guys, why we even follow along with this crap. access code and paywall up to 50$. this stuff is still buggy as fuck and he should be thankful people are interested. when there is a crack fine otherwise we will wait for cg and play other stuff. ty for the donor i respect your upload but so far it is no fun. of cause i can only speak for myself.
Well... it looks nice, the story is interesting and just a thought of future possibilities sends pleasant vibes towards my private parts.

So not only I'm happy to follow, I'm also happy to help to make it happen by sending some money to author. But seen from consumer standpoint, i.e. looking how big is the bang for the buck, it's not very good.
First to be fair, $50 is misunderstanding and was already explained. You pay $50 (one time) when you want to invent own characted and have it used in game. It will become part of story and everyone will be able to see it without extra cost. Given the limited number of such characters, I think it's good price.
The rest is worse. There's not that much content in each update. And with gay route, which I'm not really complaining about, but lets face it, a lot of (if not most) people is not interested in, it's cut down even further. But to get it all, you have to pay $15 per month and if you're in for a long run, it quickly adds up. Ok, not everyone is rich, lets pay a little less. Go down one tier, shell out $120 / year to not get everything? Erm... not very encouraging if you ask me. But there are always options. Pay what you want is fair, and get the extras here. Works for me. Or don't pay anything, it's the internet after all, pirates and free stuff everywhere. But more money to author equals more nice things for us, so think about it.