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Sep 5, 2017
Who could have expected different thing? I mean he's like never released versions in time. Wonders how people still can defend him.
Its not always about defending a dev its about respecting a creative process and understanding that shit happens sometimes. I would rather have a delay than a rushed job. Now I know sometimes we still run into things like that but once again shit happens people make mistakes. Nergal has been pretty solid for the most part, I have been following him for a while now. That being said, I was a patreon for a while but as a personal limitation I never spend more than 15 to 20 bucks on a fap game. So I am not currently donating which may explain my patience.


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2018
The fact that Nergal made a post about how he'll explain the delay later implies to me that whatever the cause of this delay is, it happened very last minute and it had to take priority over working on the build. Something personal happening (family member needs him, sudden need to work overtime on his real job, etc.) is my guess.
The problem with that assumption is that Omikuken (as is his habit) 'trolled' a post on Patreon about 7 hours before Nergal wrote his delay post,

Only here to break your fun : it's not gonnna release on the 31st

So it seems to have been known in the team no later than friday morning (CET time) that 0.1.0 would not be delivered on time. It simply took 7 hours before Nergal wrote the formal delay post.

The circumstances of the why can only be guessed, as the explanation for the delay post also seems delayed here 24hrs later.

Personal takes precedence of course and always should, but given the current sitaution is an almost exact pattern repeat of last year, more than 5 lines saying delay and sometime in the future, could have used some more context.

That this post,

RIP kinda glad I'm not supporting atm no offense.

Is the most liked currently is almost certainly a reflection of people seeing the pattern repeating and having waited it out on the side lines.

Given the developers personal sitaution (which hopefully will resolve favorably) and the history of AZL/UD, it is rather difficult to see how UD can be delivered timely, to say nothing of the Solarian project.

Not saying that to be impolite, but the matter of fact is, that there is a history over 1½ years now of various repeating issues (with amongst other things, taking too many projects on at the same time & reworking the games from scratch just before the goal line instead of finishing them) so it is a bit too generous to ascribe all the bumps/delays to random at this stage.

It is probably a major patience grind for its Patreons at this time.
Hopefully it will resolve to everyones satisfaction eventually.


New Member
May 18, 2017
Look EXACTLY one post above yours and the re-read yours.
Yeeeah and exactly WHEN is that supposted to be released? Ah im sorry in August 20. But then suddenly a new problems arised. Okay if you have problems than delay it for few days and release the game. But he does'nt do this and move release date for almost 2 week. Which actualy means that he does'nt done game at all. And lo and behold he moves it again. I mean he gots 2,500 bucks for MONTHLY fee. You cant say "Life problems" in this case.
Ah fun fuct that last time when he released a version was 17 JUNE. So he got 5000 bucks for doing nothing litteraly. And people still defend it. I undersdand that every Patreon developer doing similar shit but still...Had hopes

Deleted member 690333

Active Member
Jun 18, 2018
you can't have life problems when you're getting money??? what kinda fucking argument is that, did we not learn from robin williams, chester bennington ect. money doesn't solve everything my dude


Jan 30, 2018
Actually i can't believe after nearly 5 months from last update nothing come out , even just a small update . And he planned for doing 2 projects at the same time ? He gotta be kidding me
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Oct 4, 2017
you can't have life problems when you're getting money??? what kinda fucking argument is that, did we not learn from robin williams, chester bennington ect. money doesn't solve everything my dude
Nexus0093 never said you can not have life problems when getting money at all. He is just stating what myself and some others have thought of. Do I believe it... not fully. If he does release it I fully expect the next to be delayed. This is the problem though when you put planned release dates however which from past posts by Nergal is the way he preferred to do it. Now he gets to deal with this. This is why game companies generally refuse to put release dates and go the Cyberpunk style and put "When it's ready!". I could knit pick as well I realize its not the end of the day but he said he would do another post. Still not there to explain himself at the time of this post.

Money solves most problems. You are pretty delusional to think that it does not. Having the basic necessities such as a roof over your head and food are pretty high up there. Plus contrary to what people say money does buy friends, love and companionship. Is it genuine... no but that is in the eye of the beholder. Some people are happy with themselves and that makes it so people do not like them. Paying fixes that. Not everyone values things like you do. Would you rather be alone or have people to talk to by paying them? We already have services that provide that such as Psychiatry to Escorts.

