
Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2019
That's the true reason why this turned into such a mess? For that matter I created a poll, people have voted for the continuation of the remake.
The reason why this turned into such a mess is much more complicated than a single thing you could point out. I follow this game from the very first releases, even though I only engaged in conversations much later about it. To understand where I'm coming from, the context as a whole needs to be seen, so this is going to be another long post.

The original game was kind of an oddball within the adult games flood we currently have, in a good sense. It didn't had any overarching storylines, didn't had the usual protag-antag setup, didn't had some desperately story focused goal that we had progress towards, didn't have overly complexed characterizations but they were all likeable, it was about a young guy fresh out of high school in a small city, full of big busted milfs that he wanted to capture. He had several goals that a young adult would have, loosing his virginity, get experienced, get some financial stability, but in pursuit of that, everything was rather relaxed. The sandbox aspect was never overly grindy, you could progress with it if you put some time into laying some foundations in an almost seemless way, and there was something new week by week. I could easily recommend the game to anyone that wanted some chilling but fun and rewarding experience. In one word, it had a HEART. It was a silly, funny, relaxing game that anyone could get into it regardless of their current mood. I remember having a good laugh rather often while playing it, because even though it was over the top at times, it had a certain charm to it overall.

Then we arrived to the point of the infamous Christmas update. Although in my opinion, it wasn't exactly that where it all started to derail, but with the reintroduction of Alice, namely the second part of it. The first version of that, with how she returned, how we acted during that day, and the story with the wrong book and all, was still within the boundaries of the game as we know it. Then the second part brought the whole clothing store event which was already a bit weird, especially with how it turned out, and Alice kind of became a bipolar person. After that, we hit the Christmas update, and when I started playing with that, I barely recognized the game. You implemented several changes in there, which that you genuinely thought were making the game better, but they weren't, and I'm not only talking about the design changes for Kate and Elena here. What hit me as a surprise there, was some of the personality changes. Katie and Melissa, regressed back to their default personalities, with how reluctant Melissa was about you overall, or how Kate turned into basically an asexual. These changes ignored the progression we managed to get in the game so far, and while this did disappear with the orgy scene, them going back to how it should be, it felt rather alien at that point. Just as how much the sudden characteristic change came to the MC, the guy who was living his life to the fullest, within the circumstances he was able to, but then he started to question every action he took so far and guilt tripped himself for having fun with several women. These were things that either weren't present in the game at all, or we were way past behind those issues, and yet they suddenly resurfaced. I think this was also a big part of why the Christmas update tanked, not only the design changes for the girls.

And now we arrived to this remake versions, which did brought some improvments on technical aspects, mostly the visuals and some new ideas like the wiki, but bleeds from a thousand cuts, both if we're comparing it to the original game, or if we're looking at it as a standalone game. While the new version now has a defined goal, to where it wants to go, it has some characters defined of being allies or enemies, the world had been expanded, and several original characters were expanded upon, the things that made it to have that certain charm were all sacrificed in order to do this. While we knew that the nuns were slutty and kind of a bullies back in the day, we saw flashbacks regarding to that, and we also knew what were their original goals, which helped the MC to break that religious wacko shield that they put around themselves, they weren't really malicious. Yes, they did body shame Kate for her weight, and had a bantering relationship with the MC in the class, but that was it. Now, Sofia is an unlikeable cunt, that tricked you, accused of you being a rapist, got you beaten, bullied you constantly, and turned a nice girl into a slut. This makes her personality straight garbage, and no matter if she found God, Allah, Budha, or every higher being in existence, she can rot in the church for all I care, I don't really want to do anything with her anymore, let alone building a romantic relationship. Then we have Elena, who before the remake, really was the personification of the Tsundere Milf, but now, she's just a dick. It's not only about how she fucks over the MC with the recommendation, also if you don't flip out, she has an inner monologue about how she also percieves Alice, her supposed best friend, a straight failure. This is a character, that was a fan favorite, the design change regarding her body caused a riot, and yet again, for some reason that is beyond me, you decided to screw with her again. Then there's the granny, whom of we only saw one scene in the original, and a reference in here, but there's already a massive difference. In the original game scene, while she did berate Alice to an extent, it was about her being genuinely concerned about her, and that grandson she has. Now, it seems she's just on the Alice hate train for funs and giggles, which already paints her as an unlikeable twat. While as I mentioned before, not every change was for the worse, there's also the expanded dating scenario, which I think looks better so far then the previous one, there were also important story related changes that makes the whole remake rather bitter compared to the previous version.

