I will play some more Lust Epidemic since Im curious to some of the events in the game. Also like hte little easter eggs it has.
But I did not make a false idea about anything....
Lust Epidemic is full of cheating. Like the 4 love interests of Brad, only the nun is single. Amanda and Valarie and married. Amber is a total hoe and is dating Mendel.
Meanwhile Treasure of Nadia, the female characters are far better.
Even Naomi, who is suppored to be TON's hoe character. She isnt rly one. Yeah she was toying with Tasha and Henry and then somewhat with Janet. But thats about it.
The rest of the female characters are single. Sofia being the only bitchy character of them all.
Mandalyn is cold, but she aint a bitch like Sofia.
Not making any false ideas. Just simply comparing the female cast and settings of the games. And pointing out what I dislike about it.
The moment I saw the sharing scene in Lust Epidemic with Brad, Andy and Amber where they ate her out, that simply made me close the game. I then tried to avoid Amber as much as possible but it seems the game forces me get involved with her so the game can progress.
In Treasure of Nadia, the girls dont sleep around and dont have the extreme hoe tendecies like the women in Lust Epidemic.