I know this comes a shock to some, but not everybody is interested in all LIs or routes in a game, and we don't all enjoy replaying games 50 times making one different choice each time. I rarely play
any game a 2nd time. I play one route with LIs that interest me and then usually move on. There are a billion other games to try, so other than a few exceptions with games or LIs I really like (this game, for example) replays bore the crap out of me. So that was my point, I guess, although I probably was not clear about it: I don't like devs that intentionally mask locked scenes completely. I would prefer knowing if a missed scene is with an LI I find interesting enough to do a replay, or whether it's just a throwaway scene with an LI/path I wan't interested in. I don't see any financial or other benefit to devs devs leaving that hidden (although maybe I missing something obvious?)
so it just seems unnecessary.