@7767, It may be wise to remove a small string in Trials in Tainted Space for future versions, specifically located in:
. The developer includes a small watermark that could be used to identify a leaker (it may be cosmetic, may not be).
Actual Line:
var o="";o+="-BACKER",this.versionIdent="".concat(Gf).concat(o).concat("#".concat("2553"));
If you're familiar with Linux shell or Windows Batch, I'm sure you can just look for
case-sensitively and if only one result is found, then just replace from the first comma after to the first semicolon after with nothing (or fill with semicolons, best if an offset into the file is used for something). It'll end up showing
Game Version: 0.9.021-BACKER
instead of which backer leaked the zip. It lets everyone know it is a Backer build without saying who leaked. The code normally is obfuscated (mostly for size rather than obfuscation) – I wouldn't rely on the variable names being the same.