
Jul 29, 2023
Could developer add sex animations to phone gallery, please? it's impossible to rewatch them in game files, but most people open galleries excplicitely to see animations

Sir Gary Bummer

Game Developer
Jul 4, 2017
Top visual novel I've seen on this site yet. Will recommend it on tall girl discord server, hope they don't mind playing futa game
Thanks! I too, hope they don't mind playing a futa game.
Could developer add sex animations to phone gallery, please? it's impossible to rewatch them in game files, but most people open galleries excplicitely to see animations
The animated scenes are in Replays, the Phone Gallery is just for pictures that Ruru has sent to the MC.
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May 22, 2017

One of these days I should standardize my greetings for these posts. I feel like I'm supposed to have a catchphrase or something to start off my ramblings with. At this point I suppose it's a thing for me to come up with something different every time.
Thing is, I forget. So I have no idea if I've gone with a simple "Hi!" before. And no, I'm not going to check. That would be cheating. I am an honest Patreoneer, who absolutely do not have to double-check what number of updates I'm at every single time I make a new one.
Anyway, progress this week has been steady. Scene 7 and 8 are finished, didn't quite manage scene 9, but I've started on it. It's a spicy scene, which means some animations and a bit more work than other scenes. Ideally I finish that and scene 10 next week. Ideally.

Someone gave her flowers. Clearly handpicked wild ones too. Neat!
So both of these pics are from scene 8, which you might be able to tell is a pretty chill scene. Well, it starts out that way. It ends with a subtle pinch of spice. Oh, I love me some subtle spice.
In fact, I just changed the title to subtle spice. And now I realize it sounds like the sixth Spice Girl. I suppose she could be, since if she stayed true to her name no one would've ever noticed her. That's my head canon now.
You know what? You deserve another Saranhil pic.
There we are, there's that sunny disposition.
Right then, that's all from me.
Thank you very much for your support, and I wish you a grand o'l week!

This weeks post


May 22, 2017

It's a me! Gary!
Been a week alright. Not an alright week, but a week alright.
I wasn't really feeling scene 9, so I spent some time rewriting it. Once I started making it proper I realized that, yeah, I can't actually animate things underwater. I tried, but realized that I'm either going to spend a literal week or more learning, or I can just half-ass the scene and move on to more important ones.
I'd rather full-ass the bigger awesomer scenes. And I only have that much mojo to work with before it runs dry.
Reminds me of a quote I read the other day by Hemingway. It goes like this:
“I had learned already never to empty the well of my writing, but always to stop when there was still something there in the deep part of the well, and let it refill at night from the springs that fed it.”
I rather like the contrast with this quote by Jack London:
“You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club.”
The solution is clear. One has to locate this lazy spring and persuade it by way of club until it decides to cooperate. Beatings will continue until water quantities improve!
One of these days I'll figure out a way to show some spicy hidden stuff in a watery reflection. Maybe for the next episode.
Uhh, where was I? Right, the week. I did finish scene 9. I've also created the two minor characters that will show up for scene 10, so now I just have to make the scene. I'm going to try some depth of field stuff, see if I can make random people in the background a bit blurred.
It's a trick for having crowds of people showing in a scene, while not having to make them look high quality, thus hogging precious VRAM. Hopefully, that'll be a way to make scenes in public places feel a bit more alive.
A good magician shows you one hand while the other...
Anyway, that's about all I had to say. I have to find that stupid well if I am to manage writing more. And procure myself a club, can't forget that.
Thank you very much for your support, and I shall demand abundant waters in your mojo-spring this week.

this weeks update


Oct 28, 2020
I have to say, I never thought I would ever play an NTR game that feels ... wholesome? I mean, ok, the demoness wants to conquer the MC's harem but she only does this because she wants the MC for herself. A bit selfish but then again, she is a demon.

Good luck with the game, dev. I wish you all the best.
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May 22, 2017

Heyo! Happy big fifty!
It seems we're closing in on one year since the first release. Now, I'm not really one to celebrate stuff, but I'll probably cook up a little special image or something.
Lately, I've been musing on humor. As far back as I can remember I've been trying to make people laugh. My earliest memory is from when I was... five? Couldn't have been older anyway.
There I was, walking alongside a friend. We were out on some field trip with the daycare, or something along those lines. Just a bunch of toddlers walking two by two in a line. We're chatting about whatever it is toddlers chat about. Suddenly my friend walks straight into a pole and falls on his butt. Everyone laughs.

I know exactly what I have to do.
Once we start walking again, I take aim for the very next pole. Bam! I fall on my butt, I look around, my face beaming, awaiting the inevitably incoming laughter. Let it wash over me, let me bask in it! Instead all I see is scorn and annoyance. What had I done wrong?
And that's really the heart of learning, well, anything really. Trying and failing. As long as one keeps trying, then one will keep making those mistakes that you learn from. Once you've made every mistake in the book, and probably some that had yet to be written down. Once someone has had to begrudgingly write down your newly discovered mistakes. Once there are no more mistakes left to make. That's the point when you've become good at something.

Humor is really the one thing I'm confident about when it comes to storytelling. That's because I've been trying and failing at it for my entire life. At this point, a joke falling flat doesn't bother me. If anything it's an opportunity to crack another joke. Do note that the last bit only works in person, though. Can't exactly gauge which jokes land when someone reads a text way after it's been written.
To me, the core tenet is to never force humor. Never to force myself to be funny, because that simply never works for me. But when something funny pops into my head, I'll inevitably want to share it. Making this game is a fantastic outlet for that.
Because my subconscious is constantly working on coming up with jokes. Whether I want it to or not, really. It's been trained to do so. Maybe since that very time I walked into a pole and no one laughed.

Now, I know what you're thinking. "He's clearly trying to distract us from the fact that he didn't get much done this week by way of weaponized rambling"
Not this time!
In fact, this was a pretty good week. Scene 10 and 11 are both done. Well, scene 11 needs to be added into the game, but that's quick work. The renders are the hard part and that's done.
So, all in all, quite a nice and productive week. Now, I think you've read more than enough, so I'll end it here. I kind of forgot to talk about the renders... Ah, well. There's always next time.
Thank you very much for your support, and I hope you learn from every mistake you make this week!

This weeks update
4.80 star(s) 13 Votes