If we're look at as it's own thing, a standalone game, there are many visible problems, both in game mechanics and in writing all over the place. I have to circle back to Elena here, who is right now a walking-talking hypocrisy. She claims to be a friend, an ally, and a teacher above reproach who's life goal is only to help her students on the one hand, while on the other, she was all too eager to screw over someone who she almost claims to be a son, hiding behind for the whole "my values" reasoning. Normally, this would work fine, but here we're talking about a guy, who's situation is so bad, that would already send many to the brink of suicide, something she knows perfectly well, and yet she pushes him down the rabbit hole even more without any second thought, then she offers "help" and claims to be wanting to help. That's just makes her a complete cunt that you'd never want to interact again in your life. Then there's the family, like Alice, who now is also painted in a rather contradictionary light. On one hand, she's supposed to be this cool, unshakable women that does have her major flaws, on the other, she's being stepped over every possible occasion. The aunt that is already a blatantly unlikeable asshole, who has an influence so big that she even can send the police after you based on false accusations, and it seems like the cousin will also be the same. The game got a theme of "saving the princess from the forces evil", where Alice is the one you need to save ultimately and the aunt and others will try to tackle you every time along the way. This is basically makes the new version something generic that we already saw a gazillion times when it comes to adult games, with all the typical flaws they usually have, being already present in the writing. The MC also became a severly mentally damaged person with some serious PTSD only to create some sort of tension and dramatic effect that is utterly unnecessary. I also don't see any reason why the MC was made into a 150 cm manlet that has a face of a 14 year old while claims to be 20, it only reinforces the feeling of a generic incest vn. I'm not against some of the new characters like Lorelei, but with her came Zack, the typical rich bully rival whom we'll can have an antagonistic relationship, but has a hot mom that we'll tap, so we have to bear with him regardless. The mentor system seems rather unecessary too, while it expands on the world overall, the MC opening his wings by himself would also work just as fine. The minigames are super annoying, the car washing one is buggy, and laggy on a computer that shouldn't have any problems with it. The intro advertises choices having consequences, but so far these choices doesn't serve for any branchings, but to restrict the player from getting certain content. If you decide to flip out against the principal and Elena, which given the MC's situation is most likely how anyone would react normally, you'll get locked out of the Principal mentor content, and even if you basically tell Elena to go fuck herself, she goes all crying which is too little too late, but all is forgiven, because she's a main girl, but in that case, making her pulling that shit was completely unnecessary. I guess the psychologist will be the third mentor, which also seems to be tied to how you act in the principal office, so that's already more than two third of content being blocked, because the Oxford and old man route wasn't equally long either. This comes down for the choices not really presenting to you different outcomes, but enticing you to be a little rollover doormat yes man, as much as it possible, no matter how much you're being stepped on, which is also another generic trope dropped in again. The problem is, that this new version already have severe flaws, even if I only look at it as a standalone game.

In my opinion, the best course of action would be taking those tidbits from the new version that works, mostly the graphical improvments and some of the mechanics, and throw the rest away, instead of just sticking to either to the new or old versions. You could implement some of the characters later onto the old, but that should be in a way that fits the original theme.


