You and everybody else that tried to help me, are just awesome. If I was gay, I'd suck all you guys off just to show my gratitude. Never met a nicer and helpful group of pervs.I always see new people every update have issue's with installing and running the game so, here's how to download and run the game (or at least how i do it)
1. Go to TrapQuest's official website (can be found on front page of this thread)
View attachment 3011260
2. Click on the latest version uploaded
(Will be at the top of the front page)
View attachment 3011265
3. Scroll down a little and find "How to Download - Everyone Else"
4. If you just wanna play the game and don't care about which interpreter you use or don't even know what that means then just click/download the option I've Circled in RED
Obviously if you want to you can use a different interpreter if you feel the need/want to.
but I've only ever used Git so ill continue assuming that's the one you're gonna use.
(I also wasn't aware there was this new version that seems to make performance better so ill be trying that out later)
If your anti-virus doesn't like the version i circled then click the version next to it on the right
View attachment 3011253
5. Go ahead and look at the different versions and decide which you'll want.
Some versions do have features that other's don't and you can find the exact differences between them listed on posts people have made in the past like this one here;
View attachment 3011285
6. After deciding what version you'd like, scroll down and choose ONE from EITHER section I've circled in RED OR BLUE
to clarify, after downloading your version of choice you should have TWO things downloaded
-A zip file "ShameGamesGit"
-The version you've just chosen to download (it will look something like "TrapQuest230711W.gblorb"
The Numbers and ending Letter will look different depending on what version you have just chosen to download and the update you are playing on.
(also you may have noticed there's no clothing file to download on the website as that version in currently patreon only. Consider donating if you like the game to get the file or since i am posting this on a pirating site you can look for the most recent version on here as well and the debug unlock file but ill get into that later)
View attachment 3011504
7. Drag BOTH of these files into one (preferably fresh new) folder
8. Unzip the "ShameGamesGit" into the folder
View attachment 3011422
9. Right-Click the .gblorb file and Left-Click "Open with..."
View attachment 3011434
10. On the pop-up click "More apps" then scroll down and click "Look for another app on this PC"
11. Using the opened window go back to the same folder and double-click the only file left "Git.exe"
(or left click once then click open in the bottom right, same thing)
View attachment 3011461
Congrats the game should now be open for you and anytime you wanna play again just open/double-click the ".gblorb" file.
As i said previously you can find the clothing file on this site if you'd like to try that out or of course you can always get the file as soon as its posted on patreon by donating there.
There is also the debug unlock file that basically gives you access to cheats and other nice features, that file can also be found on this site.
to use the file just download it and run it BEFORE running the game.
1. Open "Debug Unlock.gblorb" and leave it open
2. Open the game now and you should be able to toggle debug mode on and off
The game's wiki isn't the most reliable and i had even thought of making my own guide a while back but you can at least use it to look at the commands that the unlock file gives you access to, the wiki can be found on the website but ill go ahead and link it here;
-You must be registered to see the links
View attachment 3011524
you can then click "5.2 "Debug" command or just scroll all the way down to look at the commands that the debug unlock file give's you access to.
I mean, I don't know how much the game dev makes nowadays, but when I checked a few years ago, the dude was getting more than 20k per month, despite pushing relatively small updates. He could perfectly have hired actual devs to port the game to an actual engine, and do all his work, and still have enough money to live comfortably doing nothing. Instead, he (self-admittedly) was "unresponsible with money", aka burnt everything on booze and hookers lolAramitz This may actually be copium overdose, for all I know (which is NOTHING), but I think TQ is being held back by the engine it runs on. It seems to me that the game has to track/calculate too many things every turn (which, if you keep adding new stuff, are obviously going to keep growing in number), and we already have examples of how bad the lag can get when games go berserk (about tracking everything).
Sometimes I ponder whether it is simply the bane of text-based games that do not stop when they should.
