Good Points
+ Since MC already had a pathetic and terrible life before, with this new chance he is trying his best, not acting like a pathetic loser and acting cool, cold, assertive, and different from his old life by trying to fix his mistakes, not acting like an asshole to some people from past like his little sister, trying to fix the relationship between his sisters and reunite the family again or going against the bullies he had, or how he is using experience and knowledge he had as a middle-aged guy in his young years, etc, gives us good MC to enjoy.
+ The story was interesting as well, especially with MC trying to be a better person and the story revolving around him fixing past mistakes, or remembering how things went down after his mothers got fired from her current job, they almost lost the house, etc, she became sad person unlike before, and he tries to fix this along with other problems, etc, gives us good redemption kind of story with some touching moments along with lewd stuff going on.
+ MC's mother, and how she feel like her children growing up, and becoming adults, and how she acts soo sad, and sulky about this is soo damn funny

+ The scene about having multiple jobless wifes dividing your tax income, and children even helping more was quite interesting, and even MC's mother was like ''Imagine how much money you will save!'' so it seems at least lore/story-wise writers making things to be logical with harem thing going on.
+ We have some really hot girls/women like Mrs. Clements or MC's mother or big sister, and thanks to how assertive MC acts and catches them off guard, etc, they can show their cute side time for a time as well, and they are just adorable.
+ We have two routes for every girl/woman, so you can have a bit different approach to girls/women, either go for a seduction route a bit closer to a romance route or you can go for a corruption route, a more sexual route with more dark details, like blackmailing some girls/women, etc. Being one of these routes can change scenes with the girls and give you different dialogues, so variety-wise it's good.
+ Sex scenes are good and have animations with decent physics, especially tits have pretty good physics in animations.
Bad Points
- There are lots of visual bugs here and there like clothes not fitting and looking toned, or objects like bags or shoes going inside other textures, or objects like bags or shoes going inside of human body textures, etc, if it's happening only one or two times it would be okay, but it seems it's happening constantly as far I can see, I don't think I was able to count all of them, but I saw at least more than 30-40 of them at least.
- Some girls can use some changes, like Emily's face, especially their jaw and mouth look weird, and Stephanie's hair... Jesus her hair looks like a bird nest or something, nearly every girl in the game has at least decent hair, DEV should give her better hair as well.
- Like most games out there with corruption/lust & seduction/love paths this game has a bad balance between sexual scenes as well. Corruption/lust has far more action than seduction/love almost makes seduction/love path nothing but a full wall of texts, at least it was like this until the v.09, it seems with v.09 DEV started fixing this, and adding both corruption/lust & seductive/love paths similar amount of sexual content, but still until that version you still gonna see pretty unbalanced content between, so keep in mind.
- Condom thing ruins most of the scenes and makes no sense at all especially getting used even in deflowering scenes, pills exist, but MC said he is against pills and condoms same time... Yeah... Makes lots of sense.
- Even MC is likable in most parts in some parts but his act about dresses, etc, is pretty much nonsense, especially with the existence of love paths it makes no sense he is acting like this even in love paths.
- Girls/Women getting jealous over and over again even for any small thing is a bit annoying trope, their number should have been less.
- Some stuff like dirty pictures of MC's sister on the internet even while on the seduction (love) path was quite nonsense.
- The game is a bit too much slow-burn, especially until the v.09 release things were quite bad, that version seems to version DEV started fixing some stuff about sexual parts, but even with that version what we have is still not good enough, this game is 3 years old, yet all we have is 2 penetration scene with 2 girls, and 1 ''just the tip'' penetration with another one. Let alone not need to say best-looking girls/women in the game either nearly untouched, or has some teasing scenes, or very small stuff, v0.9 is good start, but DEV needs up his game more or this game will be never finished at this point.
- The path MC took for earning money wasn't logical, he came from the future, and he should have known enough info to earn money from the lottery, bets, etc, like things, instead, he is going shady business with a random old man's store aphrodisiac business and trying to sell them online, etc, was quite a cliche for a game like this and felt like too out of place especially considering his age and other things about him and story, and since it was really out of place despite all hard work he put Gao, the store owner didn't even take him serious with saying he is a child, and he got frustrated and literally told everything to him, how he was 40 years old dude, how he died, then wake up in his young self, etc, and after talking about it Gao magically believed him and after presenting his plan he made him manager of the store, make him BOSS of his good for nothing grandchild...
- Until the very last part of the game's current content Leo's existence, being MC's ''best friend'' and constantly tagging alone while MC is with his sister or Stephanie, constantly bugging them and not letting the story flow, etc, was quite annoying, heck dude even wanted MC to ask his sister about him if she likes him or not after we just saw him first time, and he was constantly bugging MC about Stephanie and his relationship, how he needed to ask him first, MC ruined his life and he will be alone because of it, and we never even saw he is being nice and friendly to MC, saying things like ''you will screw things up I know because I'm your 'best friend'' to him, etc. Sadly in these ''going back to the past to fix things'' kinds of stories always there is a guy like Leo, a so-called ''best friend'' who doesn't suit MC's new character at all, messes with the flow of the story, with the only purpose of annoying MC and players, etc, so honestly wish he didn't exist and DEV didn't done this cliche. He did become better at very later parts, but still doesn't change how annoying he was, and even with his kind of better version he still is.
- Some girls are straight-up annoying with their stubbornness, like Stephanie's stubbornness with other girls despite MC saying clearly no she is trying to make his dad meet with MC's mother so they can be together or not listening when he says she should stay outside and going inside of a store, then later hauling MC up about his connection with the store, or how Alyvia can't see Dilan doesn't even like her at all, they don't mean for each other despite it's clear as a day. Or Viki and her constant mad, and stubborn act, it almost ended up MC, and her dying... I mean sure in most scenes they are fine, but in some scenes, it's almost unbearable how stubborn they are...
- A lot of girls/women in the game have partners already, and considering the main trope of the game it doesn't make any sense. Especially Nina, and Julia being married is serious crime.
- Gallery scenes doesn't say the requirements to open, so when you end up with unopened one you will have no idea about it what is and how you can open.
- There are tons of typos here, and there, like words phrased wrongly, grammar problems, and most importantly different characters saying dialogues doesn't belong to them, like seeing Viki's name while Julia talking, etc.
- It was big crime despite how amazing Alyvia looking in v0.9 last scene we only had blowjob.
For The End
NGL this game has some very serious problems, you can see how long ''CONS'' part is, but still it does some stuff like female models being HOT AF & adorable in some moments, and animations are being pretty neat, other stuff feels less, and less problematic, without the CONS this game would be 5 stars game easily, but because of the CONS I will be giving 4 stars instead.