Ren'Py - Twisted World [v0.1.1 Remake] [SnatsGames]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Twisted World is a perfect game for all you weebs out there.

    Other games go for extreme 3D realism to immerse you, but this game has decided to dive headfirst into the jumbo-sized anime tiddy art style, and IT WORKS. That plus a hint of wonderful traps and futas that will make you question your sexuality, and you can see why twisted world is the weebs game.

    5/5 so far in my books and I can't wait for this game to top the charts.
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Lord Valerian

    Though while I do not review many games there is a rare occation I experience such pleasure from playing a game that a review is a must. The trap and futa content is avoidable but I can see plays a large role in the game, though personally I enjoy all of it. I will keep my eye on this game up until the unforseeable future.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    So far so good on this game. It didn't pass my normal filters but I just happened to see it when it was first uploaded so I decided to get it a chance. Here was how I felt about it:

    The Pros:

    - I enjoy most of the characters designs in this story. Even with traps littered prominently throughout, I found plenty of characters that suited my taste. The developer has said that he had 20 traps, 20 futas, and 40 females at least planned for the game. If that ratio stays true then 3/4 of the game will be with females/futa. I think that is plenty if the characters have been to your tastes.

    - Animations are hot, and the scenes were of good quality (at least so far).

    - You aren't forced into any scene with the other 'males' (the only reason they aren't girls is cause they have dicks; can't personally confirm but apparently they have really tiny dicks) nor are you forced into futa content for that matter. I personally am okay with Futas so long as they don't use it on my character, so being able to choose one and not the other is a big plus for me.

    - The story isn't that bad. It's the early stages but the foundation is there and I am interested in seeing how it will go.

    - The Developer has said that he will consider making an all female version depending perhaps on demand. So if you're bothered by the traps and/or futas even being there, maybe that would interest you.

    The Cons:

    - While you can avoid futas and traps, they are pretty connected to the story it seems, and frankly they are hard to tell from other characters. The character I was most hyped for ended up being a trap, walking around with a figure my exes would have killed for (Yes I am talking about Jaiden). Not to mention I worry about whether you fucking futas or you getting fucked by futas will be a one or the other thing and it will be easily telegraphed. I also worry about the diversity of the straight female characters, and whether we will get any smaller and more petite females similar to Jaiden and the other traps. It's too early to say one way or the other but I would be on the lookout.

    - Hearing SnatsGames talk about character popularity, Jaiden seem to be the runaway favorite. Now I am not kink shaming, but this worries me that Jaiden and the traps will take over not only the scenes but the story itself. TW throws Jaiden in your face all the time, and when you turn him down during his scene (or maybe scenes? Don't know didn't watch either trap scene) he seems pretty down. I hope the story doesn't get notably worse just cause I don't go after Jaiden.

    - Though SnatsGames did say they would consider an all-female version, I wonder how likely that would actually happen. We would first have to support financially enough to make it worth it, and then there's the issue of how that would change the world and story. I would settle for a world where all the traps were changed into futas and call it a day. Idk there's also the issue of you would probably get massively outvoted if Jaiden being the most popular says anything.

    - The main character's design bothered me a bit. It's hard to get the feeling of being the only man left in this world when I am only being less feminine then the rest of the boys.

    Overall Thoughts:

    Despite my concerns, my rating hopefully shows that the pros greatly outweigh the cons. What cons exist also can be changed or tweak or straight up made up for. I was very impressed with the potential, models, story, and animations of this game. With consistent updates and proper balance between all three types of characters, this game can go very very far.

    Final Score (as of v.0.2.1): 8/10 GREAT
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely Fucking DIVINE!
    There is so much good here it's hard to get to all of it.

    I'd like to take a moment in particular to talk about the MUSIC and the Sound Effects which are fucking great and add a lot, the UI as well has so many touches like the girls in different menus and icons on empty saves and such and even the symbols for trap and futa scenes, we haven't even reached the characters, graphics and story and I already need a thesaurus to describe how fucking astonishing the production and the amount of love and care that has been put in here is.