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2021
The reason why this turned into such a mess is much more complicated than a single thing you could point out. I follow this game from the very first releases, even though I only engaged in conversations much later about it. To understand where I'm coming from, the context as a whole needs to be seen, so this is going to be another long post.

The original game was kind of an oddball within the adult games flood we currently have, in a good sense. It didn't had any overarching storylines, didn't had the usual protag-antag setup, didn't had some desperately story focused goal that we had progress towards, didn't have overly complexed characterizations but they were all likeable, it was about a young guy fresh out of high school in a small city, full of big busted milfs that he wanted to capture. He had several goals that a young adult would have, loosing his virginity, get experienced, get some financial stability, but in pursuit of that, everything was rather relaxed. The sandbox aspect was never overly grindy, you could progress with it if you put some time into laying some foundations in an almost seemless way, and there was something new week by week. I could easily recommend the game to anyone that wanted some chilling but fun and rewarding experience. In one word, it had a HEART. It was a silly, funny, relaxing game that anyone could get into it regardless of their current mood. I remember having a good laugh rather often while playing it, because even though it was over the top at times, it had a certain charm to it overall.

Then we arrived to the point of the infamous Christmas update. Although in my opinion, it wasn't exactly that where it all started to derail, but with the reintroduction of Alice, namely the second part of it. The first version of that, with how she returned, how we acted during that day, and the story with the wrong book and all, was still within the boundaries of the game as we know it. Then the second part brought the whole clothing store event which was already a bit weird, especially with how it turned out, and Alice kind of became a bipolar person. After that, we hit the Christmas update, and when I started playing with that, I barely recognized the game. You implemented several changes in there, which that you genuinely thought were making the game better, but they weren't, and I'm not only talking about the design changes for Kate and Elena here. What hit me as a surprise there, was some of the personality changes. Katie and Melissa, regressed back to their default personalities, with how reluctant Melissa was about you overall, or how Kate turned into basically an asexual. These changes ignored the progression we managed to get in the game so far, and while this did disappear with the orgy scene, them going back to how it should be, it felt rather alien at that point. Just as how much the sudden characteristic change came to the MC, the guy who was living his life to the fullest, within the circumstances he was able to, but then he started to question every action he took so far and guilt tripped himself for having fun with several women. These were things that either weren't present in the game at all, or we were way past behind those issues, and yet they suddenly resurfaced. I think this was also a big part of why the Christmas update tanked, not only the design changes for the girls.

And now we arrived to this remake versions, which did brought some improvments on technical aspects, mostly the visuals and some new ideas like the wiki, but bleeds from a thousand cuts, both if we're comparing it to the original game, or if we're looking at it as a standalone game. While the new version now has a defined goal, to where it wants to go, it has some characters defined of being allies or enemies, the world had been expanded, and several original characters were expanded upon, the things that made it to have that certain charm were all sacrificed in order to do this. While we knew that the nuns were slutty and kind of a bullies back in the day, we saw flashbacks regarding to that, and we also knew what were their original goals, which helped the MC to break that religious wacko shield that they put around themselves, they weren't really malicious. Yes, they did body shame Kate for her weight, and had a bantering relationship with the MC in the class, but that was it. Now, Sofia is an unlikeable cunt, that tricked you, accused of you being a rapist, got you beaten, bullied you constantly, and turned a nice girl into a slut. This makes her personality straight garbage, and no matter if she found God, Allah, Budha, or every higher being in existence, she can rot in the church for all I care, I don't really want to do anything with her anymore, let alone building a romantic relationship. Then we have Elena, who before the remake, really was the personification of the Tsundere Milf, but now, she's just a dick. It's not only about how she fucks over the MC with the recommendation, also if you don't flip out, she has an inner monologue about how she also percieves Alice, her supposed best friend, a straight failure. This is a character, that was a fan favorite, the design change regarding her body caused a riot, and yet again, for some reason that is beyond me, you decided to screw with her again. Then there's the granny, whom of we only saw one scene in the original, and a reference in here, but there's already a massive difference. In the original game scene, while she did berate Alice to an extent, it was about her being genuinely concerned about her, and that grandson she has. Now, it seems she's just on the Alice hate train for funs and giggles, which already paints her as an unlikeable twat. While as I mentioned before, not every change was for the worse, there's also the expanded dating scenario, which I think looks better so far then the previous one, there were also important story related changes that makes the whole remake rather bitter compared to the previous version.

