
Sep 17, 2019
News from the Dev - they have Covid :( which will mean a delay to the new version. Best Wishes and Get Well Soon Dream Now!


Hey there!
I caught COVID a couple of days ago, guys. It's my first time dealing with it, actually.
Right now, I'm stuck in bed, popping pills and all that. Unfortunately, this means I had to hit the pause button on the new update development. I'm just not feeling up to it at the moment.
Hopefully, it'll only take a few days, but I can't say for sure. However, I think I can muster up the energy to work on October custom render #1, but I doubt I'll manage anything more than that in the next few days.
As for that 1.3.5 update, I don't see any way I'll be able to drop it at the end of October like I originally wanted. Right now, I'm thinking I'll have to push the deadline back by a week, so expect the update to drop in early November.
Thanks for understanding!
Best wishes,
Dream Now

Candy Suxx

Active Member
Oct 11, 2019
News from the Dev - they have Covid :( which will mean a delay to the new version. Best Wishes and Get Well Soon Dream Now!

View attachment 2999474

Hey there!
I caught COVID a couple of days ago, guys. It's my first time dealing with it, actually.
Right now, I'm stuck in bed, popping pills and all that. Unfortunately, this means I had to hit the pause button on the new update development. I'm just not feeling up to it at the moment.
Hopefully, it'll only take a few days, but I can't say for sure. However, I think I can muster up the energy to work on October custom render #1, but I doubt I'll manage anything more than that in the next few days.
As for that 1.3.5 update, I don't see any way I'll be able to drop it at the end of October like I originally wanted. Right now, I'm thinking I'll have to push the deadline back by a week, so expect the update to drop in early November.
Thanks for understanding!
Best wishes,
Dream Now
He has been one of the most consistent devs ever. Even back then when he used to drop updates every month or now with updates after every 2-3 months, the content is always more than what many milking shits drop in a year. That's why now when he is saying he has covid and is ill, you know he saying the truth and not lying just to get more time. Get well soon dev, update may come later but health should always come first



Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2023
As I said, in some games, if we are with someone other than the person we are with, the first person we are with can scold us and leave us. I was just wondering if that was the case in this one.
i knew what ya was saying harem might be planned (idk though)


Game Developer
Jun 3, 2017
Get well soon to the developer, come back safely. :sneaky:
Best wishes, and get well soon, DreamNow !!
I hope you get well soon DreamNow
He has been one of the most consistent devs ever. Even back then when he used to drop updates every month or now with updates after every 2-3 months, the content is always more than what many milking shits drop in a year. That's why now when he is saying he has covid and is ill, you know he saying the truth and not lying just to get more time. Get well soon dev, update may come later but health should always come first

Thanks, guys! I've been back at work since yesterday.


Sep 17, 2019
Here's a post-Covid news update from DreamNow...

[News] Dev's blog #75

Hey there!
- Ended (Ashley, Nikki and Roxy are the winners)
- Ended ("Ashley or Ashley+Sara" and Roxy are the winners)
First and foremost, I want to give a big shout-out to everyone who dropped some comments on the previous news blog. Thanks a bunch for all the well wishes, guys!
And now, the main news: I've returned to work as of yesterday! I'm really happy to be back!
As I mentioned before, COVID-19 was a brand new experience for me. I initially thought it might be similar to a severe cold, but I had no clue it could hit you this hard. I mean, it was one of the roughest weeks of my life. I've never felt so messed up and helpless before.
The good news is, I'm on the mend now and feeling much better. Still dealing with some weird weakness and fatigue lingering around, though. My doc tells me it's the post-COVID syndrome, and it can stick around for a few months. But hey, I'm getting better every day, so I really hope that I'll be fully recovered by the end of the week.
I can't quite crank out the same level of work as before just yet, so I'm not gonna drop any specific release dates for the update right now. My main focus is on that previously mentioned one-week delay, so stay tuned for further updates.
Speaking of the update, here's where we're at: I've knocked out about 75-85% of what's on the roadmap. The rough target for the 1.3.5 update is early November.
Thank you all for your understanding and patience.
About the v1.3.5 update's content
1) Events:

  • 1 event with Rachel -- 100% complete
  • another event with Rachel -- 10% complete
  • 1 event with Roxy + the first appearance of Laura -- 100% complete
  • 1 event with Kim -- 100% complete
  • 1 event with Sara (Sara + Ashley) -- 100% complete
  • 1 additional event with Ashley -- 100% complete
  • 1 additional event with Nikki -- 80% complete
Also, there was this one main event I had planned, but I've decided to chuck it off the list for now. I'm not entirely sure if it's a good fit for this update, and I wanna lighten the workload a bit so I don't push the release too far back.
But who knows, as I get closer to the final stages of development, I might just find some room for that event after all.
2) Renders and animations:
910 renders and 12 animations are ready -- Roughly planned: 1000-1200 renders and 8-10 animations
3) Other things:
  • some bug fixes
Best wishes,
Dream Now


Feb 3, 2023
Here's a post-Covid news update from DreamNow...

