Ren'Py - Twisted World [v0.1.5 Remake] [SnatsGames]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice game the developer seems to be trying new things i enjoy the art style and I'm definitely happy I can turn content on and off definitely one of the better renpy games I've seen hopefully it keeps getting worked on and gets better as it develops.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Holy shit, the game looks WAY BETTER after the remake, and while I do miss a lot of the prior things I also feel as if the quality of the game has shot up immensely. The game has incredibly intense sex scenes and has a big emphasis on cumming multiple times per sexual encounter, which I find to be the hottest shit ever but understandably isn't for everybody who just wants a one and done. My only complaint about the multiple orgasms is that they reach peak messiness way too soon, even when there's still one or two more cum shots left. I appreciate a complete bukkake with one cumshot, but I would appreciate it if it layered on a bit more

    the game seems to have brought on a whole lot more focus towards the beginning of it's afterlife scenes compared to it's prior incarnation, as well as tacking on an actual stat system so that you can make new choices based on your ability scores. I think the game is a whole lot more interesting for it, although it does leave me saving a lot to experience every immediate scene my decisions have to offer, which I'm not complaining about in the slightest!

    it's still got the game's signature high intensity giga-cock and giga-titty cum dripping fucking from it's original state, just with a whole lot better graphics all around, which was my main complaint about the previous incarnation. Sadly, the current update ends right as you come back to life, but I'm hoping that we can get a lot more soon

    It's a shame all of those old scenes are now gone, with some of them being either substituted or replaced instead of reworked, but with how quickly you get into the sex scenes in this one I don't really feel like we're going to be missing much. I highly recommend playing some of the old builds, since that stuff is still high quality despite it's graphical limitations, but I'm definitely looking forward to what this build has to offer.

    Edit: Forgot to mention, some sections of the game are weirdly in Spanish, like some parts of choosing to hump Afir's ass or some dialogue with the angels. Weirder, the entire section isn't in spanish, just some lines of it. I'm sure that'll get fixed, but it should be noted, even if they are few and far between
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    I wrote first part of this review after having played old version, update at the bottom concerns the new version.

    Old version: 4/5, would've become a 5 with more polish.
    New version: 1/5, jesus christ what a step back in overall quality.

    High intensity sex scenes and some funny dialogue as well. The game has become my goto "I wanna cum NOW" porn game. Is it the best game on here regarding "gameplay"? No. Often times I play some other porn game here then switch over to this one when I get tired of the other games better "gameplay" and just wanna coom.

    The story is more than fine (for a porn game) because what purpose does the story serve other than to get me ready for the porn, imagining, desiring, you get what I mean? As long as the story makes some sense and the dialogue doesn't make me cringe (too much), it's great.

    From what I've read the remake seems to have some positive traits but also bad new design choices. But I haven't even completed the old version yet because so many of the sex scenes are such bangers they make me bust even with the characters I'm not interested in.

    It's a twisted world, and that works wonders for moving the story quickly towards the good bits. I will probably rewrite this review, I'm writing this at 2:30 am after having spent... Way too many hours playing other porn games but not getting to the good bits that I wanted to see. Pop this game on and shit it makes me wish I could cum more than once, bangers after bangers.

    It's fucken good. Plz developer if it's true you've been making same mistakes as other porn developers in your remake, please go back and see what made the first version gold.


    Tried the new version, jesus christ all that yapping making me spam click and eventually just skip the shit. + new boring ass "game" mechanics, such as... Choose left or right...... Ok. Fun. Sarcasm. I don't know what the hell the developer is thinking, it's literally 1 step forward, 2 steps back. No actually, 3 steps back.

    Worse dialogue
    Worse "gameplay"
    Bad and boring decisions

    It's as if the developer wants to make some kind of rpg adventure game, but he feels forced to work on this porn game so he just tried to mix it making the entire thing worse than the first version of this game.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    another "remake/rework" that is not needed imo.
    the game was fine and went a good way as it was.

