3.50 star(s) 4 Votes


Jul 30, 2017
A truly enjoyed playing this one. Sure some of the fakes were bad, but I could have played that game more for hours. If creator is listening, keep up the good work and if you feel like it, improve the game more. Especially the earlier stages of corruption could be a lot slower!
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Apr 29, 2017
This is a nice homage to Akaburs games. Don't know if he would see it that way. Maybe he would he seems like a cool guy. Anyways, I don't know if he's ever taken it that far though with the girls. A lot of trainer/corrpution games don't take it far enough. This one took it to the stars and beyond ;). Damm nice.


New Member
Apr 16, 2019
Hey guys, actual creator of the game here popping out of lurking.

anyone have any idea who was used for the betta character ? i dont too much about star trek,but i cant find a betta troi in the star trek wiki,so i'm gonna assume it's an original character
Porn star Eloa Lombard

This looks like an excellent way to get sued by Marina Sirtis. CGI likenesses is one thing, but lifting actual photos not so much.
You aren't wrong about this, this game is a legal bucket of worms, which is why I never ended up making a Patreon for it or trying to capitalize on it in some way (other than asking for tips in-game). Not only is there the issue of using the likenesses of real people (both Star Trek and from the adult film industry) but most of the fakes used in the game were the work of other people, some of which were homed on pay sites (though I wonder if the artists get a cent from that, I doubt it). Having said that, I did apply heavy processing (mostly a noise filter to give it that "90s" look) to blur the line somewhat between photography and art. At what point does a photo put through processing cease to become a photo and become a piece of pop art? Hopefully I took it far enough in that direction. Though I still suspect if I made a website I'd get a cease and desist from Paramount pretty quick

Is Betta a Nick Cage deepfake?
Actually chortled at that

As far as a sequel, or similar, which was mentioned upthread I think

I did actually start a new game after this, it was called Boarder Moon, and was meant as a porn parody of Harvest Moon sorta. This was supposed to be my cash cow game. It was still a VN but it used a mix of pixel art and 3d (somewhat inept 3d as I did it all myself). Anyway I got pretty far with it, there is hours of content, but I wrote myself into a corner. At a certain point I realized the story didn't make any sense. I'd like to fix and release it some day if I can figure out what the game is even supposed to be (it's like this odd mix of dating sim and corruption game ...)

I'd like to get back to coding and game design at some point, right now we have a toddler around the house so it's pretty much utter chaos

Robert Monotoli

Active Member
Jun 16, 2018
Hey guys, actual creator of the game here popping out of lurking.
Well, like I said, if you ever wanted to do a new Troi sequel, you can always try The Klub 17 like I suggested below for the renders. It is pretty deep in terms of character customization (i.e. pubic hair, clothing, so on) and they already have a downloadable Deanna Troi model for this. Plenty of clothing add-ons like dresses and lingerie you can use, too. Lots of sex poses you can download like handcuffed missionary or whatever. Possibilities is almost limitless. That is not to say it beats DAZ3D renders but it is probably much easier for both complexity and performance. I would recommend installing it on SSD as well for performance reasons. It can take a little while to start up, depending on how many mods you have but it is not too bad.

Obviously, I've had some fun with Troi in K17, dressing up her a bit with stockings and garter belt. ;) :p Hahaha xP

But if you do use K17 for next Troi sequel, I would advise getting Hook 5 which massively improved the graphics. It is free but you get more features if you are a patron at their Patreon . It is not very expensive, three monthly tiers ranging from $1 to $10. I have some experience with both K17 and Hook5 so throw me a PM if you need some help with it should you ever try it. I'd be more than happy to assist.

Also kudos for giving Troi a nicely trimmed bush in the game from what I have seen in the screenshots. As a fan of well-trimmed bushes, I approve. ;)

Someone actually made a Deanna Troi for The Klub 17, a character customization game similar to Honey Select but much better. Someone need to make a new Troi game using that and just make it all 3D, not using the shots from Star Trek shows. ;):p

And, to be honest, you can always use (if you are American, that is) but I would suggest modifying names like Deanna Troi and Star Trek for the legal reasons in next sequel, hence the "transformative nature" described in that part of the article I linked. But I should note that while I have read extensively in Wikipedia on dry subjects like the law (a consequence of being a history buff here ;) ), I am not a legal professional so I am not really qualified to offer legal advice here.

But I imagine that using purely 3D models like the one made for K17 that just happened to bear a resemblance to Troi character, provided you used a slightly different name for the character and used a different name in place of Star Trek, would make it much harder for a case to be made for cease-and-desist. *shrugs*


Game Developer
Dec 18, 2017
Whelp, I appricate the nod to Akabur, buuuuut, and maybe this is because I never really found Miss. Troi that attractive, this game gets a 'beam me up, scotty' out of 'Q'.


Jul 26, 2018
Any new updates from the creator on their next project?
I played this a while back, and enjoyed it (Although I remember the endings being somewhat unsatisfying... And obviously, the "art" wasn't great), so I've been curious about what's next.
3.50 star(s) 4 Votes