Variable for Konoha's class and Virginity status. And that's the only part of my Partial that crosses over with the Original MTL, hench the Patch. I have also expanded on it to also include the Control Variables for whoever takes Konoha's Virginity.
I've attached an Image that includes the Control Variables for the H-Stats menu that I translated from the Common Events.
My recommendation for your MTL is to only do the Map Files for now. My next update for my Partial will include All the Quest logs, All Database entries, and the above CommonEvents.
Once it's released, you can apply your MTL over the CommonEvents so you don't have to worry about the Control Variables ruining anything.
I've also attached what My translated Quest Logs looks like, compared to someone else's MTL quest log.
It was incomplete. If you're planning on doing more manually, I'll just leave it to you. This game's code is a mess and has been driving me nuts trying to figure out ways to get a consistent and thorough translation. The amount of information stored as text strings in plugins.js is maddening, I'm impressed with your patience in translating it.


Nov 4, 2019
It was incomplete. If you're planning on doing more manually, I'll just leave it to you. This game's code is a mess and has been driving me nuts trying to figure out ways to get a consistent and thorough translation. The amount of information stored as text strings in plugins.js is maddening, I'm impressed with your patience in translating it.
Yeah, Plugins.js requires a very careful touch. It's very easy to Brick the game. I've already found the vast majority of the stuff in Plugins.js that will require translating. All that's left is to finish the Quests, and find the Notes for the H-Stats Menu. So please don't touch the Plugins.js, I'll handle it. Thank you.
Once I get all that done, and all the Database entries I'll go ahead and post it, then you can run the MTL over it, only having to worry about the Map Files and the CommonEvents.
I work Mon-Fri 12 hours each day, so Saturday and Sundays are the only days I'll be working on it.
If you do an MTL, you can also skip over MapFiles 002 and 004. They'll be included in the updated partial. 002 is the Portal Map, and I want all the names to match up with the MapInfos and the Quest Logs. And 004 is just "Do you want to watch the intro" and not much else.

I did find the Notes for the H-Stats menus, but translating it causes the game to crash whenever it try to set a new Note. The Notes randomize each day based on your H-stats. I'll find to find what Script it is that's causing it to see an Unexpected Identifier. looks like it has something to do with the Game's Interpreter...
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New Member
Apr 2, 2021
I went through all the pages and added each partial one at a time, but I seem to have an error with lockpicking.
The base game unpatched works fine but the "patched" one gives me the error of:
Loading Error
Failed to load: img/pictures/Pi_tu.png
Each time I try and lockpick. After hitting the [Retry] button, it continues to pop up every few seconds until I reload the game, or the game gets stuck in an infinite loop if I leave the area/open the menu.
Any suggestions?


Nov 4, 2019
I went through all the pages and added each partial one at a time, but I seem to have an error with lockpicking.
The base game unpatched works fine but the "patched" one gives me the error of:
Loading Error
Failed to load: img/pictures/Pi_tu.png
Each time I try and lockpick. After hitting the [Retry] button, it continues to pop up every few seconds until I reload the game, or the game gets stuck in an infinite loop if I leave the area/open the menu.
Any suggestions?
So what's likely happening is your game wants to use the Unencrypted files.
If you want to use the MTL, just use Translation file, you won't need the Commands File.
Install it into the www folder, letting it overwrite everything in the Data folder.
Then download my partial and install it in the Main folder, allowing it to overwrite everything.
Then download the Common Events for MTL, Item Menu and Items for MTL patch and install them all in the main file, allowing them to overwrite everything.

An alternative is to unencrypt all your files, but I don't recommend that as it's a hassle and very time consuming.

Rrezz MuninKai
Have you guys heard about "Vitamin Quest 2nd Attract"?
I know this isn't the thread to make suggestions. But I do really think both of you might also enjoy that game.

It is as good as this one, if not better. But, just like this one, that one too lacks a translation...
The MTL for it (which I believe to be Google translate) it's just horrendous to the point where it's almost unintelligible.
It has a partial though, which is good enough to make the game somewhat playable.

The thing is that I feel like with some minor work, as per having the MTL in DeepL and polishing the already existing partial, that game would instantly step up several notches.

