VN - Ren'Py - Unleashed [v0.6.5b] [CarbonBlue]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    A bit of everything actually. Light hearted humor that can get pretty dark, with some drama sprinkled on top. Alongside a bunch of interesting and hot characters, plus a pretty chill MC all things considered. Really looking forward to more updates, definitely a game to watch.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Definitely an up-and-comer. Really high quality renders, the writing is pretty funny (although the characters are a little outlandish) and the UI is well put together. Biggest gripe is the lack of content at the moment, but that just makes me look forward to whats coming.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Really refreshing game. Really looking forward to seeing where this game goes and eagerly awaiting future updates

    World: The MC is a good looking guy, not a generic slob. Girls fall for you "pretty quickly" --- but the immersion isn't completely broken/unrealistic.

    Writing: Great writing and unique personalities for the girls. None of them are generic.

    Visuals: Excellent models/renders. Even some unique use of lighting during a thunderstorm sex scene (spicy).

    Limited sex scenes at the moment [Version 0.4]. What's there is ok - but really not enough to judge at the moment.

    Foreplay/flirting/tension seems good though!.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Digging it so far. The psychologically twisted women are refreshing and frustrating at the same time. Looking forward to future updates. I am sincerely hoping that this project has a 'completed' label in its future because finding out where these crazy ladies end up should be loads of fun.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the game but I'm always upset by how little content there is (At least that I've seen). I can play through it in what feels like an hour. Might be longer. Helps I've played it once.
    Besides waiting for it to develop, no real downside. Not sure how much of a harem route there's going to be. Hopefully a decent one. All routes worth exploring.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    A very nice surprise here. You have the usual house full of women, but the way you get there is ok, no incest here. Graphics are good, story is great.
    A real contender for best game of 2021, if the developer starts updating faster. He´s got my money so no excuses. :devilish:
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Raptus Puellae

    it's hard to judge a game thi early... but! here we got an excelent game with what would seem to be a simple premise.... a yound guy moves in with a family friend's family... we've seen this many times already, or did we?
    the girls are gorgeous and the dialogue witty, and even the bitchy Maeve has a sweet side to her... and no, I'm not talking about her ass... the game is self-aware and in a playfull way breaks tropes... you'll never look at a knife the same way... did I mention Shannon is a cutie and a redhead?
    the renders are superb mixing light and darkness, sounds and silence....
    animations at times look woody, and that's the only fault I think I could find in this game.
    choices, choices choices... those are what matters to me, and here we got choices that while could seem small, change how other characters react to the MC and if a shower talk will result in something more.... if you need another argument to play this.... Angel is what you're looking for
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Man what can I say I really love this one. The renders are good and some are very sexy but what I like to most are the characters. They all have their own personalities and the humor is just there. Would recommend 10/10.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Eight month time for four updates was my first thought when I saw this game, but genre and pictures looked OK so I downloaded it.
    The story is really slow developing with just a small amount of sex and nudity yet. The storytelling and the humor is first class, one of the best I found here until now. I laughed hard and loud for a few times, sometimes the camera position is worth a grin for its own.
    It is really a nice game with funny girl characters I´d like to know in real life, the plot is immersive and believable, I guess the author is older than 35 - at least there are nearly no childish jokes, which is somehow refreshing.
    Because of the slow developing in the past, I´d probably wait for a year to have a look at this game again. I hope CarbonBlue continues his good work so far and don´t abandon it.
    It´s absolutely worth a look even there are nearly no sex scenes so far.

    English is not my first language and I don´t want to look up every word - sorry in advance.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game overall. The writing is fun and the renders are good.
    You get attached to the characters and that's always a good sign.
    Hope it continues this way.

    I also like that the game focus on its main characters. it doesn't try to ass 1000 new characters every episode. There's 4 girls it's enough
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    I thought this game was actually better than it is. But then update 0.4 came.

