Unity Abandoned Universal Humiliation [v0.6] [SpriteENFArtist]

2.00 star(s) 1 Vote


Game Developer
Nov 21, 2018
Linux user here, native version be nice.

Got stuck on "THUD THUD THUD": Every time I click the story text, I get the option to open the door. Clicking that, nothing happens. Clicking the story text again, I get the option to open the door again. Clicking that, nothing happens again. Clicking the story text again, I get the option to open the door again. Clicking that, nothing happens again. Clicking the story text again, I get the option to open the door again. Clicking that, nothing happens again.... I think you get the point.

For some reason I had to click the same story text multiple times to progress. Making appearance choices does nothing, clothing stays the same, colors stay the same, hair style stays the same. There was nothing else for me to see in 40 seconds.

Next update, please grant the main character the ABILITY TO OPEN DOORS. Oh, and Linux please?
now with Linux update!
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Feb 16, 2018
Ugh, saw that it was v0.5 and had a few pages of comments, assumed there would be some content (this is basically a proof of concept). Yeah, it had demo written there, but frankly that hasn't meant much for 5-10 years. Very disappointing. Looks like it could be amusing in 6mo-2yrs though, depending on how quickly content actually gets produced.
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Game Developer
Nov 21, 2018
Ugh, saw that it was v0.5 and had a few pages of comments, assumed there would be some content (this is basically a proof of concept). Yeah, it had demo written there, but frankly that hasn't meant much for 5-10 years. Very disappointing. Looks like it could be amusing in 6mo-2yrs though, depending on how quickly content actually gets produced.
we really just wanted to proof what we are setting up and that we are working on stuff


Feb 25, 2018
wheres the exe or unity file not seeing any
upload haven wasnt giving the player fixed with other download


Active Member
Dec 27, 2018
Maybe I will try a demo of a future version. When you release a demo without any real content, it is a bit off putting. Take my advice or don't but next demo should be at least one week worth of content, or enough content to let the player see what direction the game will go, as that gives players a decent amount of content to make their decision. Doesn't really have to have nudity or sexual content (Though for many, that is a big plus), but the demo should give enough content to draw a player in.


Apr 24, 2018
we do agree with most of your points. this is more of a feeling for how the UI will work and is more to proof to patreons we are working on something worth there money and trying to get people excited for it. this "demo" is only the tutorial big, getting players used to how the game will work with the next part leading into a sandbox world
I see your direction and point, but if the idea is to get patrons excited, I still feel that this is done in a fairly poor way. You could easily show off the demo in a video or screenshots and save people from disappointment. A lot of this isn't honestly you and the rest of your team's fault but stems from the mass of abandoned and slogishly done products.

When you rush out a, let's say... Alpha 0.01, you should have something that has a sort of goal plus minor direction. This isn't to say it should have full gameplay, but it should have some gameplay. It needs substance. If you rush out this kind of show, it makes people like me less likely to be interested. To me this is yet another pre pre pre alpha the same as say... Lamia life? Or whatever that one game on here is. It's so early in it's dev it's near unplayable but it's got 3 updates already and it's still not even close to being a "Product". It's embarrassingly underdeveloped and just to "Show the gameplay".

By this kind of logic, what I can expect from what this demo is offering is the gameplay:
A repeating dialog and a linear story with barely any choices for character creation.

And that's it. If I can say, you should have flushed at least one aspect out before even putting a demo out. If it was just basically the same but with more options around the house... Like make it as a mini-explorable area and really nail out character creation, I feel this would have been actually a pretty presentable thing that could not only excite patrons but also attract more. Get people excited to see what comes next. As it is now, I can't see anything past the lack of everything so far.

I don't mean to beat this subject over your head and it isn't my goal. A lot of this towards you isn't be trying to be an ass or whatever but I feel this needs to have a start. It needs to be said to somebody. This isn't a demo, it's not a tech. It doesn't show off anything to me, as a potential buyer. It shows me that this is so early and being shoved out the door as fast as possible that I shouldn't hold my breath to see it. I shouldn't even think about it. It's a shell- Actually sub-shell and lacking substance.

TLDR here for you:
- I'm not trying to argue, and I'm not trying to be a dick. <- This is important to me, and I really can't stress this enough.
- This isn't just aimed at you. This is for all amateur(*) game devs out there. I just chose to express this here first.
- Your tech demo doesn't give me as a potential buyer excitement. It makes me think of every slow, pre pre pre alpha game ever.
- The little extra effort to focus on making an actual demo would be better than husking out this. It's disappointing and if I were to have put this out, I'd be utterly embarrassed.

You don't have to reply to this directly or listen to me at all being just some girl on the internet, but as somebody who cares deeply about indie game devs and indie games in general, It just hurts to see another indie dev falling into this vortex of failure. Another dev team falling below the basic sense of quality control.

