I live on money from subscribestar and itch I effectively solve my problem step by step. The next update 0.6.7 is all about Moolinda full sex scene with her. Soon on Steam will be released the game because of which I lost my Patreon "Our Secret". I work on UFO every single day.I know you're going through a very though situation at the moment, i wouldn't wish that on anyone tbh, so i hope things get better for you soon.
And i stopped playing this game the moment i saw there was no unavoidable futa on male stuff (basically gay shit). Literally just came back to check if there was any new update where there would be some content with Molinda since i absolutely love that character (honnestly believe she's one of the best drawn female curvy models in any 3dcg game, and wished the whole game was like this instead of the futa stuff but whatever) and to my surprise this last "update" was actually all about her, and then 3mn into the update and it's all over, i was beyond disappointed to be honest with you, i can understand that your situation makes it hard for you to create content, but if you're gonna spend months and months to give your fan whatver this was, i have to say, it might not be worth it to continue doing this. It's a disrespect to your fans and also a huge waste of time and energy for you too i assume. I won't tell you to just abandon this and try to find something else to do that would help you provide for youself and help you better your situation, but you might have to think about it.
Is it worth it, this whole dev thing? wouldn't you want to spend less time on this thing and more time on trying to find something that would actually help you and get you through this situation that you're in ? I'm genuinely saying this for your own benefit and sake, of course i don't know you personally or the details about your situation beside what you shared on your sub page, anyhow best of luck man and don't lose hope.