View attachment 3017402
[News] Dev's blog #75

Hey there!
- Ended (Ashley, Nikki and Roxy are the winners)
- Ended ("Ashley or Ashley+Sara" and Roxy are the winners)
First and foremost, I want to give a big shout-out to everyone who dropped some comments on the previous news blog. Thanks a bunch for all the well wishes, guys!
And now, the main news: I've returned to work as of yesterday! I'm really happy to be back!
As I mentioned before, COVID-19 was a brand new experience for me. I initially thought it might be similar to a severe cold, but I had no clue it could hit you this hard. I mean, it was one of the roughest weeks of my life. I've never felt so messed up and helpless before.
The good news is, I'm on the mend now and feeling much better. Still dealing with some weird weakness and fatigue lingering around, though. My doc tells me it's the post-COVID syndrome, and it can stick around for a few months. But hey, I'm getting better every day, so I really hope that I'll be fully recovered by the end of the week.
I can't quite crank out the same level of work as before just yet, so I'm not gonna drop any specific release dates for the update right now. My main focus is on that previously mentioned one-week delay, so stay tuned for further updates.
Speaking of the update, here's where we're at: I've knocked out about 75-85% of what's on the roadmap. The rough target for the 1.3.5 update is early November.
Thank you all for your understanding and patience.
About the v1.3.5 update's content
1) Events:

  • 1 event with Rachel -- 100% complete
  • another event with Rachel -- 10% complete
  • 1 event with Roxy + the first appearance of Laura -- 100% complete
  • 1 event with Kim -- 100% complete
  • 1 event with Sara (Sara + Ashley) -- 100% complete
  • 1 additional event with Ashley -- 100% complete
  • 1 additional event with Nikki -- 80% complete
Also, there was this one main event I had planned, but I've decided to chuck it off the list for now. I'm not entirely sure if it's a good fit for this update, and I wanna lighten the workload a bit so I don't push the release too far back.
But who knows, as I get closer to the final stages of development, I might just find some room for that event after all.
2) Renders and animations:
910 renders and 12 animations are ready -- Roughly planned: 1000-1200 renders and 8-10 animations
3) Other things:
  • some bug fixes
Best wishes,
Dream Now
Pls share old aneek peak images
  • Like
Reactions: k1ngSt0n3


Conversation Conqueror
Sep 7, 2022
Here's a post-Covid news update from DreamNow...

View attachment 3017402
[News] Dev's blog #75

Hey there!
- Ended (Ashley, Nikki and Roxy are the winners)
- Ended ("Ashley or Ashley+Sara" and Roxy are the winners)
First and foremost, I want to give a big shout-out to everyone who dropped some comments on the previous news blog. Thanks a bunch for all the well wishes, guys!
And now, the main news: I've returned to work as of yesterday! I'm really happy to be back!
As I mentioned before, COVID-19 was a brand new experience for me. I initially thought it might be similar to a severe cold, but I had no clue it could hit you this hard. I mean, it was one of the roughest weeks of my life. I've never felt so messed up and helpless before.
The good news is, I'm on the mend now and feeling much better. Still dealing with some weird weakness and fatigue lingering around, though. My doc tells me it's the post-COVID syndrome, and it can stick around for a few months. But hey, I'm getting better every day, so I really hope that I'll be fully recovered by the end of the week.
I can't quite crank out the same level of work as before just yet, so I'm not gonna drop any specific release dates for the update right now. My main focus is on that previously mentioned one-week delay, so stay tuned for further updates.
Speaking of the update, here's where we're at: I've knocked out about 75-85% of what's on the roadmap. The rough target for the 1.3.5 update is early November.
Thank you all for your understanding and patience.
About the v1.3.5 update's content
1) Events:

  • 1 event with Rachel -- 100% complete
  • another event with Rachel -- 10% complete
  • 1 event with Roxy + the first appearance of Laura -- 100% complete
  • 1 event with Kim -- 100% complete
  • 1 event with Sara (Sara + Ashley) -- 100% complete
  • 1 additional event with Ashley -- 100% complete
  • 1 additional event with Nikki -- 80% complete
Also, there was this one main event I had planned, but I've decided to chuck it off the list for now. I'm not entirely sure if it's a good fit for this update, and I wanna lighten the workload a bit so I don't push the release too far back.
But who knows, as I get closer to the final stages of development, I might just find some room for that event after all.
2) Renders and animations:
910 renders and 12 animations are ready -- Roughly planned: 1000-1200 renders and 8-10 animations
3) Other things:
  • some bug fixes
Best wishes,
Dream Now
Does this mean the third blue-balling event in a row with Nikki is 80% complete? :ROFLMAO: I kid I kid.... well not really.... but thank you for posting the update!