Yes Robin Williams (19 year divorce) and Chester (death of Chris Cornell and his childhood abuse) had issues that they could not move past. Those were traumatic events and are extreme cases. But in this situation Nergal decided to do 2 projects (why he would do it is beyond me that is like taking photos at work and doing it in your spare time your going to go nuts eventually)... He decided to keep UD up and running and accepted money for it unlike Chilly who does it for free and out of the goodness of his heart (I am assuming he does not take Patreon or donations for doing it).

Deleted member 690333

Active Member
Jun 18, 2018
money really doesn't solve most problems in life it gives in to new problems... everything in this world is out to get you man no matter what you do jesus listen to you folks, and how don't you know something bad didn't happen to nergal? if this is the line for you fine drop him but I'll give him a lil more, unlike some "cough" malise and the machine "cough"


Jun 11, 2017
So, it's pretty far from over, right?
I hope not. I really want to see a new MILF character. Looking at Nergal's Art Trello, the Latina or Indian would add more "spice" to the Urban Demons cast. We already have Kimberly for the Asian MILF. Also add couple of events and extend the scenes would be nice as well.


Jun 11, 2017
For Nergal delaying the game again, it's nothing new. But don't bash the guy so much. He has a life aside from making shota porn games. This is a pirate site so almost none of us are paying anything except certain few who support at Patreon and donate links. Calm your tits and wait for the release.

If it does get canceled, then we can go back to our wonderful fp5zone crew to mod the game again. Also there are plenty of new upcoming developers out there.
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Conversation Conqueror
Oct 2, 2017
Why are people acting the game is going to get cancelled/abandoned again? Why do you people always got to assume the worst out of a situation? You really do need more patience guys. Could you please wait like another month before jumping the gun? If you follow the code trello then you would know that stuff is being worked on. And GlassFish works on art for the game on her streams like all the time. Please, just be patient. Life can get the better of you and ruin how you planned to schedule your time. Plus Nergal is working on another game as well and it's reasonable to think that the progress on one can affect the progress of the other. We all know he that outsources the art with Glass and there are likely other things he has to outsource and wait on being given before he can continue to work on the game. Be like me, I'm probably in a position where I need a new update much more than the majority of you do, but I'm still chill (no pun intended) about and have faith in Nergal, GlassFish, and everybody else who works on this officially and their ability to do what they need to do.

TLDR: Wait, stop being assholes, have faith, shit takes time and that sucks but it's okay
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May 16, 2017
Another delay??? Someone pick up that phone because I FUCKING CALLED IT. I stopped funding him after AZL and all throughout it there is ALWAYS a delay. He's milking that patron teat so he doesn't have to actually work as often if at any.


Jun 11, 2017
Another delay??? Someone pick up that phone because I FUCKING CALLED IT. I stopped funding him after AZL and all throughout it there is ALWAYS a delay. He's milking that patron teat so he doesn't have to actually work as often if at any.
Welcome to the video game industry because there will always be delays. Also Nergal already lost most of his revenue after when he went AWOL for half a year. Give the guy a break. Coding a game by yourself is not easy. Making a game in general is not easy.


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2018
Things are what they are. What is cause for some minor censure is that short of living on a pacific island near the date line, that his explanation post is also delayed, having now passed the deadline he set for himself yesterday.

Which is a bit unintended ironic all things considered and does open up for all sorts of speculation, thats rather unavoidable.

As others (there is a team of sorts, or at least was back in 2017, and Omni knew beforehand that 31st would not make it) has an inside track to what is happening, he could have had those post a comment to give a heads up to his patreons, if he is unable himself, but still wants to be the one doing the formal explantion post.


The patreons side of things aside it is probably not the best of signs if he cannot uphold his own explanation deadline, hopefully nothing too serious or at least fixable, RL can be rather mean at times.

But if RL is dependably mean (we all get older and health changes, as well in those around us, family etc) then maybe it is also time for him to factor that in to the entire game making thing, since monthly is clearly not doable anymore or at this time.