    It has great character designs, nice jokes, okay dialogues. Renders would be good if not for weird lighting and inconsistent backdrops. Scenes were fine before, and now they're staged as poorly as it gets. Transitions are rough and unpleasant too, nothing even close to how the sex scene at the end of ep3 was (best scene in the whole game, by the way). So yeah, the dev can make truly beautiful content, but most of the time it's nothing special, and, in case of episode4, simply bad and lazy.
    The dialogue quality suffered as well as visuals. The dev still tries to commit to the comedy part and fails, making the jokes feel forced and unnatural. Can't say the humour was perfect before, but sometimes it's just pushed too far.

    I'd give it 2/5 if the whole game was on ep4's level.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is the definition of bland with the only positive thing being the artwork and it is good, all the girls look unique and not over the top, the backrounds are all nice and not many repeated scenes.

    As for the characters, the MC is another one dimensional masochist character who only thinks with his dick, forgiving any transgression or the attitude of anyone and will go along with anything for the chance at sex.
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    There is a standard mother type(desperate for sex and an easy score).
    Two sisters one who hates(but not really) and one who likes you and one has a wild friend.

    Story so far is nothing, really nothing there is no story other than guy moves in with 3 girls and there is another girl hanging around.

    Choices are really 100% meaningless as some wont even let you choose one of the "choices" and the others dont change characters attitudes at all.

    If your a bit of a masochist you might like this game but even then you might want to wait for more content.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    The renders are beautiful the quality is superb, The characters are really pretty, the story is also really good it's alot of fun to read it romance and humor is the best combination, And the animations are really good as well they are really smooth not choppy and laggy like i've seen in other games.
    I Have really high hopes for the game and i HIGHLY recommend it, for me this game has found a spot in my top 3 ★★★★★
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Played too many games and thought that this one will also be just a copy and paste job. This game is a masterpiece so far!

    Not only the renderes are superb, the story really kills it. Was fun to read and hopefully the quality will stay the same.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I rarely give ratings on here but I just gotta give this game one. It may look like every 3dcg game in this website from the pictures but honestly the humor and dialogue really hooked me in this game. Everything is just really smooth and the characters are really interesting. 10/10
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    It is very promising. Girls are not seems too real but they are beautiful. Dialugues are smooth entertaining and funny too. Game has a good atmoshphere. Story is kind of average you are a young man who live with different girls in a house. Choices sometime leads to dead end so development needed but so far so good.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    *Played the 0.3.1 version*
    Not a lot of content for now but I'll keep a watch on this one, has potential.
    Models and renders look good, but the isn't a lot of story for now.
    A lot of choices that for now don't do anything (a couple ones give you more images) they'll probably add stuff later
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Humour, good story, characters with personality, and the renders are not the tipical ones.

    At the moment, few erotic material. Correction. Not few. Just the amount that the story can hold without going to "suspension of disbelieve". Few in comparison with other games. Fine to me.

    Only "but", it´s short. But we can hope this will be mitigated with sucesive updates
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Really high quality stuff. Each character feels like a distinct, separate person, with great dialogue. I find the music in the opening screen and in general also done rather well. Lots of sexy poses in the scenes for the ladies, a lot of effort has gone into that.

    My only criticism would be a few of the night scenes were just a little too dark for me.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    Ok so here i am with the edited version of my previous review,
    As a rule i think every game and every dev deserves the benefit of the doubt which is why my previous review painted picture in a very different color then what it is now, at the start the story showed promise (it still does to certain degree but depends on if the Dev can bring out the potential)
    The time needed for each update may differ between devs depending on certain variables such as (real life problems, the rig they use, their skill , etc) and each of these may have direct influence in the game itself. With that said :
    The renders decreased in quality overtime, the clipping, the background scenery, lighting dropped in quality in a way that is obvious.
    Story which i mentioned might be the best part became a random and erratic i still have high hopes for a come back though but we shall see.
    These are really the two most important aspects we can review a game on (specially a Visual Novel) and although i am hopeful i will also be objective and say that this sharp decline in overall quality is not a good look on the game.