I do read this thread daily and taking notes. Don't be so prejudiced.
I just hope that you take at least two things away from what you read. That part of the criticism is that the nature of the game changed too much and that is hard to get into for some, which may be hard to change depending on your plans for choices and deeper more meaningful content. This is a separate criticism of the second and is one that is a disconnect between what you wanted and part of the players wanted for and loved in the game before reintroduction of Alice.
Second that there are really some serious problems with the setup of the premium story and characters. I will just keep it to MC/Elena/Alice relation and inherent problem with how it has been setup instead of going down the list, cause then it really gets to negative sounding and basically the same goes for most characters in differing ways.
The thing is MC is meant to have a relation with both and he should deep down like them and be liked by them and same goes for the player for all three of them. MC having been bullied for years though in the setup leading him to missing school, sick and such which may give Elena a superfluous reason to not support him which would be bad enough already considering consequences for MC, while you use a worse one for her even.
Thing is though if MC was anxious/suffering PTSD from one very impacting event in his past that neither Elena or Alice could have helped with or in this case were under even moral and legal obligation to help MC with, that could work. Bullying for years though, with neither of them knowing or doing something about that, makes them not just look bad, it makes them
bad people that seriously failed MC and Elena a failure in her profession let alone as a friend.
If Alice for example after having tried everything else had no other options left, she should have protected her kid by moving away with him as a last option whatever the cost to her. We do not get the idea though she even cared, what a loving mother .... (Now I am not even talking about fact that someone with a gambling addiction is a bad LI unless you like ten thousands of debts and if gamble at wrong places, people that will be very insistent you pay may visit you.

) Making her not know about something like that, that went on for years and made MC cut school regularly and got him anxiety even without the fake charge having happened, well that would be almost worse. She can hug MC as often as she wants and even fuck his brains out, but she would be never be believable as a loving caring mother if that unware of what happened to him, but at best as a horrible and failed Mom.
Both have maybe guilt enough to be tricked/manipulated into a relation with MC cause of that however he looks or is, but guilt is not a very positive reason for a happy long term relationship with a main girl that harems in the end are about.
Now the thing is not every character has to be loveable in game per se, but these are two main LI and one even the Cinderella MC has to save in the story. Why would you as a player even want to save her knowing this, just cause she looks hot and is a milf? or is the mother in the story, she deserves all hell she gets more or less and same for Elena after this setup. Even if MC in game might not feel about them in that way, I as a player do. I will pass on other things I may say about setup MC, these characters or others that also make them either overblown, unsympathetic or even immediately depressing. Now if that was your intention fine, if not well that is up to you,