    Next I'd like to talk about the characters, all of them are fucking amazing across the board, from the protagonist, to his new family, the demons and side characters like Mauro and Leo, to Lars and Doctor Nomura, not only are they entertaining and interact well with each other but they're hot as well, I wish them all to be happy, specially if that happiness involves lots of cuddling, kissing and dicking from a certain hung protagonist~

    Speaking on the subject of Traps and Futa I think that the way things are is just perfect, I do not need an all female version at all.
    It is clear that the author has things in mind in regards to the story and characters, for traps/other males it's the moral reversal thing of women being perverts and men being demure and so on, it's a huge part of the story that needs the other males/traps to be communicated, and the Futanaris are clearly discriminated against as talked about by Jeanne and on the news as it shows that a woman lost her job due to being a futanari, and Ariadna is constantly being bullied by Afir as well.
    A version of the game with an all female cast would be a HUGE undertaking in regards to writing, it may still be a 'world of moral reversal' but it'd feel a lot more like an 'only man on earth' or something, in addition to radically changing Jeanne and I and Ariadna, who are both good girls that deserved to be loved!.
    The 'easiest' way to do it would be if it was just a 'Nukige', almost no plot, just sex scenes with all the models altered to be female this time or something, otherwise in regards to writing it'd be like making a whole other game for the dev, minus what can be salvaged from the characters that are already females.
    But as I said I am more than happy with the way things are, all the other males/traps have tiny cute cocks and even some very slight breasts and the futas (Besides the queen of hell) all have smaller cocks than the main character as well on top of being hot, adorable and busty cuties~
    Now, the Dev can do whatever they want, but to me so long as all the other males are very femmy traps I'll be pretty happy~, there may be plans for a bear or 'manly' male, that'd be likely be the only case I wouldn't enjoy it, probably would at least try/check out the scene, but I'd prefer it if all the other males would be ultra femme, specially with tiny cocks because cock comparison like that is pretty fun~, not opposed to a character that may have something close to the MC so long as they femme, but I REALLY like how hung the MC is so I could do with him being the only one in a league of his own (In regards to humans at least), especially since they already talked about how Skylar is like the most hung dude they know, with a huge slurpstagram following and he's got NOTHING on the MC~
    I'd also be down for some even more extra fatassed and busty femboys as well~, no pussy, I imagine that's the difference being them and futas?, just a boy with a tiny pathetic cock and a rocking stacked body~
    I'm not into Femdom/submissive stuff, I love how big the MC's cock is and how he uses it to cockslap Jeanne for example, but I like the characters so much I wouldn't have a problem with him getting fucked by her or Ariadna or some of the traps, but I'd prefer it if he was dominating them all the way even then though.
    Also, Jaiden and/or other traps or futas in the future 'riding'/grinding their tiny cock against the MC's while the two of them are making out would be good too, kissing, snuggling and dicking for all as I said earlier really!
    The main point being that so long as the other characters are still very feminine then I'll likely enjoy the lewds going forwards.

    Now we can finally talk about the Women~
    Both Tomoe and Jill are perfection made flesh, I was worried that dr. Nomura would be REALLY evil/was trying to drug him to keep him in the hospital for longer but I'm glad that wasn't the case and she just wanted one last night with his dick, their relationship is great and she's adorable~
    Jill is amazing but I hope the MC doesn't get too muscular as a result of training with her.
    Jazmin breasts I'm a just a bit iffy on, I do not want her tits smaller or anything, it just stands out when everything/everyone else is just so perfect that her breasts stand out a bit, Ariadna and Afir's breasts are both perfect still, Jazmin's breasts feel like an 8.5/10, the scene in the tub is perfect though, so it's not all the time, need to change anything, and feel free to make characters even bustier than her!, just wanted to be honest about it.

    OH and I almost forgot about the faces!, the expression, flat, comical, just perfect and adds a lot more life to the characters, it's fucking... thesaurus thesaurus thesaurus… 'Amazeballs' is listed as a similar word to amazing?, let's go with 'Phenomenal' instead.

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    In any case, I think there is a LOT of potential, both for story and lewds here, this is absolutely TOP TIER stuff right here and I'm 100% behind it, for those who are able to I'd highly recommend supporting the creator in any way you can.
    And for those that don't like futa and trap content, I totally understand, but I'd ask you to take another look/give another chance to it, to the characters because they are worth it, but if you're not comfortable with or it's just not for you that's totally understandable, but please let the author focus on finishing the game that they want to make first, enjoy the pure female content that is already in the game (Which is/will be 50% or more of it) and then MAYBE far along in the future an all female version may come out but for now let's not put the car before the ox, specially when there is already so much SSS TIER goodness on display here.

