Hmmm to be honest it is sad seeing some people actually leave me and think that the game is abandoned and things like that, but let me tell you few things about this project/game. When I start making this game, I've never written a story or even make any images in HS at all, all I know is that HS is just a fap game that I used to play when I kinda... you know (Since the Voice over is Amazing). The first scene that you see inside the game (MC&Della woke up from bed) is my first time ever using HS studio. And back then, I just write everything that I have in mind. I don't have any story timelines, I don't know about plotting, I have no idea about how the western culture is. So basically, there is no structure that holds the game. That is why some people noticed a lot of flaws inside the story, and that is also why I decided to revamp the game. Well like I said before, I can just continue making this game without revamping the game at all, hell I even gonna be big by now if I do that

But also if I do that, I only gonna lost myself in my own story, because I have no plans, no timelines, no skills. And I'm pretty sure you know several games that go that way, right? The story goes on without any goals, and you have no idea where the Dev wants to bring the story to. And I don't want my game to be like that dude. And yes, I know that I might gonna end up losing some people/fans/money support because of this revamp, but it's better like that for me. So later on after this revamp, I can continue making the game in a good phase, with a plan and enough skills to finish the game.