
Active Member
May 20, 2020
View attachment 701776 NLT
Weekly Report

A new chapter of Treasure of Nadia will release on July 1st! It will feature some new surprises and some humorous hijinks.

View attachment 701774

Additionally this new update will feature the new mini-game. A sneak peek can be seen on the Discord server for those that are Master+ supporters.

I'll be posting more information on the update next week along side a couple new Ultra HD pinups.

View attachment 701775

Another milestone has been passed!

How is it possible!? Over 9000 supporters!? It's truly incredible the amount of support Treasure of Nadia has received this year. Ever since July of 2018 I've dedicated almost every waking moment of time to producing Lust Epidemic and Treasure of Nadia. I had a vision of developing story driven games that could be produced with both quality and quantity on a reliable schedule. I believed that reliability could be my strongest quality and I am very thankful that you all appreciate what I have done. I'm proud that I've been able to deliver 48 game chapters, on time, and without delay. And I look forward to many many more!

Thank you all for the support and for making this dream a reality!

Harpocrates says: That tub looks suspiciously like the one in Janet's bathroom to me. Here's hoping! Keep your fingers, arms, eyes and especially your legs crossed for some topless Janet action Wednesday week. What a goddess! (Would that she were real and I could spend the rest of my life worshipping at the altar of her beauty.) But whoever and whatever the next chapter features, whomever you happen to be, even you numerous feeble-minded, knuckle-dragging, impatient, weak-willed, disappointing and onanistic hackers, cheaters and modders out there, enjoy. As much as you can, whether you deserve to or not. Pax vobiscum.

Addendum: It turns out that my Janet fantasy above was the product of coronavirus isolation coupled with wishful thinking. Luckily the alternative reality offered by the multiverse turns out to be almost as good, at least from my perspective. I'm not going to personally "blow the gaff" - as we say here in the UK - but read on to discover what's what in subsequent posts made by others. As for me, well, all things considered I'm still :). The July 1st update looks set to be a humdinger!
Do we know why Dragon Ball Z is on the second pic in the center?


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 22, 2018
^ Git gud at 20+ years old meme dude. NLT got over 9000 subs, Vegeta's bestest meme is "OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!" .....

You could also git gud at editing posts and not spam 3 within 5 mins
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Active Member
Jan 5, 2019
They say you can't bullshit a bullshitter but can anybody out witch a witch? I can't see it.
Right? If find casually offering your friendly neighbourhood witch a love potion to be a bit ironic, but maybe that's just me.

What the hell is Madalyn actually after? An artefact? Knowledge? Power? Is she seeking some magic to resurrect her brother (biological, fraternal or both) from semi-life as a shade into physical in the real world? Or is she seeking some occult means to achieve some other end peculiar to the Church of Cambian, e.g., a way to make incarnate a Saviour, or some other preternatural being, for purposes not made clear yet in the story?
Before his flesh prison could no longer support his evil and sadistic spirit, Father Parker's main goal was to concieve some sort of evil spawn, an antichrist if you will -- by impregnating both Elizabeth and Violet, while sheltering them from outside influence inside his serum filled sex dongeon.
I believe from that day forward, Madalyn was trying to ressurect him by means of Titpak knowledge so they can carry on with their evil plans subsequently.

Witchcraft and magic, especially of the darker variety, often includes various kinds of sex in worship, initiation, ritual and ceremony, so there is a real possibility that Madalyn is grooming the MC to play the male role, in some sex-magical event, in order to invoke/evoke some supernatural power or being, or to accomplish some other end at some point in the future.
Most likely, but for now I assume she's only him using for his treasure hunting skills and rewarding him generously for it. hmmhmm.gif
Is Madalyn seeking the same things as Sofia?
I suppose she's after the Titpak "magic" as well, yes. Athough their intentions might not be the same.
Contrary to our lovely witch, Sofia is presumably seeking to learn the language of the gods for her own sake; Who wouldn't wish to possess supernatual powers anyway? To become a god, a living, breathing god is a dream of many and Sofia is no different imo.

