4.20 star(s) 128 Votes


Forum Fanatic
Sep 28, 2018
I've said this before but it's suitable to repeat it. There's what I consider a contact between you, the players, and me, the developer.

I make content. Or I do not make content.
You check out my content. Or you do not.
You support me. Or you do not.

No one's being forced to do anything. If I put out something you like, check it out. If you don't want to check it out, don't. If you want to support my work? Great! If not, that's fine too. Until the next update, my ignore list grows, and if any of you would like to catch me, the best place is on Discord, or even on Twitter. Thank you, those that enjoy the work! <3
Not to pile on. And I'm not going to address any deaths or things like that.

While it's true nobody is forced to do anything, it does look really bad that it took this long for such a tiny update. All while you didn't pause payments and missed quite a few deadlines along the way.

It's not a big leap at all for people to think you lied (again, not talking about deaths) and took payments/donations while not actually doing much if any work.

I mean, you probably made almost as many bonus renders/wallpapers as renders this update has over this past year. So it's not like you don't have time. You just chose to not spend it working on your game.

Nobody forced you to do that. You're basically saying you'll take peoples money, even if you choose to not make any content. Which is just... not very ethical to say the least. Feuding with people on here just makes it look worse. And I know, you do not care.
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Dec 20, 2018
Back in the day this was one of the premiere quality on-going games on this site along with Offcuts - which has been abandoned for like 4 years and still has quadruple the content this dross has.

I enjoyed the game and thought it could be a special thing.
Too bad the smoke blown up CabronBlue's ass got to his head and anyone daring to voice a negative opinion would be mocked, ridiculed and shunned by his snide comment.
Dude basically thought he's tolkien and kojima combined when he barely had his game out door. That alone put me completely off the game but over the years he kept conflicting and arguing with people here telling everyone how much of a 5 dimensional chess he's playing as if he's fucking M.Night Shyamalan when he could've easily spent all that energy to deliver.

To sum it up shortly, instead of walking the walk, he chose to do nothing but talk.

I won't get into any of the excuses he's pulled out about his loved ones but the rest of his family better get life insurance quickly.

Element Zero

Jan 8, 2020
is my game bugged or are there about 20 new renders and about 1 minute of text to read?
I just have a selection on what path you want to take. than you get about 30 seconds to read and thats it?
  • Haha
Reactions: maxvkwong


Devoted Member
Sep 12, 2018
Anyone who deliberately take time to reply something like "I don't care" obviously cares.
If you truly want to prove people wrong, just shut up and work on the next update.
Instead you deliver false promises after false promises, all the while never stop billing your supporter.

Anyways I'll be looking forward to see the next scene in December 2025.
shame on you!!
dont you know that this poor devs soul has lost 3 mothers, 4 fathers, 10 dogs, 12 cats and multiple goldfish, only in the last year??!!!

such great losses have affected him deeply, but he still managed to work and produce the best content for his loyal supporters.

all kudos and more to him...and to his supporters ofc!!


Sep 17, 2020
is my game bugged or are there about 20 new renders and about 1 minute of text to read?
I just have a selection on what path you want to take. than you get about 30 seconds to read and thats it?
Welcome to the shitty world of a CarbonBlue "update"! Chapter 7 will just loop back to the start so he doesn't have to create any new renders but can tell everyone it's a new update! :D


New Member
Jul 9, 2021
Was about to give this game a good rating and look into supporting the dev. Then read the discussions here, especially comments from the Dev. Will check back in a year perhaps. Good luck to Dev and those supporters patient enough to carry on with support.


Aug 22, 2018
don't bother with it, a handful of renders, most likely you won't miss anything important
good, there's not a mega link anyway. why people use these other one's is beyond me, I get nothing but pop ups. never had/have that problem with mega. enjoy and good day
4.20 star(s) 128 Votes