Active Member
Mar 29, 2023
its like all women have same face structures the only diff is hair
I think with all these freqent questions the Dev needs to make a prequel to this game explaining that they all are products of incest :ROFLMAO:
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2021
Thoughts about November and December -

Hey there!

This is a big news post about how UoP development is shaping up for next two months and what you can expect for the rest of the year.


So, let me start by saying that back in October, I caught COVID. It was a pretty tough experience, probably because it was my first encounter with that disease. But the good news is I'm totally fine now. However, what really matters is that I had to take a break and stay in bed for nearly two weeks because of the illness. As a result, the update will be a bit delayed compared to the original plan. I had initially set it for the end of October, but now it's looking more like the first half of November.

Next up, UoP is about to turn 3 years old at the beginning of November. It's been quite a journey, and I'm sure there's more to come. In one of my previous news posts, I talked about plans to celebrate this milestone with some special events. I also intended to take a short break from development right after I finish with them, lasting until the end of November. But then I got hit with COVID, and you can imagine how that messed up my original plan.

So, to sum up what's happening in November/December:

  1. First and foremost, I'm putting the final touches on the 1.3.5 update. I should have it wrapped up by November 10.
  2. Next, I'm diving into a special anniversary update, consisting of one my event and two events chosen through special polls. I'm aiming to have this update ready at the crossroads of November and December.
  3. After that, I've got one or two more special events in mind, this time in honor of Christmas and New Year's Day. They'll be the final pieces of content for 2023.
  4. To cap off the year, I'm taking a 2-week break at the end of December (which was originally scheduled to take place in November).
  5. Custom renders, wallpapers, and news will continue to roll out as usual. Patrons at the $5+ level will have the chance to vote for the first-anniversary event, and those at the $30+ level can also cast their votes for the second-anniversary event. Details about voting events for Christmas and The New Year will be coming your way later.
I understand that not everyone is into special events (since they're not considered canon) and want to get regular updates ASAP. But honestly, I'd prefer not to dive into development on the 1.4.0 update this year. I've got less than 2 months to pull it off, and I also need to create at least one special event for both the UoP anniversary and Christmas/New Year's. Plus, there are big holidays coming up, and I'd like to enjoy them instead of being glued to my computer, desperately trying to meet an update deadline. Of course, I could start the development of the 1.4.0 update in December and finish it in January, but I don't want to do that because it might get chaotic with the holidays.

On top of all this, I still have a ton of work to do on redesigning the early UoP updates. I need to dedicate at least a week in December to tackle this task; otherwise, I'll never finish the remake. By the way, once it's ready, that version will be published on Steam.

I'm also not ruling out the possibility that during these two months, I might find the time and motivation to start working on the 1.4.0 update.

Ideally, I'd love to pause my Patreon page so that none of my current patrons are charged for subscriptions in November and December. Unfortunately, after switching to charging every month on the subscription date instead of the 1st of every month as it used to be, I can't pause my page without affecting new subscribers' access to paid content. They just can't make a pledge while my page is on pause. It's a Patreon rule that I can't change. Some of UoP fans had significant issues with this last year. So, it makes more sense to me to not pause my page and keep it open for new patrons to subscribe. I mean, if you're a current patron and you're not on board with my plans for the next couple of months, you can simply cancel your subscription and come back later.

Anyways, I'm looking forward to hearing your feedback on all of this. Maybe you have questions, thoughts, or anything else to share. Feel free to drop them in the comments section.

Just in case I might have forgotten to mention something important here, be sure to check out this post in a few days. I'll be adding any new information right at the very beginning of the post.


Best wishes,
Dream Now

Candy Suxx

Active Member
Oct 11, 2019
Thoughts about November and December -
View attachment 3038823

Hey there!

This is a big news post about how UoP development is shaping up for next two months and what you can expect for the rest of the year.


So, let me start by saying that back in October, I caught COVID. It was a pretty tough experience, probably because it was my first encounter with that disease. But the good news is I'm totally fine now. However, what really matters is that I had to take a break and stay in bed for nearly two weeks because of the illness. As a result, the update will be a bit delayed compared to the original plan. I had initially set it for the end of October, but now it's looking more like the first half of November.

