Since a new page as started I'm going to repost the point of discussion here so people can see it. Also if someone knows how to make a discussion thread can you show me how and/or make one for me? Just know I plan to call my game "Cycle of Life and Sex".
Original post:
This is a post related to my game. I'm going to list some areas I would like to have in my game and you can tell which character you would like to see there. Please list if you want them to be a normal NPC, a character you'd like to fuck regularly, or a boss character that would only have one scene as a reward for beating them if they are female (I know most of you will probably use this to say what male super heroes you'd like to see my character interact with when listing NPCs or male villains you'd want to fight). I'll also list some characters that I know with likely be for certain in said areas (this way you can use my listing as a base to well base your replies on). Just want to do this to see which characters most people would actually like to see so I can pick which ones to actually give scenes and which will be just references and the like. Also please post what you want in a direct reply to this post and feel free to list some other areas as suggestions.
New York: Harley Quinn (Fuckable), Poison Ivy (Fuckable), Old Lady Harley (Fuckable), Big Tony (NPC), Eggy (NPC), Red Tool (NPC), Katana (Fuckable), Mardakko (Boss/Fuckable), Alice Mitchell (Fuckable), Dennis Mitchel (NPC), Harley Sinn (Boss)
Gotham: Batman (NPC), Batwoman (NPC), Tonya Littlefoot (NPC), Catwoman (Fuckable), Scarecrow (Boss), Bianca Steeplechase Joker (Boss)
Metropolis: Superman (NPC), Superboy maybe both Jonathan and Conner but definitely Conner (NPCs), Power Girl (Fuckable), Metallo (Boss), Brainy Barker (Optional Fuckable), Mechanikat (Secret Boss), Delilah (Secret Boss)
Central City (Home of The Flash): Barry Allen and/or Wally West Flash (NPCs)
Star City (Home of Green Arrow): Green Arrow (NPC), Black Canary (Fuckable), Emiko Queen Red Arrow (Fuckable)
D.C. (Location of Time Bureau and Legends of Tomorrow related content, cause not everything will be comics canon just comics related): White Canary (NPC), Eva Sharpe (NPC), Mike the Spike (Boss)
Paris: Double Dare (Boss), Ladybug (Fuckable or NPC), Chat Noir (NPC), Rena Rogue (NPC), Queen Bee/Wasp (NPC/Boss)
Musutafu (mainly just UA Academy e.i. My Hero Academia related): Deku (NPC), All Might (NPC), Minata (NPC), Froppy (Fuckable), Uravity (NPC), the whirlwind loli from One Punch Man will be a secret boss already working on her scene
St. Canard (Home of Darkwing Duck, aka the optional furry area): Darkwing Duck (NPC), Launchpad McQuack (NPC), Daisy Duck (Fuckable), Donald Duck (NPC, maybe appearing in his super hero persona as a temporary party member as well), Morgana Macawbe (NPC for now, fuckable if you want her to be), Megavolt (Boss), Liquidator (Boss), Magica De Spell (Boss), The Mane-iac (Secret Boss)
Deserted Island/Atlantis (obligatory RPG underwater level): Ariel (Fuckable), Ursula (Boss, her scene will be re-use of her UB scene, beating her leads to Atlantis), Aquaman (NPC), Mera (Fuckable), Dolphin (probably fuckable), Angel Jones (Fuckable)
Obligatory RPG Winter level: Crystal (Fuckable), Jingle Belle (Fuckable)
Starfire will show up some where, I promise
God I wrote a lot, maybe this was a stupid post, but I guess it's good to have a post that lists what is planned just to go back to and see what can realistically be done. God I'm weird and stupid.
Reply post with more info on my thought process for making this game:
You see I don't want it so that every female character in the game is someone you can fuck. Not all female bosses should have reward scene, not all NPCs should be fuckable. There are a few set characters that I know won't ever be fuckable, which is why I listed them as just NPCs in my list. No fucking Batwoman, Sasquatch Detective, White Canary, Eva Sharpe, or Uravity. I mean some of these characters are lesbian and some I want to keep within their actual canon. If Uravity is fucking anybody in this game it'll be Deku. And using Delilah as an example for bosses, she's a secret boss I plan to have, she is an alien cat, that looks like a regular cat, do you really want to fuck it?