I'm torn.
You get an H scene for letting the orcs have their way at the cost of losing the opportunity for points with Rin and Elanor, but you get points with Seren and Lili.
Later you have the opportunity for points with Seren and Lili both. And again, for Elanor or Rin.
Almost a pity, Lili didn't go off on the kid saying that what he hoped happens to her already had, but that was still a good scene. Funny, before the conclusion with the Bandits at Seren's village, I would have said that scene with Lili would have been more likely to happen to Seren.
I went ahead with the H scene, mentioned protecting the village, (after letting the orcs have the village girl, Rich!), and got a point with Rin. Skipped the leading question with Lili and avoided a point there. And then told Rin that she should understand Elanor's feelings.
Laughed at the conversation between Kriknak and Gothar.
Told Seren my confidence grows, then asked her if she was hungry. I went ahead and told Lili that I was there the whole time.
It'll be interesting to see what fruit my choices bear, but it's still a fun ride either way.