Otherwise, I found myself being annoyed at the click spam in the middle of the spicy scene with the principal. It was entirely distracting and it honestly lessened the event for me. I didnt really enjoy the scene after that came into play. Yea sure, you can always view it in the extras without that interaction but its just not the same feeling as when you actually unlock the scene in the moment.
I really hope it's not present in reward scenes after we romance the girls. Imagine going though all the events and dialog and the DDS, getting to know the character and then finally being rewarded with an intimate scene....only to have to pay attention to some overly distracting moving button that you need to spam click to keep the intimacy going...I'm pretty sure that would kill the whole feeling of reward for anyone playing. If you must have something there, please figure something else out. Right now it demands way too much attention and diverts focus from the action going on.