    I get it that devs often want to rework/remake certain things/scenes in a game because they learnt/evolved more over time while they developed the game. I understand if you want to remake "scene XYZ" because you think it looks like shit and needs rework and you can now do it better. 100% am all for it, lets go.
    but then rework the scene and keep continuing the game as it was.
    why do devs feel the need to start from the beginning "over and over again" if its not needed because the reception overall was fantastic for this game.

    this game was actually under my top10 here on this site because it was something special/unique (at least imo), but I just cant be fkd with starting over and over again, maybe I will look into it again when it gets the complete tag after rework 5 in X years.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    There are definitely aspects that are improved, but god damn has the story gotten a million times worse. Jesus repetitive christ! STOP MAKING US DO THE SAME THING OVER AND OVER AGAIN! Why in the holy fuck do you have to cum 3+ times in every sexual encounter!? Most often nothing even changes. You just have to read the same text and watch the same animations over and over again. More clicking does not equal a better game. Pare it the fuck down.

    The game was great, stop trying to fluff it up with unnecessary shit. The new touches that were added are nice and definitely improve the experience, but its being ruined with endless loops of text. In any game if you like an animation you can just stop there and watch it as long as you want. We definitely don't need 100 lines of "pant pant pant" "ugh yea thats good" blah blah blah.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice art and well done animations, interesting storyline with solid writing (if a bit too wordy at times) nice cast with a good variety of characters, fetishes and kinks.
    Well worth any Eroge player's time.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    The rework sucks.
    The game used to be very barebones in terms of lore, and I get wanting to change that. I'd sit through the whole game again and see the reworked scenes and concepts, and whatever, but this prologue is nonsensical.
    It brings no new information, doesn't really help estabilish the world or the characters, it doesn't even gives the game more lore. It's just a fuckfest with faceless models.
    So what's the point? Introducing the stat system? We've seen those. We're familiar. The one thing, really the only thing a v0.1 should do is give people a representative notion of what the gameplay is like, and if it is just going to be this, random sex scenes locked behind pointless stat progressions, interspersed with stale, forgetable dialogue about characters I have no reason to care about, then that's a huge letdown
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    going to drop a 3 star because the old version is still here and doesn't deserve to be bombed with 1 star reviews BUT I don't think it should be in the same thread as the old version because they are two different games all together.

    I LIKE where this new version is going, I like the new animations and models and I think the story might go somewhere else and I am kind of looking forward to future content.

    I do feel very let down though, I've been looking forward to a twisted world update for a long time and its disappointing to see the latest update be a remake, I really hope the older version isn't just abandoned, at least finish that before remaking the whole game again.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Another game ruined by reworks. Remember folks, when devs start proposing reworks of past content or straight up remaking the whole game, that is a big red flag.

    I cannot think of a single game on this site that has not died after trying to do reworks. They just do not work and are usually a sign of dev losing interest or just wanting to milk the game for little work.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    So much worse than the original v0.1 release, at least that had some humans and more content, this was just a drag though heaven then hell which didn't even finish in this release, a few half assed sex scenes that went on too long with unimportant characters, overusing soundfx, 2 pointless minigames and a stat system that I'm sure he will not make use of like the chat system in the orignal to chat/fondle/ask for sex(don't remember the names of each but you get it) so hopefully he makes use of the 8 months he worked on this and release the next versions much much quicker and with a lot more content then I may support him.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    The dev killed it completely with the remake it's not even a remake in a sense it's just a completely different game with new characters and theme. The story for some reason changed completely to a theme of heaven and hell with obvious references to dark souls but none of it makes sense if you consider dark souls lore which was an obvious inspiration. The characters are the only good thing about the remake as they are not that bad visually and even have their own personalities. The sex scenes are quite bad as it's just one to two animations repeated 10 times to show how good mc's dick is. In conclusion the remake is quite disappointing, I would've not have any problems with it if the dev just made a new game, but no let's scrap the story that was already established and make a new one
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Basically 1 year of rework and the game came back completely small and sad... it would have been better to have continued with the previous version as there was still a lot to "grow". In fact, I hope that in the future this can improve and return, as the game seems to no longer have the same "essence" that it had in all previous versions. And let's be honest, given the waiting time, everyone expected more... much more.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    I liked this game. The characters were pretty hot and didn't require any reworking. For some reason, the developer decided to release a remake with faceless characters and delve into the theme of hell and heaven. The quality of rendering and animations has dropped sharply. What a disappointment.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    v0.1 remake