My problem is... That I don't have a clue about coding nor image editing, otherwise I'd do it myself.

That being said. I'd really appreciate it if you could check it out and let me know your thoughts.
I've heard of Vitamin Quest 2nd Attract. and I did play the translated version of the first game.
I might look into it, but I only do Partial translation as I typically don't like doing Machine Translations as there's too much risk of it breaking something.
At the moment I'm going to concentrate on Magical Girl Konoha. Once I'm done with this my next plan of attack is the new Starworks Games, Inferior Genes and Ponytails. The first game was amazing, and Busty JKs are my Kryptonite. Also they removed the annoying ass principle events, so it's a lot funner than the original.


New Member
Apr 2, 2021
So what's likely happening is your game wants to use the Unencrypted files.
If you want to use the MTL, just use Translation file, you won't need the Commands File.
Install it into the www folder, letting it overwrite everything in the Data folder.
Then download my partial and install it in the Main folder, allowing it to overwrite everything.
Then download the Common Events for MTL, Item Menu and Items for MTL patch and install them all in the main file, allowing them to overwrite everything.

An alternative is to unencrypt all your files, but I don't recommend that as it's a hassle and very time consuming.
This worked, thanks. I 100% had added all the files before, so now after going through and skipping the certain ones I'm all set.
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Oct 13, 2020
Uuuhm with all the patch, i had a too long combat log crash but the biggest bug so far was the dark screen if u loose the fight in the fortress with the wiking like bandit , u're supposed to end in the jail at the bottom and have the classic bandit rape scene but it stuck on a dark screen ;the sound still work and u can move in the jail (i guess) , u can open the menu but that's all, (didn't tried to move with map) A missing line on the script a guess.

Edit: The steal skill from the ghoul crash the game when it succed ; the script is incorrect.

(Ah yeah , a question , for the alraune chief quest , we're tasked to grab a white flower in a temple , the flower had the icon quest , it's in my bag but the one who gave me the quest don't end it , i can't give the flower to her , do i have to do something else with that flower ? O o)
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Oct 13, 2020
U need the png data and the rpgmvp data to make it work , check page 2 and add that one (your problem was already asked before)


Dec 11, 2019
Can you please send a screenshot of the area and demon?
you leave the city and go north you go through the cave then the bridge and you go to the right hand side you must go through 3 points that are an inn where there are pure lolimon then you continue to the right and you find a cabin with 2 guys that one seems to be a incubus from there you pass as an abandoned house in which you have to activate a hidden lever behind a bookcase you leave there and go to the right and you will find the entrance to a dungeon with 2 knight statues you enter there and go through the top or you explore it I know that one way is to free a dragon I think where the demon is it is under lock and key you must know how to open doors but it is easy to open there is the demon the only thing that I have not yet been able to do is find a cure for the curse that he places, I can't take an image of it because I'm playing it on another PC and it's not connected to the internet

sales de la ciudad y vas al norte pasas por la cueva luego el puente y vas a mano derecha debes pasar por 3 puntos que son una posada donde hay puros lolimon luegos sigues a la derecha y encuentras una cabaña con 2 tipos que uno parece ser un incubus de ahi pasas como una casa abandonada en la que tienes que activar una palanca oculta detras de un librero sales de ahi y vas a la derecha y encontraras la entrada a un calaboso con 2 estatuas de caballero entras ahi y vas por la parte de arriba o la exploras se que por un camino es para liberar a una dragona creo donde esta el demonio esta bajo llave debes saber abrir puestas pero es facil de abrir ahi esta el demonio lo unico que aun no e podido es encontrar cura para la maldicion que el pone, no le puedo sacar una imagen porque lo estoy jugando en otra pc y esta no esta conectada a internet


Nov 4, 2019
Thanks for the "translation"
So the issue often with MTLs is it'll just translate everything. And that can often mess up scripts.
So for my Partial, I'm going through and translating the parts that imo are more important to translate.
However due to work obligations I'm only able to work on it a few times during the week. But it's also important to go slow, as with how many scripts this game has, it's very easy to brick or break the game.
3.70 star(s) 3 Votes