If we're look at as it's own thing, a standalone game, there are many visible problems, both in game mechanics and in writing all over the place. I have to circle back to Elena here, who is right now a walking-talking hypocrisy. She claims to be a friend, an ally, and a teacher above reproach who's life goal is only to help her students on the one hand, while on the other, she was all too eager to screw over someone who she almost claims to be a son, hiding behind for the whole "my values" reasoning. Normally, this would work fine, but here we're talking about a guy, who's situation is so bad, that would already send many to the brink of suicide, something she knows perfectly well, and yet she pushes him down the rabbit hole even more without any second thought, then she offers "help" and claims to be wanting to help. That's just makes her a complete cunt that you'd never want to interact again in your life. Then there's the family, like Alice, who now is also painted in a rather contradictionary light. On one hand, she's supposed to be this cool, unshakable women that does have her major flaws, on the other, she's being stepped over every possible occasion. The aunt that is already a blatantly unlikeable asshole, who has an influence so big that she even can send the police after you based on false accusations, and it seems like the cousin will also be the same. The game got a theme of "saving the princess from the forces evil", where Alice is the one you need to save ultimately and the aunt and others will try to tackle you every time along the way. This is basically makes the new version something generic that we already saw a gazillion times when it comes to adult games, with all the typical flaws they usually have, being already present in the writing. The MC also became a severly mentally damaged person with some serious PTSD only to create some sort of tension and dramatic effect that is utterly unnecessary. I also don't see any reason why the MC was made into a 150 cm manlet that has a face of a 14 year old while claims to be 20, it only reinforces the feeling of a generic incest vn. I'm not against some of the new characters like Lorelei, but with her came Zack, the typical rich bully rival whom we'll can have an antagonistic relationship, but has a hot mom that we'll tap, so we have to bear with him regardless. The mentor system seems rather unecessary too, while it expands on the world overall, the MC opening his wings by himself would also work just as fine. The minigames are super annoying, the car washing one is buggy, and laggy on a computer that shouldn't have any problems with it. The intro advertises choices having consequences, but so far these choices doesn't serve for any branchings, but to restrict the player from getting certain content. If you decide to flip out against the principal and Elena, which given the MC's situation is most likely how anyone would react normally, you'll get locked out of the Principal mentor content, and even if you basically tell Elena to go fuck herself, she goes all crying which is too little too late, but all is forgiven, because she's a main girl, but in that case, making her pulling that shit was completely unnecessary. I guess the psychologist will be the third mentor, which also seems to be tied to how you act in the principal office, so that's already more than two third of content being blocked, because the Oxford and old man route wasn't equally long either. This comes down for the choices not really presenting to you different outcomes, but enticing you to be a little rollover doormat yes man, as much as it possible, no matter how much you're being stepped on, which is also another generic trope dropped in again. The problem is, that this new version already have severe flaws, even if I only look at it as a standalone game.

In my opinion, the best course of action would be taking those tidbits from the new version that works, mostly the graphical improvments and some of the mechanics, and throw the rest away, instead of just sticking to either to the new or old versions. You could implement some of the characters later onto the old, but that should be in a way that fits the original theme.
The positive side is that you have made a perfect summary of everything that is wrong. The downside? Will Waifston read this? Or care about that? Or change something?