    I've been a fan for a while and i think the remake was a good idea. the original game was good but it felt aimless and like it would never go anywhere. the remake is still in it's early stages but it seems promising. It still has the goofiness of the original, the gigatits, and the nice graphics. the remake is still too early in its progression to be given any significant praise, but it's definitely looking bright

    edit: biggest complaint is the overwhelming amount of text from the mc speaking when you are fucking a speechless ghost. like the guy just wont shut up and keeps talking while youre trying to click through all 3 of the times he cums from thighfucking the same ghost
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    A real shame, the original story was decent and promised a lot, the new one is... strange and without much sense, when a dev makes a remake out of nothing and literally changes everything you had, it doesn't mean that the magic is over, Even the opening image has nothing to do with the context of the game, if we add to that the clear inclination towards trap/futa content this does not promise much except for some niche fetishist in 4 or 5 years if they are lucky.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    I like games based on Koi and I thought this would be a visual novel type game, even if it wasn't it was good but...

    The characters worked well, the scenes too and the personalities too. Although the plot is very far-fetched, to a certain point it was entertaining and the concept is great, but there was only one thing that hurt all of this...

    THE BAD... or not?
    This game should have been a VN, trying to add a sandbox (in my opinion) damaged the entire game. I mean, the sandbox is fine and everything, but it is very tiring to grind characters, especially in this type of game. Particularly the sandbox is good when it does not affect the progression of the story, I prefer something linear progressive with decision making and yes a sandbox but that does not affect the story line. Particularly in this aspect I didn't like the game. On the other hand, the protagonist's purpose is lost at the beginning, that is, he has a purpose, he knows what his purpose is but I feel that at the beginning he puts it aside because of stupidity.

    The game is fine if you like to farm to have everything, but I don't particularly feel that it is well done in this aspect, that is, the gameplay, for everything else it is fine. Particularly, I wouldn't recommend it because I got bored when the topic started that in order to advance in the story you have to do the sandbox. But if you want to play it forward, there is no loss in not doing so.

    Summary (SCORE: 7)
    o Character Design/Visual: 10/10
    o Background music/sound: 7/10
    o Plot: 7/10
    o Animation: 10/10
    o +18 Scenes: 8/10
    o Gameplay: 4/10
    o Interface: 8/10

  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the best NSFW game i've ever played. I wasn't a fan on traps, but now im addicted to them, this has a perfect balance of everything.
    The MC is likeable, i really root for that guy. The dialogue is very interesting, all characters are very distinct, wich is very good. When a game makes you let go of your dick to just gasp and read every line, you know it's going to be good.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    So far game has really good and fun story, as well as sex scenes, that can easily eat up your time.

    Looks like dev focused more on redesigning of characters, than on finishing the story, and for most here its not the best changings.
    Though, I believe that game still gonna be fun to play, just because of unique story and active MC
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game. One of my own personal favourites. Updates are slow but big and there is tons of content for the game already. The story is kind of taking you for a ride and you sort of find out were its going but its not a main point of the game.
    Scenes are good and a huge variety of girls and kinks to appreciate.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    This is more based on my opinion after the recent character list post and the main menu rework. I kinda wish there was at least playable versions of this rework, like the builds for the original version, to get feedback on stuff instead of just posts:

    - Partially because there just isn't content to play and the "grand rework" for nsfw games tend to kill them for me personally either cause they take forever, they never get finished or they stay in an infinite developement hell cause the dev keeps adding stuff instead of finishing the title so it becomes stupid big and borderline unreasonable. Akin to something like Unlimited Pleasure by Waifston, where the original game didn't have a specific direction but generally knew what it was about and what wanted to do, before getting remade and becoming a broken mess with a crazy dev schizo posting.