As one scene from Margin Call goes:burnt everything on booze and hookers
If their Patreon is to be believed, "down to" 7k per month now.when I checked a few years ago, the dude was getting more than 20k per month
If you're using the unstable version, check the changelog. Here's a step-by-step guide:Is it just me or the does the room with the final boss does not spawn for the most recent version? Has the
Using lumos doesn't show the boss room in the hotel, or in any other area. Has a (or perhaps it was always there) condition to spawn the room been added?
Edit to report bugs:* There's now a couple of new special rooms to visit via the elevator next to the security screens in the hotel.
* To recap, you need to first authenticate by:
* Putting something in the chute which has the pimp / mechanic / Xavier's cum on/in it.
* Impaling your pussy / ass on the 'DNA probe' after the pimp / mechanic / Xavier has recently ejaculated in it.
* Obtain the mechanic's ID card (the mechanic drops it upon defeat, and you can also get it when you demand an item from him).
* Now you can access the elevator, which allows you to access rooms with cool stuff inside. But of course, some potential traps too.
* Surgery room - a machine allows you to undergo 'surgery', which involves lowering most of your body into the mysterious machine, and sensation getting cut off from the rest of your body.
* Unlucky outcome (bad luck roll):
* Bimbo body enhancement and lewd nipple piercings. Always takes 6 rounds.
* Normal outcome (avoided the bad luck roll):
* Muscle enhancement. +1 strength and dex per round. Lasts a random number between 1 and 6 rounds.
* This means that the longer the surgery goes on, the more likely it is that you got the bad outcome and should be ending the surgery early to minimize the damages.
* You can end the surgery early, but this involves re-enabling sensations, which will always be bad.
* Art by Wishberri.
* After you've 'completed' all the other rooms, the final room will become available. This is the new location of the final boss with the Nintendolls and the capsule.
just have always noticed with every update there's people that have trouble installing and running the game so before even checking if anyone else already has made one, i said fuck it and just made a guide myself. Did you end up getting the game up and running?You and everybody else that tried to help me, are just awesome. If I was gay, I'd suck all you guys off just to show my gratitude. Never met a nicer and helpful group of pervs.
Nope, just can't do it. I'm not that smart, apparently, lol.just have always noticed with every update there's people that have trouble installing and running the game so before even checking if anyone else already has made one, i said fuck it and just made a guide myself. Did you end up getting the game up and running?
Don't say that! I'll wither to a corpse!The irony being that Git games are made using software from 1999. They're quite literally not from this century.
Heh, you and Aika both!I wished there was a way to modernize this game and make it easier to use. It looks fantastic.
There's an alternative if WinGit is giving you trouble -Nope, just can't do it. I'm not that smart, apparently, lol.
My brain just turned into Jello with what you just said, lol.Don't say that! I'll wither to a corpse!
Heh, you and Aika both!
There's an alternative if WinGit is giving you trouble -You must be registered to see the linkscan also run the gblorb game download. Don't worry about the unlocker at first, just run the game itself. Once you've got it to run at all you can use the unlocker in that setup and get started playing. Or just play it without the debug and rollback - you'll rapidly become a hardened iron-man player in this thread.![]()
My brain just turned into Jello with what you just said, lol.
This has been an issue for a LONG time now. Aika even went through the trouble of optimizing/enhancing the source code(?) for Git by working with the author to better handle some of the stuff that TQ uses.but I think TQ is being held back by the engine it runs on.
Damn, you guys are so friendly on this thread. I wish this whole site was full of people like you guys. God bless. I think I just jizzed in my frilly pink satin panties. (Darn, not again)Heh. Don't worry, it's really no different from being used to opening files in MS Office and then downloading Vegas to edit video because Office doesn't do what you want. The worst that can happen is that the game doesn't run and pretty much anybody who has been in this thread for a year or more will be happy to help with any errors you can copy and paste.
That's the black/night mode. You can deactivate it if you don't like it.
Like what? Could you be more specific?
You guys are such sluts, love you, boys.Damn, you guys are so friendly on this thread. I wish this whole site was full of people like you guys. God bless. I think I just jizzed in my frilly pink satin panties. (Darn, not again)