Pixelated because I don't want to ruin the fun by showing all the sexy parts right on the menu.
1 He is not that small compared to 35+ years old MILFs (And don't look at Elena, she is the tallest of all the girls. Her height is more than 185 cm.)
2 It's not only about the money. The MC has always preferred more mature women. MILFs are his type.
3 He does not only have hope but confidence now. He is far more confident in himself.
4 Well if you don't like her that much, you can completely ignore her. Once the free roam will be added you can cut off any interactions with her. But surely the fact that you hate her is bothering me, there is need tweaks to be done in the story.
5 Sad it didn't interest you.
6 I noted that down.
7 So they have to be instant charismatic? Give them some time, will you? I personally love many of the new characters I created. Sato, rookie police girl. Charlotte, the psychic. And Bonito, an old man with a criminal past.
1. He smaller than the shortest milf in the game so far, so how is he isn't small? He's around 150 cm, a height that you can't really find among guys unless they before their puberty. For a women, that height is much more of the average, but for a 20 year old guy, it isn't. He also has a face and body of a 14 year old, so unless he's got some sort of body issues next to mental ones, it's simply not plausible. But do make a scene when he's on top of one of these women, it will look like a shota one.
2. That's good, but you already set in stone that his goal is to be a leech and to find a sugar mommy in order to break out of his situation.
3. He's more confident, but still has no redeeming features, and the writing also encourages the player not to have any. That was clear from the second update.
4. You can ignore her after you took away the decision to actually write her off (which already negates the so called important decisions slogen), which in her current story, is the most sensible thing to do. If you ever want people to truly accept Elena and not just because you're forcing them to be yes-mans otherwise they get content taken away, that part needs a massive rewrite. Either to be able to refuse to make amends with her in the MC's room, or to change her reasons to fuck over the MC completely.
5. If the MC wouldn't have the mental capacities of a pre-schooler, he wouldn't need the system in the first place. It goes back to him having no redeeming features and being like a kid instead of a young adult ultimately.
6. That's commendable. But did you note down why the majority thinks it isn't good? Because there were many detailed feedbacks about that as well.
7. Honestly, they kinda do, like Bonito is, the only good one of the new character roster that you made. Charismatic people are called as such, because they manage to "charm" you, make you like them from the very first moment you meet or see them.
"I personally love many of the new characters I created." - now this a super important part, because this is why many writers falls flat with their stories rather often. You have to able to take a step back from your own writing and characters, and look at them not only as something as you created, looking at it through your own eyes, but to look at them from a neutral standpoint, see with the eyes of the players, and how they percieve them. You also have to keep in mind that just because you know your own plans regarding the future interactions with them, the players don't. There's numerous developers/writers that fall into this already, and they were suprised why the people don't like these OCs when they do. You mentioned Sato and the rookie police girl, but I hadn't seen a single comment that would bring them up as something good. Why? Because the rookie police girl harasses you from the very first moment you meet, and she instantly falls into that asshole category that is present in the game already with a big number (other policewomen, Scarlet, Zach, etc), and Sato hadn't had a single line or did anything that would warrant any kind of like from the players. Yeah, she wears a mask and silent, but she isn't the stoic type, she just looks like a mute. You mentioned Bonito and his criminal past. The thing is, it isn't why he seems to be charismatic. Someone's former occupation or possible past can make them interesting, but that's it. How they act is will decide if they are going to be likeable or not. He is a prime example for that. That's why there's a general consensous even from those who don't like the new version, like me, that he's one of the good things about the remake.