For the first statement I can totally agree - they are really great (10/10) ...
but about your second statement, there are much worse out here ... much much worse.
Imo the weakest aspect for "UFO" is the chosen image format ... even with this "little" content (for now) it´s getting quite big already - give it more updates & content and it will go big, pretty big.
I´m an advocate for JPG/WEBP instead of PNG. It´s way more efficient to release games in a much smaller file size without sacrificing image quality (example for lossless jpg/webp).
Just because the render software spits out the images in png, it doesnt mean you have to release it like this.
Converting the png´s into lossless jpg´s (with around 25% of the size of an png image) is only a small effort in time but a huge advantage overall.
I do not support inefficiency - as long as
17MOONKEYS uses (insists to use) png´s, I´m do not see myself supporting his project - even if I like it really much and see a lot potential in it. Imo it is bad to encourage bad qualities
nevertheless I like
17MOONKEYS game very much so far.
Awesome renders & great story -> 7/10 from my side - could be higher with jpg´s