    Edit: I was writing this review on and off for hours while doing other stuff so of course I forgot a few points, one of which I 'alluded' to but didn't do an in depth dive, the lack of realism, or anime/hentai logic.
    So many games out there have 'TOTALLY SUPER STACKED' characters that are at most a Dcup, or 'A cock so giga huge that all the ladies faint on sight' and it's like...7 inches,8 if you wanna go WILD, and they often sometimes talk about how it's not good/it's actually painful and and that just fills me with some fucking overwhelming disdain.
    Like BITCH!, yeah, of course that's realistic and such but FUCK that, you don't have to be nailed down by that, you can go fucking wild!, it's not for everybody for sure but then don't bother marketing/showing it off as if it's actually unrealistic or something.
    That's why I was pretty much slobbering over the MC's cock almost as much as Dr. Nomura, because YES, FINALLY, a good actually REALLY hung MC and stacked characters that are fun and lively and over the top!, it's all so wonderful!, I'm maybe being a 'tad' overdramatic but really this is stuff is my JAM and I am really happy that it exists in an absolute sea of mediocrity and disappointing porn games with 'realistic' looks and writing and such.
    If you like the more grounded/realistic kind of stuff, you're not even here, nor at you reading this, so I'm talking to no one, but if you like this overwhelmingly fun and enjoyable experience where realism has been throw out the window then I don't need to tell you this is amazing because you've already downloaded it and are waiting for more.
    For anyone else? 'Fun things are Fun', check this out, you'll probably love it.

    I Cannot recommend this enough and eagerly look forwards to more!
    I wish all the best to the Dev!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    When i first saw this game, i was ready to be disappointed. A Ren'Py game with all my favorite tags in it and ridiculous body types? They tend to be sub par. However, i am happy to tell you that my instinct was wrong. The renders are great, animation is smooth, the story is good (although at early stages), and it has a decent amount of content for being at 0.2 currently. I especially love the trap/futa content, and how most of the men aren't ugly or fat like they are in other games. An instant addition to my watch list, my only complaint is that sometimes there are spelling mistakes, however that can be patched rather easily.

    It may be to early to say this, but i can easily see this appearing in the Most Highly Rated tab eventually. 4.9/5!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, instantly one of my favorites. Great art, interesting and fun characters, engaging story and amazing idea for a world design.
    I have nothing negative to say about this game BUT others might want to consider the fact that futa and trans are integral part of the world in the game and while you can skip scenes with them, you can't avoid them outside of the scenes.

    The only concern i have right now is that the game will switch to sandbox mode soon, if it's handled badly the game will lose one star from my rating.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Plenty of Animation: Check
    Extremely Lewd: Check
    Large Breasts: Check
    Face fuck in first scene: Check

    Not sure why I have to add so many words. This might not be an epic story but it's a great setup for hot sex.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.2

    First things first let's talk about futa and traps.

    1 - They are AVOIDABLE but half of the content is about that. If you skip them you will still get 3-4 very hot scenes.
    2 - Futas are curvy girls with big dicks but they don't use it on you.
    3 - Traps are the other "men" in the world. They have MINISCULE pee-pees compared to your GIGANTIC hammer. They also have small tits and smooth asses. If you asked 100 people, 100 of them would say they are girls.
    4 - The dev said he might consider doing an all-female version.

    The main character is a shota with big dick, but he is not a sub. He is the one pushing for sexy times. So while the world has feminized repressed "males", our character is different and this isn't a femdom story.

    Models are a bit extreme in some areas, but overall they look good. I enjoyed the animations, they are smooth and angles are nice.