...the fabled Tikpak language, which, like the Enochian language of Angels discovered by the Elizabethan Magus Doctor John Dee and his Seer Edward Kelly, is purported to have world-changing supernatural power
Funnily enough, the first time the Titpak were mentionned I couldn't help but to think of the Annunaki (a race of aliens that came to Earth) also reffered to as Fallen Angels in the book of Enoch.
According to Zecharia Sitchin, there were the creators of humanity, or rather another humanity before the actual one that dominated advanded technology.
Perchance this is what's being hinted at? The lust/sex goddess Nadia along her advanced civilisation, who were much more superior in every regard to the modern human, mysteriously vanished leaving only trails of alluring treasure and arcane knowledge, all of it hidden just under our nose? Intriguing isn't it?

It's stuff like this that makes Treasure of Nadia so fascinating and keeps us aficionados hooked. (y)
I couldn't agree more!
As delicate as it may seem, NLT successfully managed to make a game for almost everybody; Braindead coomers who can't even manage to solve stupidly simple puzzle by their own, those afflicted with critical thinking who try to read between the lines and everyone else in between. You can tell he's having a blast making this game and the magnitude of his passion towards his creation is oozing out the enchanting curves of milfs that we all love and adore!

Madalyn is one of ToN's most beguiling and fascinating characters and I don't mind admitting publicly that I would be in there, oh yes, like a hot knife into butter, if she gave me the green light, be she a four century old, demonic, platinum-haired succubus or not. Even if she devoured me afterwards like a female mantis often does with her male after mating. What a spectacular and unusual way to go! :eek: Even more fun and environmentally friendly than a Viking funeral or I'm a Dutchman!
Haha, as much as I admire your passion and applaude your courage, I think I'll pass.
The ancients consistently warned us to never stare into the abyss as if our lifes depends on it. I cannot but totally agree.

For the time being, I think I'd stick with my lovely Janet. Hanging out on her patio, sharing a couple of drinks.. The possibilities are endless!

Alpine Eagle

Russian Spy
Game Compressor
Apr 13, 2019
what percentage of completed game did you get in this version?
I'm tired of explaining it, but maybe someone will explain it again.
Do you find anything similar to the first numbers of the version? This is a hint of the future.
As with all games, the game must end at 1.0, 100.0. (If not abandoned)
Last edited:

Alpine Eagle

Russian Spy
Game Compressor
Apr 13, 2019
I was disabled for 30 days and I lost the update before and I was in doubt of the percentage of the game completed
Everything is normal, just initially in this topic hundreds of such questions with answers.
In NLT games, the first two digits represent the completion percentage of the game.


Active Member
Oct 19, 2018
what percentage of completed game did you get in this version?
Again I will post this. I posted this two weeks ago, and the same question is asked over and over.


The version number is composed of three groups of digits. Example: 38 06 2

38 = Percentage completion of the update version.
06 = Month of release. (June)
2 = Second release of the month

This same number scheme was used for the game Lust Epidemic.


Active Member
May 20, 2020
I can make an update for Linux, but it's better to download the whole game, it's not long.
You do not need an update for Linux, get an update for Windows then unzip it and only copy what's under www to your ~/Documents/Games/Treasure of Nadia/www or wherever you installed it and start launcher.sh.
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Mar 4, 2020
Nobody knows the family that for years has lived on Estero Key. Nobody except for recent outsiders thanks to Naomi. Sam and Naomi have done all they could to protect Alia for years, but now the time has come for Alia to blossom into a woman. Sam detests letting go, but Naomi sees the future. They are both torn to tell the story of Alia. Both swore to protect her, but what is best for her in the end?

What we do know is Alia's parents died in a boat crash at sea (by pirates?) and Sam and Naomi rescued her. Maybe that was just a side story but I doubt it. As annoying as Alia's nievity and immaturity is, she and Naomi are central to the story.


Jun 3, 2020
Since next week will have new update but I'm still on Treasure of Nadia to playing digging talisman and collect cash to house renovation. I give full star.