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2021
Let's get Waifston to read this
Honestly, I don't want him to go back to work on the old version. But he made a lot of mistakes in DEMO. I have mixed feelings about this whole situation. Dude, how did things get to this point? The situation seems so fucked up, I don't think Waifston is able to repair all the errors of the Premium Edition, it seems that the project was already born dead.

Deleted member 2366660

The reason why this turned into such a mess is much more complicated than a single thing you could point out. I follow this game from the very first releases, even though I only engaged in conversations much later about it. To understand where I'm coming from, the context as a whole needs to be seen, so this is going to be another long post.

The original game was kind of an oddball within the adult games flood we currently have, in a good sense. It didn't had any overarching storylines, didn't had the usual protag-antag setup, didn't had some desperately story focused goal that we had progress towards, didn't have overly complexed characterizations but they were all likeable, it was about a young guy fresh out of high school in a small city, full of big busted milfs that he wanted to capture. He had several goals that a young adult would have, loosing his virginity, get experienced, get some financial stability, but in pursuit of that, everything was rather relaxed. The sandbox aspect was never overly grindy, you could progress with it if you put some time into laying some foundations in an almost seemless way, and there was something new week by week. I could easily recommend the game to anyone that wanted some chilling but fun and rewarding experience. In one word, it had a HEART. It was a silly, funny, relaxing game that anyone could get into it regardless of their current mood. I remember having a good laugh rather often while playing it, because even though it was over the top at times, it had a certain charm to it overall.

Then we arrived to the point of the infamous Christmas update. Although in my opinion, it wasn't exactly that where it all started to derail, but with the reintroduction of Alice, namely the second part of it. The first version of that, with how she returned, how we acted during that day, and the story with the wrong book and all, was still within the boundaries of the game as we know it. Then the second part brought the whole clothing store event which was already a bit weird, especially with how it turned out, and Alice kind of became a bipolar person. After that, we hit the Christmas update, and when I started playing with that, I barely recognized the game. You implemented several changes in there, which that you genuinely thought were making the game better, but they weren't, and I'm not only talking about the design changes for Kate and Elena here. What hit me as a surprise there, was some of the personality changes. Katie and Melissa, regressed back to their default personalities, with how reluctant Melissa was about you overall, or how Kate turned into basically an asexual. These changes ignored the progression we managed to get in the game so far, and while this did disappear with the orgy scene, them going back to how it should be, it felt rather alien at that point. Just as how much the sudden characteristic change came to the MC, the guy who was living his life to the fullest, within the circumstances he was able to, but then he started to question every action he took so far and guilt tripped himself for having fun with several women. These were things that either weren't present in the game at all, or we were way past behind those issues, and yet they suddenly resurfaced. I think this was also a big part of why the Christmas update tanked, not only the design changes for the girls.

And now we arrived to this remake versions, which did brought some improvments on technical aspects, mostly the visuals and some new ideas like the wiki, but bleeds from a thousand cuts, both if we're comparing it to the original game, or if we're looking at it as a standalone game. While the new version now has a defined goal, to where it wants to go, it has some characters defined of being allies or enemies, the world had been expanded, and several original characters were expanded upon, the things that made it to have that certain charm were all sacrificed in order to do this. While we knew that the nuns were slutty and kind of a bullies back in the day, we saw flashbacks regarding to that, and we also knew what were their original goals, which helped the MC to break that religious wacko shield that they put around themselves, they weren't really malicious. Yes, they did body shame Kate for her weight, and had a bantering relationship with the MC in the class, but that was it. Now, Sofia is an unlikeable cunt, that tricked you, accused of you being a rapist, got you beaten, bullied you constantly, and turned a nice girl into a slut. This makes her personality straight garbage, and no matter if she found God, Allah, Budha, or every higher being in existence, she can rot in the church for all I care, I don't really want to do anything with her anymore, let alone building a romantic relationship. Then we have Elena, who before the remake, really was the personification of the Tsundere Milf, but now, she's just a dick. It's not only about how she fucks over the MC with the recommendation, also if you don't flip out, she has an inner monologue about how she also percieves Alice, her supposed best friend, a straight failure. This is a character, that was a fan favorite, the design change regarding her body caused a riot, and yet again, for some reason that is beyond me, you decided to screw with her again. Then there's the granny, whom of we only saw one scene in the original, and a reference in here, but there's already a massive difference. In the original game scene, while she did berate Alice to an extent, it was about her being genuinely concerned about her, and that grandson she has. Now, it seems she's just on the Alice hate train for funs and giggles, which already paints her as an unlikeable twat. While as I mentioned before, not every change was for the worse, there's also the expanded dating scenario, which I think looks better so far then the previous one, there were also important story related changes that makes the whole remake rather bitter compared to the previous version.