    I don't enjoy futa/trap so I considered giving it 4* but I see the potential here. If the dev provides an all-girl version, making this more accessible, this can be one of the bigger games on the site in a year.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Well.... Big boobs. Check! (for mom is way bigger for me, but also good). Traps. Check! (i'm not into that, but here is different, after seeing them...) This Alt World is looks like Marvel-11, or something that. Profit!
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 490189

    I absolutely love it. The proportions are ridiculous, but it all fits for the world, the models are some of the best I've seen in Koikatsu, the animations are incredible, and I love al lthe characters so far. The MC's teasing is fun, and the more heartfelt moments are touching. I don't have any problems with futa or trap content, so that's not an issue. I almost wish the MC was a futa as well, but it seems that futas have a hard time in that world, so it would likely drastically change the story. Really looking forward to further updates!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    First of all I love the choice of using Koikatsu for the renders / characters as well as the use of sims items to flesh out the world. The game is fun and kind of silly, which in my opinion is perfect for this light hearted naughty romp. I liked it enough that I wend a head and joined the creators patron. Sure there are a few spelling errors and such but I am playing a game like this for the naughty not because I wanted to read a masterpiece of literary art. I cannot wait for it to get out of the demo version , I am really looking forward to when it is opened up to a sandbox mode.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I played the game when demos was released, on that moment i liked it, now i loved it more.
    The animations are excellent, the plot is interesting, funny moments. The world has infinite potential. i am so excited to see more.
    Im am not really fan of trap and futa content, however it's not a big deal, the game has enough variety of content to me.
    i wish i had a credit card to support this project :(
    anyway 100/100
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Has a lot of potential.

    Will give it another playthrough in 2-3 updates.

    Not a lot of content right now, but I like the models, I like the setting, and I like the humor.

    Excited for the future trap / futa content.
    And love the reversed gender roles. Very funny scenarios that arise from that.

    Hope this game will receive regular updates.
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Mr. TotoJ

    Literally only two updates and I can safely say this game is one of my favorites.

    Story is fairly unique, but more-so the humor and the characters are what drive it home for me!

    I will say, if you dislike trap/futa content, this game is 99% not for you.

    Excited for the future, pledged to this guy on Patreon!
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 218011

    Uhm, yeah this game is 10/10. Nothing more I can add, super fucking glad I found it. It has a big dick character that everyone likes, it has sexy futas, big titties, and an overall really sexualized world. Can't wait for the next big update and whoever can support this game cus it has sky high potential to be even better.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best VN Ren'Py games I have ever played.
    The characters are hilariously interesting and entertaining, the renders are great even if they are blown out of proportions, but it works in this style and it actually makes it better than a “realistic” type of render. The game also has a lot of trap/futa in it and other people seem to not like the trap/futa’s but I for one love it, and all of the traps/futa stuff are technically avoidable (TRAPS AND FUTA ARE WAY BETTER THAN FUCKING NTR AND YOU CAN’T TELL ME OTHERWISE).
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Well firstly i love trap/futa based games.
    So yeah there aren't too many trap / futa mixed games out there. And this game is really my game. I guess it's the first adult game I read every text while playing.
    For sure i will check every update.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    I wish I didn't need to rate it to review it, but, oh well.

    Models and animations all seem to live up to the screen shots, unlike a few games. So that's good.

    However, while the traps and futas are technically avoidable... they're also incredibly prolific. There are more of them than there are regular women. So... be warned. I really wanted to like this, but relative lack of actual regular women is a deal breaker. Technically being able to avoid trap/futa sex scenes is something, but you're still just constantly surrounded by them. It's just not my thing to have to be constantly trying to keep track of who is what - because frankly the models do a shit job of telegraphing anything. It's all just regular female models with dicks slapped on, so until the text or a tagged choice gives you information, you're mostly left to guess about who does or does not have a dick.

    Honestly if you don't like trap or futa stuff, I wouldn't suggest this game. If you're aggressively ambivalent about them, then maybe the options provided are enough for you.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the game i've been hyped since the demo release and its proving to be well worth it, im even considering supporting the Dev on Patreon.
    the characters are well made and the animations are so good that even i who don't like traps got hard on its scenes, the writing its belivable and not overextended its on the right balance of story/sex scenes.
    If you like ''anime'' levels of thicc girls, futas and very feminine traps this game is a must play. 5/5
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    A 10/10 for me. Its great that its has sounds and animations but its even better that theyre great. Fills its niche very nicely. No beating around the bush or anything. Great voluptuous characters.
    Cant wait for future updates and for when the game is finished.