As opposed to being in one place and activating animations.
Linear games much easier to make compared to open world
especially one developer, look on koikatu, this game did AAA studio (in porn industry)
even so, the open world is a joke in it, and the game runs pretty bad, there is almost nothing to do in it (in open world)
so this game is clearly not loved for that
although the game has only a school, maybe bad example but still
their other game ai shoujo, have a large world, yet again the game runs bad, now in the openworld they added a
grind gameplay, and he's terribly boring, picking up items from the floor, fishing, craft, repeat, i'll be honest i didn't even see sex scenes in this game lol.
if even AAA porn games suffer from open world, why indie games doesn't more.
Idk what an openworld the author this game wants to create, but even a few locations very difficult to create
all i want to say, is it worth the effort to make openworld, as the game may be experiencing optimization issues, graphics, models, gameplay, game design, etc, all this is more difficult than having a linear game
from my experience it's not worth it
of course this is not the end of this game
maybe the game will be good in other aspects
but in the open world you can already imagine what it will be, unless there is a miracle