Next up, UoP is about to turn 3 years old at the beginning of November. It's been quite a journey, and I'm sure there's more to come. In one of my previous news posts, I talked about plans to celebrate this milestone with some special events. I also intended to take a short break from development right after I finish with them, lasting until the end of November. But then I got hit with COVID, and you can imagine how that messed up my original plan.

So, to sum up what's happening in November/December:

  1. First and foremost, I'm putting the final touches on the 1.3.5 update. I should have it wrapped up by November 10.
  2. Next, I'm diving into a special anniversary update, consisting of one my event and two events chosen through special polls. I'm aiming to have this update ready at the crossroads of November and December.
  3. After that, I've got one or two more special events in mind, this time in honor of Christmas and New Year's Day. They'll be the final pieces of content for 2023.
  4. To cap off the year, I'm taking a 2-week break at the end of December (which was originally scheduled to take place in November).
  5. Custom renders, wallpapers, and news will continue to roll out as usual. Patrons at the $5+ level will have the chance to vote for the first-anniversary event, and those at the $30+ level can also cast their votes for the second-anniversary event. Details about voting events for Christmas and The New Year will be coming your way later.
I understand that not everyone is into special events (since they're not considered canon) and want to get regular updates ASAP. But honestly, I'd prefer not to dive into development on the 1.4.0 update this year. I've got less than 2 months to pull it off, and I also need to create at least one special event for both the UoP anniversary and Christmas/New Year's. Plus, there are big holidays coming up, and I'd like to enjoy them instead of being glued to my computer, desperately trying to meet an update deadline. Of course, I could start the development of the 1.4.0 update in December and finish it in January, but I don't want to do that because it might get chaotic with the holidays.

On top of all this, I still have a ton of work to do on redesigning the early UoP updates. I need to dedicate at least a week in December to tackle this task; otherwise, I'll never finish the remake. By the way, once it's ready, that version will be published on Steam.

I'm also not ruling out the possibility that during these two months, I might find the time and motivation to start working on the 1.4.0 update.

Ideally, I'd love to pause my Patreon page so that none of my current patrons are charged for subscriptions in November and December. Unfortunately, after switching to charging every month on the subscription date instead of the 1st of every month as it used to be, I can't pause my page without affecting new subscribers' access to paid content. They just can't make a pledge while my page is on pause. It's a Patreon rule that I can't change. Some of UoP fans had significant issues with this last year. So, it makes more sense to me to not pause my page and keep it open for new patrons to subscribe. I mean, if you're a current patron and you're not on board with my plans for the next couple of months, you can simply cancel your subscription and come back later.

Anyways, I'm looking forward to hearing your feedback on all of this. Maybe you have questions, thoughts, or anything else to share. Feel free to drop them in the comments section.

Just in case I might have forgotten to mention something important here, be sure to check out this post in a few days. I'll be adding any new information right at the very beginning of the post.


Best wishes,
Dream Now
Talk about work ethics and morals, this dev excels in both. I have seen devs not give a shit about delays and continue to bullshit along with charging every month and then there is Dream Now. I won't mind even if v1.40 arrives next year or dev wants to take a break as he deserves it. Looking forward to the future updates



Sep 17, 2019
Here's the latest Dev's blog post about progress with v1.3.5
[News] Dev's blog #76

Hey there!
- Ended (Ashley, Nikki and Roxy are the winners)
- Ended ("Ashley or Ashley+Sara" and Roxy are the winners)
The Basic version of the update is nearly done. I just have a few small details to wrap up, and then I'll be ready to send it off for testing. The Extended version is set to start development in a couple of days.
I'm aiming to release both versions of the update before November 10th.
About the v1.3.5 update's content
1) Events:

  • 2 events with Rachel -- 100% complete
  • 1 event with Roxy + the first appearance of Laura -- 100% complete
  • 1 event with Kim -- 100% complete
  • 1 event with Sara (Sara + Ashley) -- 100% complete
  • 1 additional event with Ashley -- 100% complete
  • 1 additional event with Nikki -- 100% complete
  • 1 extended scene with Ashley+Sara -- 0% complete
  • 1 extended scene with Roxy -- 0% complete
2) Renders and animations:
  • 1179 renders and 12 animations are ready -- Roughly planned: 1000-1200 renders and 8-10 animations
  • a few renders for now
3) Other things:
  • some bug fixes
Best wishes,
Dream Now
4.30 star(s) 201 Votes