If we're look at as it's own thing, a standalone game, there are many visible problems, both in game mechanics and in writing all over the place. I have to circle back to Elena here, who is right now a walking-talking hypocrisy. She claims to be a friend, an ally, and a teacher above reproach who's life goal is only to help her students on the one hand, while on the other, she was all too eager to screw over someone who she almost claims to be a son, hiding behind for the whole "my values" reasoning. Normally, this would work fine, but here we're talking about a guy, who's situation is so bad, that would already send many to the brink of suicide, something she knows perfectly well, and yet she pushes him down the rabbit hole even more without any second thought, then she offers "help" and claims to be wanting to help. That's just makes her a complete cunt that you'd never want to interact again in your life. Then there's the family, like Alice, who now is also painted in a rather contradictionary light. On one hand, she's supposed to be this cool, unshakable women that does have her major flaws, on the other, she's being stepped over every possible occasion. The aunt that is already a blatantly unlikeable asshole, who has an influence so big that she even can send the police after you based on false accusations, and it seems like the cousin will also be the same. The game got a theme of "saving the princess from the forces evil", where Alice is the one you need to save ultimately and the aunt and others will try to tackle you every time along the way. This is basically makes the new version something generic that we already saw a gazillion times when it comes to adult games, with all the typical flaws they usually have, being already present in the writing. The MC also became a severly mentally damaged person with some serious PTSD only to create some sort of tension and dramatic effect that is utterly unnecessary. I also don't see any reason why the MC was made into a 150 cm manlet that has a face of a 14 year old while claims to be 20, it only reinforces the feeling of a generic incest vn. I'm not against some of the new characters like Lorelei, but with her came Zack, the typical rich bully rival whom we'll can have an antagonistic relationship, but has a hot mom that we'll tap, so we have to bear with him regardless. The mentor system seems rather unecessary too, while it expands on the world overall, the MC opening his wings by himself would also work just as fine. The minigames are super annoying, the car washing one is buggy, and laggy on a computer that shouldn't have any problems with it. The intro advertises choices having consequences, but so far these choices doesn't serve for any branchings, but to restrict the player from getting certain content. If you decide to flip out against the principal and Elena, which given the MC's situation is most likely how anyone would react normally, you'll get locked out of the Principal mentor content, and even if you basically tell Elena to go fuck herself, she goes all crying which is too little too late, but all is forgiven, because she's a main girl, but in that case, making her pulling that shit was completely unnecessary. I guess the psychologist will be the third mentor, which also seems to be tied to how you act in the principal office, so that's already more than two third of content being blocked, because the Oxford and old man route wasn't equally long either. This comes down for the choices not really presenting to you different outcomes, but enticing you to be a little rollover doormat yes man, as much as it possible, no matter how much you're being stepped on, which is also another generic trope dropped in again. The problem is, that this new version already have severe flaws, even if I only look at it as a standalone game.