    - I think it could get good feedback on things like character models or the new gameplay loop that is apparently in this rework. I've seen some mixed opinions on some of the models for example. Like I think the family looks fine, except for the MC, who I felt the appeal for was the unimposing twink with a surprise mondo cock. Now he just looks like a faceless ntr protag/fuckboy or something. I don't think you great feedback when you just give your audience images or gifs instead of an actual playable build. I think even if it's exclusive to higher tier patrons, that's fine cause the audience is testing the game out.

    I wasn't always into the lack of direction for some updates in the original verison, where you could get into a plot with the gym sister and her old gang or the gilf upstairs then go forever without content for them, but at least I had something to play and try out. I think the rework of the pre existing content needs to be finished so the people paying month to month for the game have something to test out and then have new content/characters be teased as upcoming updates. Like we have 126 characters, all supposedly with SOME degree of content, along with 23 secret characters. Most them I don't think are in the original version at all. That's not to say I don't want any of these new characters, but I think you should finish the main cast you started with.

    Such has maybe spread it out so certain side characters like Lars, the Biker Gang or Jazmin's coworkers get content updates with Tomoe, Jill or Jazmin respectively so there is a decent amount of both main story and side content coming out at once. Once those main characters are done, finish up side characters related to them, then start implement the entirely new characters that hadn't been featured before. Finish the plots for characters you've already started.

    Being completely candid, I didn't see much of a reason in the first place to rework the game, especially when I don't think it was in a solid enough position, let alone finished. The original game didn't have very many, if any, finished storylines/content with pivotal characters that you would assume take priority while also being too far into developement to reasonably decide to basically pause and restart.

    Overall, I still very much like this game and think it's a solid experience. The models pre rework looked pretty good with solid scenes and decent set up for a nsfw game. There were a variety of characters either already in the game or knowingly planned that I think there was something for everyone (on a base level, such as gilf, punk girl, milf, twink etc etc. Of course certain characters had very similar body types or never had much overlap outside of the futas who could either be petite or amazon types unlike the female who are pretty much always taller amazon types or male characters who were femboys. Not saying there isn't some exceptions like Ruby, but it's far and few). The way events worked could be a tad awkward or tedious late game as content dried up, as the game would turn into a timeskip fest, but that should be relieved a bit with the fact that new content was still coming (Though the Jill work out events were still annoying as all hell). Despite an impression that the game felt a tad directionless in terms of the story and kinds of content being released ranging from quick side content to a proper story update, there was at least a good amount of content to play and enough planned for the longer waits to be worth it.

    I think the reworked content, overall, LOOKS nice. Emphasis on looks, but the tedious drip feed of teasers for the rework instead of actual playable builds paired with a pre existing lack of confidence about the direction of the game very much leads to any excitement I had being squashed. I feel this is made worse cause of the length of time for the rework, which I feel wouldn't have been a huge deal if there wasn't such frequent posts about content.

    Basically the constant announcements of brand new and reworked content/characters and the lack of new content to actually play, paired with the longer than average wait time for a build to play (even for this dev who usually takes a bit of time. I get this a rework so just way more content but this should have been done in release waves or something), I can't say I'm all that excited for the proper release of it. I'll still give it a try when it comes out and probably enjoy it, but it could come out tomorrow or in 3 months and I frankly wouldn't notice until a decent amount of time after its release. Whenever that may be.

    Not saying the way I think this game should be handled in terms of releasing content is objectively correct, but I do think the long teaser fest isn't the correct approach either. At least not in regards to this big rework as opposed to a series of standard updates like before.