Sir Gary Bummer I caught up with the game after writing my review, and while you did end up fleshing the events out more like I was hoping for, it seems to have come at the cost of a number of fantastic events happening completely off-screen in the last few updates.
Svieda in particular just skipping progression completely, and missing so much content with
Sara really sucks.
Are you going full court press for the endings or is there any chance these scenes could be filled in later? Would take the game from good to great IMO.
This last episode was pretty ambitious in scope, perhaps overly so, which left less room for spicy scenes. Adding more would've been possible, but it would've been at the cost of another month or two of development. As it is, it kinda wore me out, so I'm keen on pulling back the scope for a while.
I don't really feel like
Sveida skipped progression, not between her and Ruru anyway. I could certainly see an argument between her and MC, there was definitely room for more buildup there. But I'm not sure what was missing between her and Ruru, maybe it's the BJ scene that happened almost entirely off-screen?
Personally, I quite enjoy having scenes that are merely hinted at, and I don't see it as missing content. But I understand not everyone has the same taste. Part of the purpose is also to show that things are happening, without having to write and render proper scenes. Ideally nothing completely new should happen via the phone, just variations on scenes that have, essentially, already happened. So, yeah, in retrospect that BJ scene might not have been ideal to sideline.
That said, I've no intentions of going back and adding things. As a person, I feel a strong need to keep moving forward, I need that momentum to carry me. Going back to fiddle with things in earlier episode would do terrible things to my motivation.
Though, I've certainly no intention of sprinting towards the ending, the last thing I want is to rush out a disappointing finale.