It seriously just hurts and bothers me enough to have a micro autism rant.

( * I used the term amateur instead of indie in a non-insulting manner but more to express a lack of true experience. Referring to most first-time game devs and game dev teams. )
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Game Developer
Nov 21, 2018
I see your direction and point, but if the idea is to get patrons excited, I still feel that this is done in a fairly poor way. You could easily show off the demo in a video or screenshots and save people from disappointment. A lot of this isn't honestly you and the rest of your team's fault but stems from the mass of abandoned and slogishly done products.

When you rush out a, let's say... Alpha 0.01, you should have something that has a sort of goal plus minor direction. This isn't to say it should have full gameplay, but it should have some gameplay. It needs substance. If you rush out this kind of show, it makes people like me less likely to be interested. To me this is yet another pre pre pre alpha the same as say... Lamia life? Or whatever that one game on here is. It's so early in it's dev it's near unplayable but it's got 3 updates already and it's still not even close to being a "Product". It's embarrassingly underdeveloped and just to "Show the gameplay".

By this kind of logic, what I can expect from what this demo is offering is the gameplay:
A repeating dialog and a linear story with barely any choices for character creation.

And that's it. If I can say, you should have flushed at least one aspect out before even putting a demo out. If it was just basically the same but with more options around the house... Like make it as a mini-explorable area and really nail out character creation, I feel this would have been actually a pretty presentable thing that could not only excite patrons but also attract more. Get people excited to see what comes next. As it is now, I can't see anything past the lack of everything so far.

I don't mean to beat this subject over your head and it isn't my goal. A lot of this towards you isn't be trying to be an ass or whatever but I feel this needs to have a start. It needs to be said to somebody. This isn't a demo, it's not a tech. It doesn't show off anything to me, as a potential buyer. It shows me that this is so early and being shoved out the door as fast as possible that I shouldn't hold my breath to see it. I shouldn't even think about it. It's a shell- Actually sub-shell and lacking substance.

TLDR here for you:
- I'm not trying to argue, and I'm not trying to be a dick. <- This is important to me, and I really can't stress this enough.
- This isn't just aimed at you. This is for all amateur(*) game devs out there. I just chose to express this here first.
- Your tech demo doesn't give me as a potential buyer excitement. It makes me think of every slow, pre pre pre alpha game ever.
- The little extra effort to focus on making an actual demo would be better than husking out this. It's disappointing and if I were to have put this out, I'd be utterly embarrassed.

You don't have to reply to this directly or listen to me at all being just some girl on the internet, but as somebody who cares deeply about indie game devs and indie games in general, It just hurts to see another indie dev falling into this vortex of failure. Another dev team falling below the basic sense of quality control.

It seriously just hurts and bothers me enough to have a micro autism rant.

( * I used the term amateur instead of indie in a non-insulting manner but more to express a lack of true experience. Referring to most first-time game devs and game dev teams. )
I get that, I have been pained by abandoned progjects on here and our lead man, Sprite has personal pledged to games that haven't er turned into much or never had any plans to do so.

the only reason this is 0.5 is that
0.4 had a game breaking bug that was found a few minutes after release
0.3o, 0.2and 0.1 were in twine sugarcube before we moved onto Unity


Feb 10, 2018
I see your direction and point, but if the idea is to get patrons excited, I still feel that this is done in a fairly poor way. You could easily show off the demo in a video or screenshots and save people from disappointment. A lot of this isn't honestly you and the rest of your team's fault but stems from the mass of abandoned and slogishly done products.
Adding my 2 cents here, I feel that even for a pre-pre-pre-alpha, it would have some creativity with some side scenes or something 'more' in order to entertain. Some ideas:
- An endless day-by-day button: you can wander to other places even if there is just a few content, in order to avoid the 'deadly dead-end game over black screen'. The worse is that it happens so shortly in time. Its better to just inform (by a text box or something) that 'the game ends here', once you get all objects clicked/interacted with. If you havent checked everything yet, perhaps some hint like: 'the main events were seen, you can search for more events. Days are unlimited', until unlock everything, then a 'game over' message would appear.
- More 'click to see something new' objects, making the game a bit more non linear instead of 'click-> scene, now click->another scene, now click-> choice (YES), now click -> choice (okay....)-> game over.
(I've seen a 'choice' with only one option. This is not a choice, but a resignation)....

Choices are interesting (like yes/no, etc) You dont have to make 3,4,5,6 items. Just two in order to give more alternate actions. You don't need to make a complex 'branch-like' game events either, with a system of 'if choice 1-> if choice 2 -> if choice 3'. Just a different scene (with the rest remaining identical), with PERHAPS some flag, like 'choiceFingeringPussy=true' making her remember this days later should suffice. As a player, I understand that, by having curiosity to search and test everything, we can flourish our creativity (and fetishes) during gameplay.
2.00 star(s) 1 Vote