In my opinion, the best course of action would be taking those tidbits from the new version that works, mostly the graphical improvments and some of the mechanics, and throw the rest away, instead of just sticking to either to the new or old versions. You could implement some of the characters later onto the old, but that should be in a way that fits the original theme.
Situations are overly and artificially dramatized (school wars, the fake date, the aunt being the devil - but she is actually frustrated because of her superficial life), emotions transformed into romanesque commotions (aunt taking her frustration out on your mother in a histrionic fashion, the protagonist tearing his bedroom in a more melodramatic manner), characters' traits are intensified to their extreme resulting in them being archetypal and weirdly irrational... Yes, the story lacks subtility because the author is overthinking it.

Waifston, you are putting too much pressure on yourself and you are taking this game too seriously. It is but a visual novel : a lacklusting way of telling a story in a overcrowded industry with an extremely volatile community. Don't put everything in it as if it was the project of your life. Keep it simple.
Of course you make money out of it but it feels like you want to do more, more and more... going crazy over it with a spin-off and a reboot because of it.

If you want to deepen the story, do it but do not feel compelled to do it.


Jul 24, 2017
For me it's the other way around. I liked the simplicity of the first game. This one just irks me all over. All things were said here, I hate the new MC. I don't like that new structure. I personnally just didn't have any fun.

But at the end of the day, you are better of working on something that interest you. Because you will never be able to please everyone, my own view would've been that you should've finished the first version of the game and the story completely before moving to a "second" game (or even just a remake). You aren't one of the worst dev for sure from all of those games that I've seen here. Yours is still one I regard and am still curious about. But I'll leave this for the moment and come back later and see.

I voted for the Original game in the patreon post. I gave the 0.2 a chance and it failed for me. I like the new scenes, so that's good.


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2021
For me it's the other way around. I liked the simplicity of the first game. This one just irks me all over. All things were said here, I hate the new MC. I don't like that new structure. I personnally just didn't have any fun.

I voted for the Original game in the patreon post. I gave the 0.2 a chance and it failed for me. I like the new scenes, so that's good.
Thanks for voting, any feedback is welcome at these times. How are the results in Patreon's poll?


Jul 24, 2017
Thanks for voting, any feedback is welcome at these times. How are the results in Patreon's poll?
slight advantage for the new premium ( 44 / 51). But again, I want to say this and stress it.

I want Waifston to do the game they want to do. My opinion is in no way the holy grail on this. Because trying to please everyone will just end up affecting you more from an unrealistic expectation. It's like the game says itself : "Each action have consequences". Waifston clearly got a good sense on characters esthetic with the current pool, and as a Dev you are always going to be learning new things that you wished you knew before but you are stuck with those decisions for a good while.


Conversation Conqueror
Sep 22, 2017
Waifston Please just work on what you think it's best. Now if you go back to the old game there will be people that will complain that they liked the premium version better. I get that you want to know people's opinions and you want people to be invested in the game's development, but at this point you're just wasting time with all this indecision. If you don't believe in what your creating then why even keep making the game? Just stick to what you think it's the best direction for the game. You will never be able to please everyone, that is a battle that every dev will always lose.


Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
slight advantage for the new premium ( 44 / 51). But again, I want to say this and stress it.

I want Waifston to do the game they want to do. My opinion is in no way the holy grail on this. Because trying to please everyone will just end up affecting you more from an unrealistic expectation. It's like the game says itself : "Each action have consequences". Waifston clearly got a good sense on characters esthetic with the current pool, and as a Dev you are always going to be learning new things that you wished you knew before but you are stuck with those decisions for a good while.
Yeah, though I also prefer the old version for many reasons, passion of the dev is most important in the end and let us be honest he made those changes since he thought they would make the game better. Not to hurt us as players. :p

It is just a pity that with those changes he cut out the heart of what interested us in in the game in the first place and replaced it with characters and motivations that do not for at least some of us. Possibly making the game more serious in his own eyes, but less compelling in ours and it will not be easy to turn that around again even if the dev would want to since that would entail for sure another rework of the story and characters. With the current setup of the premium that will not really be possible unfortunately. Too many characters already destroyed before game even really started on the altar of drama.
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Conversation Conqueror
Sep 22, 2017
I think if this was the original version people would have liked it, but because we were so far into the story in the other version people are reacting negatively to the remake. I loved the original version and we were about to get to the good stuff with my favorite character (Alice), but I personally think this version is better. The dating system is better and your actions in the game now will actually have consequences.


