I want to answer everyone's questions, but I'll start with Saint Blackmoor because of the importance of their comment.
I don't know exactly makes you think that it's either scenario. I thought we made it clear from the start that this was a slow burn game. To clarify, each update isn't an excuse to say "where's the sex?" it just means we are able to push the story forward slightly. We've been working hard to develop this story and all the pieces are finally in place to start making progress. SweetyChily and I didn't come into game creation for clout, so I don't know what credibility we'd lose. We just want to make a wholesome game
As far as saving this game from "collapse" I don't know what that means. I love that some people enjoy the game. And personally, that's okay with me. If people are unsatisfied by the early game so far, that's okay, we have plans and we hope to keep them going, so please don't speculate about our morals, we're both busy enough in our regular lives to have to worry about us being perceived as people trying to part with you money. Feel free to come and go as you wish, come join us in 10 updates if you wish, but don't spread that we might be milking this game.
Of course, we missed that this update, but we'll fix it

I think it's cause of the outline color is the same as the background. My guess anyway.
So, the reason behind that is because we didn't have any variables before. We just added them

Now we are set to introduce different paths. Previously, it was strictly linear, no relationship points, so it was inevitable. Sorry for the inconvenience! We'll try to add an option to skip straight to the next chapter if it ever happens again. Thanks for playing!
I thought so too! She's a treat, and I'm loving where we'll go with her. We'll do our best to give her the best story we can.
Sorry for the dullness. We're trying to set up a romance. It might not be everyone's cup of tea, but we're trying our best. If you can recommend what is a decent plot to you, maybe we can course correct on the dull story/plot. Suggestions are appreciated, because maybe there is an aspect, I never considered. You can DM if you wish
It's a slow burn game. If you expect everything to happen fast, then maybe it's not the game for you. I will clarify though, Nicole will get content
If you don't come back, have a nice day and thanks for trying our game.
I answered it above, but it's a slow burn game. We can't get into these things so quickly. That said, we're gonna start spicing it up soon
On the subject of laughs... you don't like laughs?
The MC's formality has a purpose. For clarity, every character carries with them their own traumas and anxieties. More than anything, there is an anxiety to act and engage. For MC he's had issues with his past about letting things go and engaging too much. That's how we get to Nicole. Whether or not we, as the audience, think it's traumatic, the MC holds that inside. Something stops him from engaging. However, as he gets to know the ladies, he's slowly losing that feeling. Every chapter up to Chapter 5 has been leading up to this point. MC is now comfortable with pretty much everyone. Now he'll start to engage.
To end on a final note. This game won't please everyone, at least not yet. BUT if you have an suggestions on what would improve the story that isn't just "add more sex now" then we're all ears. I'm so focused on what I want, it's hard to consider what others want. So throw some suggestions to me in a DM.
We're doing our best to make this game and these characters. If you like our characters, I hope you stay, if not, we don't blame you. Have a good one!