Well this game isn't really about monogamous relationships though, is it?
Well that would very much depend on what players decide what they want out of the game I would say.
Sure the player character (PC) can go around and try to fuck everyone, the game offers that option. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, quite the contrary (even if it's never going to be a 100% guarantee that they will succeed). There are supposed to be strong racial rivalries, tribal power dynamics and so on from what I understand, and in the bigger scheme of things a competition that crowns only one winner at the end, with all that it entails for the winning side (and for the losers returning home empty-handed). Not sure that all of your fuck buddies will remain inactive and complicit while your PC progresses in her schemes to annihilate their chances at victory through mere sexual subduing.
But let's assume for a moment that the above could work *every time*. The game features special relationships, "lovers" being one of them. Yet players can't object to their "lover" leaving to openly cheat on the PC, allowing her rivals to accrue relationship points with other NPCs as though yours never mattered to start with. What exactly is the point of building and attempting to maintain special relationships in that case ?
Historically, even in openly polygamous societies featuring harems "favourite" concubines had their privileges (and often fought bitterly to keep them). In this game there are... none if we're being honest, or so few, and that's what my complaint is about.
As I've said before I believe (in an older post on this thread that I don't care to search for atm), the game would be much more interesting if antagonistic (rivalries, slavery) and harmonious (love, Dom/sub, tutorships) relationships really meant something :
1/ They would encourage the player to think *hard* at the beginning about a strategy and role-playing scenarios to unroll, while the game would sometimes compromise the carefully constructed mental process with unexpected events or turn-around surprises, creating a dynamic, meaningful and therefore engaging story-driven experience. See this :
PC long-term courting NPC A for exclusivity, trying to permanently lure them to her camp -> while short-term seducing NPC B for local superiority -> to all plot against and long-term counter NPC C who the player will have designated as main threat even before starting a run -> but betrayals are always possible ? -> maybe the succubus or the goddess herself would like to have a word too ? -> etc.
2/ There would be real and more consistent long-term advantages to special relationships, allowing more focused strategies around 2 or 3 characters (and why not 1) while blocking or seriously hampering the efforts of the other ones, with the legitimate exception of forced battle intercourses and bondage of course. These could counter-balance the desirability of the only option that is currently functional in game which is to pursue
multiple partners everyone.
Adding more options to a game is never a bad thing, and there is no reason the PC staying faithful "as much as possible" couldn't be as fun, sexy and rewarding a scenario to play out as the already existing one.