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2021
Changing the subject a little, why does Scarlett have the same surname as the president? Scarlett Standwell and Amanda William Standwell? Is Alice really adopted or is it Waifston's mistake?
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Norman Knight

Active Member
Jul 6, 2018
I think the dev its asking the same question over and over when the answer that really matter was his own.

"keep working on the reboot or the old version?"

If the passion of the dev its with the new version, then forcing himself to work on the old version will result in the game getting abandoned, if you are not enjoying the work you are making then why bother?

The problem its that dev don't seem to fully read the comments and critics that were made in which the flaws of this version were pointed out, not everyone that makes a critic its hating the dev or his game, why its that so hard to understand I wonder?

The reboot was far from perfect, but there was a potential there, I can only hope that the dev can fully read the comments with an open mind and see where the perceived flaws are.


Jul 11, 2018
Quick feedback:

I do like the idea of keeping working on premium, because now you have the touch with the work, so probably will be easier to get a lot of content faster, and with improved quality as well.

Work on what pleases you better, since you will drag the attention of the type of people who will enjoy your work, so far I liked both versions, voted for premium because of the improvements.

About the story, I enjoyed both so far, the first one dragged more my attention because I enjoy things more simple and to the point, the Premium there's a lot of plot and background, looks like gonna be complex, not that is bad, just not my cup of tea for those type of games, the gameplay overall it's really great, enjoyed the minigames, not being puzzle type I'm grateful already, the sex positions and renders so far are good too no doubt of that, since the first version.

Now the only issue I have:

I can't manage to unlock the last achievement, even maxing the addict status.
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Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
I think if this was the original version people would have liked it, but because we were so far into the story in the other version people are reacting negatively to the remake. I loved the original version and we were about to get to the good stuff with my favorite character (Alice), but I personally think this version is better. The dating system is better and your actions in the game now will actually have consequences.
We will have to agree to disagree, the loss of the loveable characters will for me never be made up with consequence of choices, since I only care about those consequences if I care about the characters in the first place and until now I stopped caring for MC, Sophia, Elena and Alice and none of the new characters made me care either for them. Even Zach's mother would only have a negative reason to want her instead of a positive one, not even talking about the others that I would like to drown at best. :p Edit: The game lost what made it special, its feel and that already started after the introduction of Mom and continued with X-mas special. What we got in place of that is unfortunately what we have seen in dozens of games before.

The new date system and UI could have easily been added to old game, so that is not an endorsement either. :p
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Conversation Conqueror
Sep 22, 2017
We will have to agree to disagree, the loss of the loveable characters will for me never be made up with consequence of choices, since I only care about those consequences if I care about the characters in the first place and until now I stopped caring for MC, Sophia, Elena and Alice and none of the new characters made me care either for them. Even Zach's mother would only have a negative reason to want her instead of a positive one, not even talking about the others that I would like to drown at best. :p

The new date system could have easily been added to old game, so that is not an endorsement either. :p
I guess you're right we will have to agree to disagree. I think the characters are more interesting now, in Alice's case we didn't really know much about her, the mc talks vaguely about her past, but in this game we learn a lot more about her. The mc in the other version didn't have much of a personality, he was just some dude that wanted to get laid. I know people think he is a beta now but at least he feels more like a human being, at least for me. Sophia from what we know from the other game, she didn't really change much, we knew she was a bitch before she was a nun so there isn't any change there. The main complaint with Elena in this version seems to be that she didn't vote for the mc when she knew that he didn't deserve the recommendation and even the mc admits that he didn't deserve it.
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