Story : ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ (5/5)
Animation : ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ (5/5)
Voice : ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ (5/5)
Character models : ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ (5/5)
Engine : ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ (5/5)
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Conversation Conqueror
Feb 22, 2018
Pro engrish and 100% legit 250k$ .............. There's also a thread just to rate games :unsure:


New Member
Apr 19, 2020
Actually, no. Treasure of Nadia won't be completed until the third quarter of next year. NLT will continue releasing fortnightly updates to ToN until it finishes and also developing the new game, in parallel, for release once ToN has concluded. In other words his workload will begin to double from July onward, with two games on the go at the same time. Effort on that scale would snap me like a twig but not NLT it seems. I wish him the very best of luck and hope he doesn't end up killing himself.
You can believe in whatever you want but I'm sure the game will be completed (internally) this year. I agree we as players will have a chance to play a full game somewhere in the middle of next year but it doesn't mean the game is not completed. As I wrote, bi-weekly releases with a small part of the game it's only a strategy to gather more patreons and secure the money flow for a longer period. And it's completely understandable.
It's simply not possible having the same team capacity to work paralelly on two games without a negative impact on deliveries, so the first game (ToN) must be almost ready. Moreover how do you think it's possible to say that we currently have 38% of the game without having an overview on the whole game, without knowing what will happen in the future and how many scenes, dialogues, plots remain? How NLT would know that it's not a 45% or even 60% of the game if it is not yet designed? Don't you think it's a bit illogical? Does he simply guess current percentage progress?


Active Member
May 20, 2020
Treasure of Nadia Software Distribution

OS = Operating System

Files directly under the root are mostly OS-dependent:

Windows files are Game.exe you double-click on to start the Game and bunch of dlls and other files called by the exe.
Linux files are launcher.sh you could double-click on it from Nemo or Nautilus and execute in fact nw.
Mac files are a bit more complex but basically the same.

Files under www for windows and linux, and app.nw for mac are OS-INDEPENDENT:

they can be used from ANY OS, at least those 3 we are talking about:

they are javascripts and mostly json, mp4, encrypted png, and other encrypted files

bottom line IF you have already played Treasure of Nadia under your favorite OS, ANY update is GOOD as long as you deal only with www

I can update a Windows 34052 with an update from Mac 36061, I tested it and it works!
I can update a Linux 36061 with an update from Windows 38062, I tested it and it works!

I do not know who makes the update but like the Highlander there should be ONLY ONE and it should include ONLY what's under www, this way it would be the same for Windows, Linux, or MAC and might stop some confusion.

Everything is true at 99.95 %, What could eventually occurs is that NLT needs a new dll in a near future for windows.
Linux and MAC are more stable so less at risks.

But in the meantime you are safe to use windows update for Linux or MAC, just only copy/overwrite what's under www.
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Jun 3, 2020
I think that Madelyn will be the force of evil in this game. She has nefarious plans for unearthing the language of the Tikpak that will become more clear as the game continues.

I also think Naomi is the protector of the Tikpak culture and may even be Nadia herself. Remember the conversation on the beach with Kailey, Alia and Henry when she was asked if she was native? Her response was essentially something like 'I may look the part, but my parents weren't from here.' Remember the Tikpak blended in with the natives.

I feel she sees Henry as a friendly force to aid her in her goal of preserving her heritage and protecting it from falling into the wrong hands (Sophia and definitely Madelyn).
Probably you are right. Naomi, this is the opposite of Madalyn. Naomi is hot and loves sex, Madalyn is cold and a virgin. Naomi is friendly, Madalyn is arrogant. Naomi and Madalyn are the antipodes. So, if Madalyn turns out to be an antoganist in the story and the force of evil, then Naomi will definitely be on the opposite side and should be Nadia in meaning. Her daughter Alia is perhaps the very treasure that is needed for the dark ritual. Naomi protects Alia as a treasure. I know one thing for sure, in this game, any evil with boobs will be defeated by the power of lust.
4.50 star(s) 507 Votes