So simply writing by-monthly releases and doing small content drops could be a way to communicate and solve it (in a manner of speaking, at least outside emergecy real life things) as then the Patreons know what they are going into and can expect.

The current approach where they are told to expect one thing and then reliably a delay happens is likely not the best approach all things considered.

It certainly creates a lot of tension if nothing else, bit of a bad feedback generator engine which cant be a healthy thing.


New Member
Aug 13, 2017
Well I was really looking forward to this... I really like everything about Urban Demons, the art, the story. C'mon Nergal don't let depression kick you down like that

But anyone can help me to find a game like Urban Demons? There aren't that many games like that, hard to find them


Aug 22, 2018
Why are people acting the game is going to get cancelled/abandoned again? Why do you people always got to assume the worst out of a situation? You really do need more patience guys. Could you please wait like another month before jumping the gun? If you follow the code trello then you would know that stuff is being worked on. And GlassFish works on art for the game on her streams like all the time. Please, just be patient. Life can get the better of you and ruin how you planned to schedule your time. Plus Nergal is working on another game as well and it's reasonable to think that the progress on one can affect the progress of the other. We all know he that outsources the art with Glass and there are likely other things he has to outsource and wait on being given before he can continue to work on the game. Be like me, I'm probably in a position where I need a new update much more than the majority of you do, but I'm still chill (no pun intended) about and have faith in Nergal, GlassFish, and everybody else who works on this officially and their ability to do what they need to do.

TLDR: Wait, stop being assholes, have faith, shit takes time and that sucks but it's okay
On 1 hand i agree with you, but on the other hand absolutely not.
31 August: A follow up post will come tomorrow to better explain the situation.
2 September: Nothing.

Again, i don't expect that a creator releases a build every month or explains things that he is doing.
I understand if other aspects of life take priority.

BUT he keeps on giving out deadlines, that he misses.
He keeps giving out promises that he keeps breaking.
And he can barely handle 1 game, so to work on 2 games on the same time is just another big mistake and Fail.

He just need to STOP with giving out promises and deadlines, just say it's going to be somewhere around Q4 and that's it.

It's because of he keeps breaking and breaking those things my pledge to him went from 40 to 5 in the last year and i am seriously thinking about canceling it altogether right now, and i am 100% sure that i am not the only one.

The people complaining about him(those are paying)have every right to, we are not hurting him in any way the only damage that's being done is from himself.


Active Member
Jun 23, 2017
Well I was really looking forward to this... I really like everything about Urban Demons, the art, the story. C'mon Nergal don't let depression kick you down like that

But anyone can help me to find a game like Urban Demons? There aren't that many games like that, hard to find them
A zombie life,THE NEW LIFE ,Peasants_Quest_


Mar 7, 2017
What happen to just releasing smaller builds to avoid something like this. The better plan could of been just to attempt to release a character build every 3 weeks- to a month.

Last build was in June, to not overwhelm yourself, he could of did a Kaylee build in July, Donna or your sister best friend in August and September, and take a awhile for Nelea because she is connected to the story and he is doing an overhaul for that.

Now he is trying doing a huge build and is going to shoot himself in the foot with his deadlines, doesn't help that his RL stuff is not going the way he plans and is imposing on his work, but he made promises to the people who are supporting him.


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2018
He need to work more in the "what is possible" and less in "what I hope to do in a perfect world".

I can't imagine the strained trust/relations leading to anything good.

On the surface things can look fine, but below it things erode until there is nothing holding things up, sooner or later it is going to break and move real fast when it finally moves.

Keeping info up to date, doing art teasers, keeping strictly to what is possible and not be tempted to detour and thereby keeping schedules, would pretty quickly lead to some successes and a better mood.

It could be argued that it is a bit wasteful and empty feel good show off to do teasers and "small talk" info, but well, thats how the world works too, a bit of community care goes a long way (as long as one does not expect miracles, internet, trolls and all) and people are often happy simply to see things are alive and something is happening towards the common goal.

For example based on the trello it is pretty clear Glashfish is producing, dropping a scetch on patreon, getting the delay deadline (long overdue now) updated, putting out some words about "that even if the code has hit a new wall that the art is there and ready for when the code moves" ... well there is really a lot of ways open if one wants out of "anger country - population you"
4.10 star(s) 54 Votes