Wolf RPG [transltion request] Anasteema's tea party


New Member
Feb 16, 2020
So he basically gave up? Hb that guy who translated all the lust games? He is very good at that. I would imagine this is a game of the type he would translate.


New Member
Feb 16, 2020
There hasnt been any peep by him in this thread in nearly a year, so you tell me if you've heard anything different I guess.
I guess this is one of those gems we non-japanese speakers will never be able to enjoy then, sadly.


Apr 6, 2020
This game has a familiar art style. what other games did the creator make?
also +1
The artist's tag is 7010. I don't think they've done any other games, but they have a few CG sets in a similar style to this game, namely Boku no Otonari no, Douguya Onee-san and Pocchari Party.


Jul 19, 2021
Does anyone else get errors with green text when using the save from the survey in 2.0.
Tried using other saves on this site but with the same result.
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Aug 25, 2018
Did some digging and found a site that's hosting an upload of the game with the voice patch. It's ver. 2.0, so not the absolute newest version.

I also attached a 100% save file for anyone that wants it.
If the link proves to be trouble I could always upload the game myself.
so i download the ver. you giving

use you 100% save

turned out some scene voice is glitch out

the animation working fine
but voice is glitch it

is thare a way to fix it or new link ver?


Jul 6, 2019
I had a go at translating the .txt files for this

the .txts are in Data/Text_Script.wolf

I used WolfDec.exe to decrypt the file, then used Translator++ custom parser option on the .txt files.
I used a super simple regex (/.*/g) which just grabs every line.
This makes a bunch of error msgs pop up during dialogue and things don't progress correctly, but some of the text was translated in the background. This is likely because it translated lines it wasn't supposed to.

I tried to replicate this with a better regex to ignore the lines starting with @ (which im assuming are the offending lines), but now my translator++ just hangs and hogs CPU and memory when using the custom parser.

The new regex I used was /(^(?!@).*$)/gm , which grabs every line that doesn't start with @. It works in regex testers but translator++ hates me now I guess and it doesn't work.

Here's what I did, and I think I got pretty close:
1. decrypt Text_Script.wolf by dragging the file onto WolfDec.exe
2. boot up Translator++, select "Parse any script with custom parser"
3. Click create new parser
3a. create new group for files ending in .txt (add new file group for *.txt)
3b. choose regular expression mode, put /(^(?!@).*$)/gm in it and capture group 1

at this point you SHOULD be able to test your regular expression in the test tab, this is where I crash for some reason

4. save the translator parser model and load it in translator++
5. select the unzipped Text_Script folder
6. hopefully it parses the folder and you now have a bunch of untranslated lines loaded into Translator++
7. Translate the folder, put the translation in Data, delete the untranslated Text_Script.wolf

There may be other .wolf files in Data that need to be translated besides Text_Script, but its simple enough to decrypt them with wolf_dec and apply the parser

lmk if you figure out what I was doing wrong. Figured I'd give it a shot, as many have before me, and I think I got quite close.

In retrospect, maybe I should've just got a screen translator off sourceforge. Oh well.